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Red Blood : Kaitlyn Legaspi

Red Blood : Kaitlyn LegaspiIn the fifty-two domains, there exists two groups of people: The bound and unbound, those without powers and those with them. Only the unbound can hold the highest positions in the government: The Card Holders.

When her domain’s Card Holder dies, seventeen-year-old Neela Blydes is forced to participate in a tournament to find the unbound most worthy of leading the Queen of Hearts Domain. But the tournament isn’t as glorious as it seems. It herds unique unbound known as Specialists into deadly combat. Winning by default is nonexistent and killing is permitted.

As Neela progresses through the first few rounds, she realizes the tournament is just one of her worries. The burn scar on her left shoulder suddenly flares up at random times, an elite assassin marks her as his next target, and a frightening connection to the murderous rogue organization comes to light. While trying to deal with all these stresses weighing on her shoulders, one more appears in the form of a white-haired man with crimson eyes.

Dangerously familiar crimson eyes.

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The Passion Of Carly: A Hotwife Love Story : John Woods

The Passion Of Carly : John Woods5.0 out of 5 stars Holy Cow! That was HOT!!!
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If you are a fan of erotica, you know erotica comes on many disciplines. This book provides you a ride that soars from the innocence of virgins to the adventures that are much more explicit, and more hedonistic. If you want a story that has more twists and turns than a game of naked twister, this is the book for you. This one is a MUST HAVE for your library.

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I loved this book!!! It was absolutely amazing!! One that you never want to put down or that you want to end!!!! I seriously can’t wait for the next book to come out!!! I hope it will be out soon. With many many more to come………LOVE IT

I love it! I never thought I would like story about woman and few men sex, but the more I read, the more I liked even the idea of group lovemaking. But my favorite chapter was the one, when few gueasts stopped in the hotel and after some time “bought” Carly for doing with her anything they want – and they really did! Also, there were lot of “girl with girl” scenes, which I like too.

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Did not expect much when I began reading it, but must admit that it is one of the best books I’ve read in this genre. I definitely will look out for the sequel and in fact have been trying to locate more books from this writer.

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Rise of the Draman : Alexander Elliott

Rise of the Draman : Alexander ElliottOrphaned as an infant, Croft spent his early years in the harsh confines of the Abbey, dreaming of befriending a dragon. When the day finally came, an accident leaves him utterly changed and bonded to a beast named Rueloo. Facing prejudice and fear, Croft builds a quiet life in the nest among his dragon friends – unaware his unique abilities would soon be needed.

With a powerful foe marching towards their borders, King Augustus appeals to the dragon child for his help. Croft’s example of sacrifice, kindness, and bravery inspires the people of Spiredale to unite and overcome. With the dragons, they forge a powerful alliance and embrace an entwined future neither were expecting.

In this five-story collection, join Croft and Rueloo for a series of adventures filled with intrigue, survival, love, sorrow, and triumph. Their bond is only the beginning…

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Princess Shanyin: The Obsession : Liliana Lee

The Obsession : Liliana LeeA scorching saga of power and desire, inspired by the true story of an imperial princess famous for keeping a harem of thirty male concubines.

Princess Shanyin has a harem of male concubines to serve her every need, but from the moment she sees the handsome Chu Yuan, she has to have him.

At her request, the Emperor gives the aristocrat over to Shanyin for her pleasure, setting off a power play of sensual torment and control between them.

Trapped in Shanyin’s harem for ten days, will the proud Yuan surrender to his own dark desires, or will he turn the tables on the seductive princess?

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Through the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer: A Roadmap to Hope : Beverly Bradley

Through the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer : Beverly BradleyThis book is a roadmap for navigating the unchartered territory after a cancer diagnosis. The author was diagnosed de novo with stage 4, triple-negative breast cancer in 2017.

A few articles concern her own personal experience, but most are educational on all subjects tangent to cancer. For example, there are a series of articles on how to advocate for yourself instead of letting medical providers dictate all the decisions. Other topics deal with how to mentor a cancer patient and what to consider when being a caregiver for one.

The author calls herself a “cancer thriver” and explains how to go from survivor to thriver. Other topics include recent research in nutrition, how to thrive with exercise, and how to thrive in spirit. All medical facts are extensively researched and include footnotes plus a bibliography.

So many decisions are required upon being diagnosed with cancer that one needs to be armed with facts to make the best choices. To learn how someone else managed their care is helpful and offers insights to what possible courses of action are available.

Cancer is life-changing and this book deals with some ways to cope. It covers diverse topics such as “How to Talk to a Cancer Patient,” “How to Let Food be Medicine,” and “How to Handle Chemo-Fog.” There is room to answer reflection questions after each topic.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you will first enjoy this book; then realize you need this book.

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The Blood on your Hands : Lana Hebe

The Blood on your Hands : Lana Hebe“A girl, 18-year-old with brown hair and brown eyes, last seen wearing a jacket and jeans is missing. If anyone has seen her or knows where she is, please call this phone number… A reward is promised.”

A small town, what can happen there?

The missing girl was found dead in the river.

Detective Kevin Ross tries to find the killer, but he discovers more than that.

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Clear Our Names : Cameron Madison

Clear Our Names : Cameron MadisonA young Black man’s father is killed by the police while a white woman is dealing with the trauma of being raped six years ago today.

Colton Vax and Amber Silvers come together on the worst day of their lives. It is discovered that four white women were brutally raped and murdered around the time Colton and Amber first meet. As the two begin their relationship they begin to feel things neither of them thought were possible, until a gruesome betrayal was committed.

Now Colton Vax is a primary suspect in the case of the four white women who were brutally raped and murdered. Now the two must go on the run and prove his innocence by finding out what really happened to those women. Others will help them on their suicide mission to go against powerful people in order to get justice for him and those women.

Will they clear Colton’s name and the names of all those that protected him or will he end up six feet under like his father? Will Amber learn to love and trust after what was done to her or will her anger and resentment prohibit her from falling for the man she was seemingly destined to be with?

Their relationship will be tested, their lives will be under threat, and only they and their small group of friends stand between the police and Colton. In this story of loss, trauma, betrayal, corruption, Sex, and Race, find out if they succeed or fail in my first book, Clear Our Names.

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Adventures With God: Lions, Bears, Headhunters, Robberies and More : Don Roberts

Adventures With God : Don RobertsAfter the declaration of martial law in 1972 by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, the Ilongots, long known for their reputation as headhunters, were faced with grave constraints concerning their practice of headhunting, but before that time, headhunting was a common practice among them, some for ritual; some for verification that a young man was a capable protector; to avenge another’s death, or because of a sense of rage due to deep bereavement at the loss of a loved one; and sometimes just because it was a long-standing tradition.

Below the hill country of the Ilongots, there were lowlanders who knew all too well the terror of being found in the path of Ilongots on a hunt. Walking into a real, live headhunter’s encampment is a fearful thing to do. My heart skipped a beat on several occasions there, and to share a very real-life adventure such as this is truly a blessing. Reminiscing these adventures still amazes me.

Beyond the amazing adventure of being right in the midst of headhunter encampments, there were other adventures such as two robberies at gunpoint, and later a surprise encounter with an African lion just a couple miles from my home, and another encounter with a Mountain Lion seeking to interrupt a hike with friends. And if that’s not enough, being awakened by a grizzly bear in Alaska, hovering over my tent, are all encounters that thrill and at the same time run chills up and down the spine.

Refuting the so-called logic of your atheistic Philosophy professor with the gospel of Jesus Christ, in front of his beaten down class, could be the most thrilling of all. And seeing with eyes that cannot see is a thrill of another kind when you’re up close and personal seeing the miracle of God right before your eyes.

God is not passive and He wants to fill our lives with His greatness. Come and see how amazing He really is in this exciting journey gladly shared for your enjoyment.

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No Man’s Land : Ben Magid

No Man's Land : Ben Magid“My name is Rebel Anne Rae… and I am the last remaining human alive on planet Earth.”

Twenty years from now, the world has been ravaged by environment and global crises, resulting in worsening conditions and a sense of doom for humanity. In an attempt at revitalization, they turn to the help of robots called ‘Mech’. But when the robots determine that Earth’s best chance of survival is the eradication of humanity, people are forced to flee the planet.

And a solitary girl is left behind.

Marooned in a dystopian world, Rebel is forced to survive and avoid detection among androids intent on hunting her down. Her only chance for safety lies with Thomas, a young Mech willing to help reunite her with her people.

Caught between two warring factions, Rebel is forced to decide the fate of the Mech she’s grown to love, or her own people — who want their planet back.


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A New Way of Life : Samy Barnat

A New Way of Life : Samy BarnatThis book is about protecting all of us from the big crises coming. COVID-19 will not be the last big crisis so let’s be prepared this time to avoid suffering.

Let’s start with pandemics: COVID-19 was caused by globalization, because, with so much international travel, especially by planes, infectious diseases can spread fast and far. The next pandemic might be far worse than COVID-19. In the past, without planes, the Black Death killed up to 60% of the population of Europe! That’s hundreds of times more than COVID-19! We could have a new virus similar to the Black Death, but with planes and globalization… This means death for you and your family, have no doubt.

This book explains how you can protect yourself and those you love, and not only from infectious diseases. If you act, YOU WILL PROUDLY BE THE SOLUTION TO THE MANY CRISES our deeply mad and unhealthy civilization is facing:

  • You can be the solution to the cycle of economic crises where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, banks steal from us, and inequality grows greater, while so many don’t even have decent food or healthcare…
  • You can be the solution to the ecological crisis, including climate change! We pollute the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe… Climate change has started to kill hundreds of thousands through heat, flooding, hurricanes, a lack of food and water, which can lead to wars… The worst-case scenario could lead to human extinction, as it did 250 million years ago when 96% of species died because of climate change from volcanoes’ CO2 emissions.
  • You can be the solution to other crises: police violence, overpopulation…
  • You can be the solution to political corruption. Politicians pretend to care about what you think to get elected, but then really only care about what the richest push them to do through lobbying. Also, they almost started a nuclear war without our authorization! We live in a dangerous, false democracy…

There is an alternative system in which you can really be the solution to all these crises: future pandemics like COVID-19, climate change, economic crises… Does it sound impossible? This book proves that it is possible based on referenced science and facts.

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