Memoirs of a Doctor : Dr. Andrew C S Koh
Memoirs of a Doctor is the story of Dr. Andrew C.S. Koh’s faith journey through life from his humble childhood until his retirement in 2020. He comes from a very poor background, from a very small and insignificant town in Malaysia. Although Andrew’s parents were non-Christians, God had sown the seed of the gospel message into his heart as early as primary school, in the chapel service through the story of the prodigal son.
An insightful journey of the life of a doctor, Dr. Andrew C S Koh. This is an easy and interesting book and when someone picks it up to read, he will not put it down until the last page. A true, interesting, and colorful life story of an ordinary person who becomes a cardiologist with the help and guidance of God, who is always planning and guiding his life. The panoramic view of a village boy to a city doctor is interspersed with beautiful poems. A book I find great relief and comfort for the soul, Moon, Ng, Goodreads, 5 stars
From Malaysia to other continents covering a period of almost fifty years, Koh shared his interesting and colorful memoir with us. I am drawn to stories that show how God guides someone through life’s unpredictable struggles and challenges. The narration in this book is easy to read, J R Wu-Wong, Amazon, Bookbub, Goodreads, 5 stars
I am truly fond of the genre of World Literature, memoirs, and biographies. There is so much we can learn. Dr. Koh’s ability to recount his adventures from childhood to the current day is incredible. The book introduced me to visions of cultural life in countries I have not had the opportunity to explore. One scene that surprised me is that of a woman doing her laundry in a river and being swallowed by a crocodile! Elizabeth O Caroll, Amazon and Good Reads, 5 stars
Memoirs of a Doctor is an inspirational and heart-warming book about faithfulness to God. A book that reminds us to stay strong when the days are hard. Dr. Koh reveals moments of his life in a motivational, educational and engaging way. A book that you will keep in the back of your mind. Great and easy read, Valentina, Goodreads, 5 stars
An endearing read about a young boy who grew up poor in a village in Malaysia. Dr. Andrew C S Koh shares with the reader his truthful and insightful journey into the life of a doctor. He writes in an easy, engaging, and interesting manner that will keep the reader engaged. Dr. Koh shares stories about his childhood, education, a career in different towns. He shares his marriage, family, loss of friends, an encounter with paralysis, Pamela Anne Reinert, Amazon, 5 stars
A beautiful life story of Dr.Andrew and his childhood memories. He had many hardships but he overcame all these troubles to become a cardiac doctor. His belief in Christ and his inspiration to testify is very heartwarming. An Inspiring book, Sharmani Jeyaram, Goodreads, 5 stars
Dr. Koh provided glimpses of his life in a short, loveable, and easy-to-read book. I enjoyed his reminiscing about the kind of life he lived in the cities and villages in Malaysia before the arrival of social media. His varied experiences as a government, private, and military physician were a novelty to read as well, Bob, Amazon, 4 stars
I loved reading this book as it took me back to the stories that my grandmother told me of the days when she was growing up. It is hard for some who have grown up with our modern-day computers and gadgets to think of a day when things were slower, harder, and communication even slower. Dr. Koh’s story is a great reminder of where we have come from and to not forget our origins, Rowan Creech, Goodreads., 4 stars
A concise memoir of the doctor’s path from freethinker to Christianity, as well as his feeling of God’s hand of provenance at key junctions in his life!Jan Paessler Amazon, 4 stars
Dr. Andrew C S Koh’s memoir is a beautiful narration of his life story and journey of faith. It is written in simple English and the book is easy to read. You will be encouraged and inspired, as I was, by his stories and his life as a Christian, Steven Heoe, Goodreads, 5 stars
Dr. Koh has portrayed an excellent abstract of his life story defining significant times such as childhood and adolescence, and the times he was touched by the grace of God. It is an interesting book, full of the spices of life, touching, sad, and sweet reminiscences of his past that will stir the heart of any reader. It is extremely well-written with a few sweet little poems here and there. Passionate touches of God in his life give one great inspiration and encouragement to strive on, Carol Chow, Goodreads, 5 stars.
The memoirs are a recollection of memories and episodes that stretches from childhood until retirement. An interesting novel that relates the troubles and tribulations encountered but which were overcome with sheer determination, Chandran, Goodreads, 5 stars.
The story of your life can be summarised in one word AMAZING. I praise and thank God for you and all that you have done to spread the gospel and the precious Word of God. My wife and I remember you and your wife when you were in Taiping for a short while in the 1970s. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, Solomon, Goodreads, 5 stars
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