Become the Person you Fear : Lee Hutchins


Become the Person you Fear : Lee Hutchins

Become the Person you Fear : Lee HutchinsBecome the Person you Fear: Find you amongst everybody else

There are times throughout life when something doesn’t feel right. You can’t seem to put your finger on it, but you know it exists. Have you ever felt this way? You probably have and this is normal as we move on in life. It feels like there is something not quite right about our working, social and personal life and all we want to do is burst out of our skin and do something completely different.

“Becoming the Person you Fear”; is the story for you, and together, we will take a journey that will provide insight, interesting thoughts and lead to plenty of questions about yourself. Finally, at the end of the book, you will write your own personalised self-help book, tailored to your needs.

The world is ours for the taking, however, we sometimes get so caught in our routine that we forget the true meaning of what it is to live. We seem to waste time, even though it is depreciating quicker than ever. What once seemed like the ideal life has now become a never-ending cycle of bills, too much information, working more than having free time and a society that has gone a little crazy. It becomes hard to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and have a good hard look at where we are in life, where we are going and what we want for ourselves.

The goal of this book is to help you to stop and think about what is most important to you in life and steer you to where you want to go and need to be.

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