You are an Amazing Girl : Nadia Ross
Every girl is unique and wonderful and should accept herself with all her strengths and weaknesses. Every girl is special and should chase her own dreams, believe in herself, and be happy. Why is it, however, that many times girls feel uncomfortable and unhappy?
This happens because they often feel insecure, don’t believe in themselves, and have problems relating to others. This can lead to them feeling inadequate, getting anxious, and sometimes even depressed. Self-esteem and relating become even more difficult when bullying occurs.
This book is meant to be, in addition to a fiction and entertainment book, a guide and a source of inspiration to show every girl that she is perfect as she is and that she must believe in her abilities. The dreams and aspirations, which every girl has, are wonderful and it is important to teach her to develop the courage and confidence to allow her to achieve them.
Girls love this book because it helps them to:
- Develop confidence in themselves and their abilities
- Overcoming shyness and anxiety
- Cope better with difficult situations
- Overcoming fears and being brave
- Never give up and do not be discouraged by small failures
- Believe in their dreams
- Understanding the importance of relationships with parents and friends
- Be curious and follow their passions
A simple and engaging writing style suitable for evening reading. Thanks to the length of the stories, it is also perfect for encouraging early readers to read their own book.
It is a perfect gift idea for any occasion, ideal for primary school girls.
10 Inspirational stories for girls about self-esteem, courage, inner strength, and self-love. All the characters in the stories are girls who live and deal with real-life scenes and common situations of children: school, family, friends, and sports. The goal is to allow readers to immerse themselves in the stories and identify with the protagonist to allow them to make reflections based on their personal experiences.
The reading is guided by the narrative voice that accompanies the reader at the beginning and end of each story expressing morals and leading them to make reflections. All the stories convey Values and Life Messages such as believing in oneself and one’s abilities, not being discouraged by failures, accepting oneself as one is, the importance of relationships with parents and friends, and much more.
Take your copy NOW and HELP a girl believe in herself and overcome difficulties! (A Perfect Gift Idea)
You are an Amazing Boy by Nadia Ross is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Prelude to a Hero : Jaime Buckley
“This is the end time, Wendell. It’s a period of our world where all the secrets, powers, knowledge…even evil, will come to its full fruition. This is the point in time all the prophets spoke of and wished they’d been born within. Where the fate of the world will be decided.”
Wendell stood there, jaw open wide.
He blinked.
Then blinked again.
Finally, he closed his mouth and gulped loudly. “You guys are so screwed.”
Nerd. Introvert. Punching bag. Hero?
Wendell is a typical teen–misunderstood, ignored, and bursting with potential no one notices. His biggest dreams are for a decent job, a hot car, and a girlfriend, but he’ll settle for two out of three.
And then the Universe noticed him.
Kidnapped to the other end of the galaxy, Wendell is now expected to take up the mantle of a legendary hero and defeat the world’s greatest enemy…who openly defied the last champion.
Dark Lord Mahan.
Screams and cringing aside, Wendell just might be the hero they never knew they wanted.
Wendell’s story has won laughter and cheers from YA readers in 60 countries since 2005. If you enjoyed Harry Potter, Tiffany Aching, Percy Jackson, or Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, then you’ll love this humorous, original epic fantasy, packed with magic, mystery, and sharp kicks to the funny bone.
Get your own copy and join the adventure!
Chronicles Starter Pack and FUNdamentals of Parenting by Jaime Buckley are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero : Jeffrey J. Keene
I had never given reincarnation much thought, nor had I ever seen a psychic, but both of these elements came together one Halloween night. That one night was to change my outlook on life and my way of thinking forever. That evening started a progression of puzzle pieces floating into place. As each piece gently touched down, it added to a picture, a portrait that reinforced a strong case for reincarnation. My story weaves a tapestry of mystery and history, of love and the horrors of warfare.
The journey was and still is a wondrous one, sometimes funny but at other times sad and physically painful. I force my beliefs on no one. I only ask that the readers open their minds to their own experiences, to take a good look at the world around them. As for me, I have no choice but to believe in reincarnation. I lived the story, and every word is true.
Join me on an amazing journey through the eyes of two people: one a Georgian, the other a Connecticut Yankee. Similarities between the two go far beyond coincidence. They think alike, look alike, and even share facial scars. Their lives are so intertwined that they appear to be one. Half of this equation, Jeffrey J. Keene, a retired Assistant Fire Chief from affluent Westport, Connecticut. The other half, John B. Gordon, Confederate General, Army of Northern Virginia, died January 9, 1904.
I would be led into a 10-year travel odyssey that included the battlefields of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia as well as the library of Congress. Gathering information from official records, wartime reports, and even love letters, I uncovered many parallels between my own life and that of General Gordon. Unexpectedly a trip to the emergency room on my thirtieth birthday with facial pain that mimicked a wound General Gordon received 115 years before at the Battle of Antietam when he was thirty years of age. My hospital visit was more than a decade before I first heard his name.
September 11, 2001, would start a new chapter in my life, literarily. In 2007, I was summoned to an online Reincarnation Forum dedicated to Children’s past lives. I was called in to aid in verifying a child’s information because of my knowledge of Fire Department operations and equipment. In less than a week, from the information given to me by the mother, on and off the forum, I discovered the boy was relating a lifetime of a New York City firefighter who perished in the events of September 11, 2001. After hearing his story, I call the young boy, The Phoenix.
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Don’t Wait, Lead Now : Jim Lord
This book is my attempt to capture some of the most memorable, real-life leadership stories that I’ve heard, learned from others, read about, or personally experienced and benefited from in my own growth as a man, a son, a brother, a husband, a father, and a leader. My intention is to use these stories as a tool for others looking to manage and lead others.
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve used analogies, stories, and anecdotes as a way to help me get my messages across in a more fun and succinct manner. I’ve learned that people tend to relate to information differently, and by that, I mean more effectively when they have perspective; when the information being shared with them is something they can relate to.
As I grew up working countless blue-collar jobs between the ages of twelve and twenty-one, I began to learn how to use this technique as a means to build relationships, establish credibility, and create a personal brand for myself. When I entered the corporate world, I was pleased to find that these skills were easily transferable into the business world.
This book is filled with real-world experiences and lessons you can easily apply to your own situation to help you become a more effective leader, whether in business, family, or life in general.
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The Apocalypse Within: The Inner Meaning of the Revelation : Vincent Justino DiTizio
Imagine the discovery of an ancient Christian manuscript so powerful that just reading it gives you a vision leading to a life of total love.
The Revelation of John is such a book and there’s evidence of early Christians using it as a personal vision.
In my studies, I found that the Early Christians had a Jewish interpretation method called Midrash, meaning “search”. With this, you can use any scripture as a message about the self. You’ve probably seen this used in many sermons. Using this for the Revelation turns all the beasts and destruction into the things within us that keep us from God. These gradually fall away until we enter the City of God. A beautiful vision.
Learning to search the scriptures is a new life. This works well for an important psychological reason. Only part of your brain understands words, the rest responds to imagery and feeling. Words can only move you so much, but add imagery and there’s an explosion of understanding that’s indescribable.
But the imagery in the Revelation had specific meanings in Near Eastern culture not widely known now. This book was written to unlock those ancient meanings and allow you to experience the vision.
I’ve enabled the Look Inside function on Amazon so you can start reading it for free.
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Platinum Rust : Andrew Gniadek
The first encounter James had with his new boss was having his burnt left arm ground off. Now the easy part was over it was time for the real work to begin. Training to recover enhanced soldiers for the government was going to require some special tools.
Platinum Left Arm, check.
Rusty Hand Cannon, check.
Can of Yak Chewing Tobacco, check.
Smart Ass Attitude, double-check.
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Happy Green Muscle : Sebastian Steinemann
Happy Green Muscle: The perfect system to muscle up from skinny beanpole to buff gorilla – with a plant-based diet.
Vegan diet for athletes is subject to a great deal of criticism, often without justification. One prejudice is the lack of nutrients such as quality protein and the consequent inability to build vegan muscles. However, these days an increasing number of success stories and research studies are underway and already submerging.
They show that plant food protein has many powers animal food protein does not.
But contrary to science and proven knowledge, in practical life, many people are insecure. They want to eat green but fear the loss of muscle performance and their lean gains. There are too many alternative facts these days that developed into dangerous half-knowledge. Many think they can only become beefy while eating animal products. Hence, people either stop their plant-based lifestyle to increase muscle growth or do not start with it at all. Their primary reason is lean muscle loss anxiety.
Dr. Steinemann put all experience and knowledge he gained over the years as a scientist and plant-based athlete into this book. Happy Green Muscle provides you with everything you need to gain vegan muscle bigtime. With it, you have the opportunity to muscle in on critical information based on credible sources from the scientific literature.
Brace yourself to experience a mind-blowing paradigm shift.
Like a sauce stock, Happy Green Muscle is distilled down to the eight most essential vegan muscle-building pillars. It gives you the necessary knowledge to build muscle and lose fat and muscle up your everyday life using practical tips and how-tos from each pillar.
Essential topics include:
– plant protein optimization for amount and quality;
– optimized nutrient timing or
– meal prep optimized for anabolic amino acids.
– Discover how so-called antinutrients are unexpectedly pro and how your lean mass benefits from alkaline plant foods.
– Witness how plant-based protein defeats animal-based protein and what you can do to make it your muscle growing superpower.
Do you already have a plant-based diet and want to focus your diet and lifestyle predominantly on lean muscle growth?
Or do you eat a mixed diet and want to eat more plant-based and, at the same time, build more muscles?
You don’t necessarily have to eat purely vegan; the Happy Green Muscle Method is adaptable to your requirements. Even if you live a mixed diet, you can benefit. And you can use the system as an opportunity to make your diet increasingly perfect for plant-based muscle growth.
With this book, men and women alike discover how to use a plant food diet to maximize anabolic potential and muscle hypertrophy.
Additionally, Dr. Steinemann examines relevant factors for optimum muscle growth beyond vegan sports nutrition, like growth triggers and practical training, as well as stress reduction, goal setting theory and regeneration. It is enough material for a completely new life- if you wish.
It’s not about a quick win, but a long success.
Would you like to profit from plant-based muscle building where even your mixed food colleagues are amazed?
Happy Green Muscle provides you with everything you need. It is your down-to-earth eye-opener and best shot to efficiently gain muscle on a plant-based diet.
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Staying Afloat : Judith Marshall
Set in Santa Rosa, California, Staying Afloat chronicles three months in the life of forty-three-year-old Crystal Scott, a devoted stay-at-home wife and mother.
Enveloped in the affection of her family—parents, Max and Elizabeth whose marriage is as sound and sturdy as they are and older sister Brooke, an organic farmer who is resolutely single and would rather give to others than take for herself— Crystal feels safe and contented.
But when her accountant husband, David, gets laid off and shows no sign of seeking re-employment, Crystal is devastated. And when he announces that he wants to become a baker, she’s dumbfounded. But being the dutiful wife, Crystal agrees to help David realize his new dream by finding a job to help with the mounting bills—temporarily.
After a series of disappointing interviews, she lands a position as a travel manager for a small dot-com company run by Jeff Hemstalk, a charismatic entrepreneur. Fearful at first, she leaves the safety of her middle-class home and embarks on a journey that will take her far from her daily routine of carpooling and cupcakes.
Dazzled by $400 business lunches and first-class travel, Crystal is soon swept up in the swirl of the corporate world. As she feels more disconnected from her former life, the sexual vibe between her and her boss becomes her focus. Promising herself she can stop at any time, she jumps into the deep end of adultery. She’s a reasonable person who should be bathed in guilt. But she isn’t.
Staying Afloat is more than a story about a bored former housewife’s dalliance with her boss. It’s an exploration of how sex and love can cause a perfectly sane woman to lose her moral compass, and about the impossibility of escaping one’s destiny.
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Sleepwalk: Live in the dream : Stephen Renwick
Straddling both sides of the foul-line—over-educated psychologist on one side and hyper-competitive, fear-driven obsessive on the other — Stephen Renwick is an eminently qualified therapist. He will not only guide you on how to screw up your life, but more importantly, he will show you why.
His latest gem—SLEEPWALK™—Live in the Dream—provides a detailed roadmap to multi-faceted personal ruin via clear steps, real-world testimony, hot tips, and inspirational quotes. This tome leaves no stone unturned to leave no life unscathed.
Savage in approach, the author’s mock 9-step program is a punchy, dark, and unrelentingly irreverent parody of the self-help genre. Yet, as hysterical as it is pseudo-smart, the humour is entirely at the writer’s expense. At its heart, this is a confessional. That is what makes this assault so touching. Few could be so honest. Fewer could be so funny whilst being so honest.
Whether you are confronting your own demons and seek some perspective or are simply looking for an opportunity to laugh at the mistakes of another, or both, this book is a smart celebration of irony, wit, insight, and humility that will leave the reader feeling better for the experience.
And you can trust Renwick on this; he’s a psychologist.
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Henry Wondered: A Story About Jealousy, Serendipity, And . . . Flamenco! : Hazel Pacheco
From the author of That’s How it Was: Operation Finders Keepers, comes Hazel Pacheco’s first picture book in the “Henry and Friends” series—Henry Wondered.
Somewhere in the bosque, in the open spaces near the Rio Grande, lives a covey of quail . . . In this episode, Henry wonders about many things. In particular, how to impress his first crush! When a handsome roo enters the picture, all seems doomed. Will Federico, a stranger and self-proclaimed talented flamingo dancer, foil Henry’s plan to impress Gloria? Follow Henry as he discovers the wonder of serendipity.
Beautifully illustrated, Henry Wondered presents a delightful, humorous tale that celebrates thoughtfulness and delivers a subtle faith-inspired message that encourages overcoming pride and jealousy.
This read-aloud book is sure to capture the hearts and attention of children 4 to 8 years of age and might even capture the notice of some adult kids as well. Henry Wondered can be enjoyed by bird lovers and those interested in New Mexico’s land of enchantment.
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