Mystic Convergence: Jiorka’s Plight : Charles Addai


Mystic Convergence: Jiorka’s Plight : Charles Addai

Mystic Convergence: Jiorka's Plight : Charles AddaiIn the troubled nation of Africa, one nomadic tribe is enjoying health, wealth, and the bonds of a strong community due in part to their deeply held values of equality among the tribe and respect for the land. But it is also due to the fact that they have been favored by the gods and endowed with superhuman abilities and magical powers. However, brewing tensions between the deities put in jeopardy the lives of the tribe as these gods work to destroy them.

When they need him most, Jiorka, is hurled into a time warp and sent to Haiti at the height of the slave trade. He is stripped of his magical powers and forced into labor. He helps to lead the slaves of the era in revolt not knowing that his tribe is being daily assaulted by the gods. What’s worse, an even greater foe has risen up that only Jiorka can stop. He must capture the spirit of this enemy and trap it in a talisman. Then he must break the talisman into six pieces and spread them throughout the world so this foe can never visit his evils on the world again.

Can Jiorka free the slaves and return to his own space and time to save his tribe and the world?

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