The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant : Lawrence David Niren

The Angel The Lesbians The Magnificent Grant

The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant : Lawrence David Niren

The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant : Lawrence David NirenThe Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant is the 12th novel of the controversial author, Lawrence David Niren, completed at the end of July 2022. It is a story about an angel from the Lord who comes to General Ulysses S. Grant, who President Lincoln made the highest ranking General in the Union, who won the Civil War, freed the slaves, and became a real hero to the people of the United States. And 4 years after President Lincoln was assassinated, the country voted for General Grant to become President. And when General Grant became President, the people were not aware of the fact that he was the only President who not only helped African American’s lives to be better, but he also did wonderful things for Native American Indians, and wiped out the Ku Klux Klan for fifty years, he did everything positive for the Jewish people, and is responsible for making the United States a truly great nation to all the other countries in the world.

But this novel is not just about General-President Grant, who this author is certain was the greatest President of the United States, above even Lincoln and Washington, as the angel of the Lord who was a close friend of Grant, made it possible for Grant to visit with all the Presidents of the nation, past, present, and future, much like the Ghost of Christmas did with the Charles Dickens character Scrooge, in The Christmas Carol. But unlike Scrooge, Grant was a wonderful and spiritual human being, son, brother, friend, husband, father, leader, a man of his word, who was extremely honest, despite the fact that many of the people in his administration and cabinet were not honest, which President Grant felt very badly about, as he trusted them all, much to his regret in his life.

And this novel is a fictional account of the greatest aspects of General-President Grant’s life, where he discovers with the angel of the Lord, which Presidents were great, good, and evil, and he meets two of his granddaughters, both cousins, Julia and Samantha, who are now beautiful lesbians, who are married together, and who the Lord loves and gives missions to, that are compliments to what the Lord gives to His angel and Grant, in helping President Zelenskyy of the Ukraine, defeat the evil and corrupt Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. And Grant meets a Trump, who Grant tells the world that Trump is nothing more than a two-faced corrupt criminalcon man snake oil salesman grifter, who is right up there in the list of the worst nightmares of the Founding Fathers’ fears, and who Grant and the angel and his two lesbian granddaughters hang over an ocean of hungry sharks!

But more than anything, this novel is simply about a great man, General-President Grant, who had a real romance, passion, and love with his wife, along with his love for his children, granddaughters his country, his soldiers who equally loved General Grant, and he loved African Americans, Native American Indians, Jewish people, and all the people in this nation. But above all, Grant loved the Lord, and his angel, and near the end of his life, after he smoked 20 cigars a day and drank a huge amount of whiskey, and was stricken with cancer, he wrote his magnificent1,200 page memoir, the angel of the Lord brought Grant up to heaven, where he was met and loved by many prophets and kings in the Bible. And millions of people came to General-Grant’s funeral, and were so in awe.

Other books by Lawrence David Niren are also on Whizbuzz Books:

The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant
Juvia, Kennedy & the Trial and Confession of Trump
The Lex Talionis of Brett Kavanaugh
The Ecstasy
Compassion I
Compassion II
Light of The Lord’s Lesbian
The Kazandra Appearance
God, the Devil & the Curse of Tippecanoe
The Good & The Evil
Drink From The Furry Cup

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