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Haelend’s Ballad : Ian V. Conrey

Haelend's Ballad : Ian V. Conrey“Some call me Murderer, others call me Lord. I’ve been called Savior and Enslaver. But no one has ever called me Child.”

A young man signs his own death warrant when he joins an already failing militia. A teenage girl is haunted by her childhood abuse and begins to crave the very things she hates. A childless mother finds herself on the run as a convicted murderer. Yet they are all unaware that their own fates are tied to a young orphan who has drowned and come back to life in a foreign land where he will be the death of everyone he meets.

Hælend’s Ballad is a tale about what happens when men and women from two colliding cultures realize they may not be on the right side. Heroes are villains. The persecuted are oppressors. And when rumors begin to spread that the world is dying, the darkness of their own hearts betrays them.


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The Confessional Killings : D.R. Bailey

The Confessional Killings : D.R. BaileyA priest is found shot dead in his confessional in the small sleepy town of Ballysruth just south of Dublin.

Detective Inspector Seamus Gallway is sent to investigate but what he imagines is an easy case, soon becomes anything but. Short on resources, he’s forced to use those at hand from the Ballysruth Garda station.

The case involves the church and soon touches on sensitive matters which some parties appear only too anxious to hide. Seamus is, however, dogged in his persistence and with his motley crew sets about solving the case regardless.

However, things escalate rapidly and take a nasty turn. Suspicion falls upon many including those he becomes close to. A desperate race to find the killer ensues before they kill again.

The first in a series of cases for DI Seamus Gallway, each with exciting twists and unexpected turns coming to dramatic conclusions.


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Vuel: Vuelessa of Centium : Kregt Cadizan

Vuelessa of Centium : Kregt CadizanGo to another planet. Experience VUEL.

Resjed technology has brought Humans across the galaxy, while altering our biology to reduce ageing during the voyage.

On the planet Vul, Humans find themselves treated as primitive beings who must be taught everything from the language to basic cleanliness.

Yet, selected Earth women are trained to become vuelessas, the charismatic influencers of vuelan society. Vuelessas are trained in amorig (sexual response) and taught to use their talent to influence the vuelen (men) who seek to amorig with them. Vuelessas also learn basic telepathy and the use of charisma to influence vuel. Sought-after by vuelen and emulated by vuelas, the vuelessa must be wary of her advice.

Enjoy the experiences described and sent by Earth Humans, Aeia, Ua Exerva, Kregt, Eloe, Era, Renzt, and Loee as they meet Vuelans Dekt, Othaya, Murgad, Talvik and Captain Delmar.

Experience the Resjed orbiting village when Kregt and Eloe are taken there from Vul. On the city in the sky they meet Resjed Commander Gologok and intelligence officer Jennujen. It is decided that Kregt and Eloe will be imbued with alluvial knowledge from physics to biology.
They are amazed, and delight in using the orbiting swimming pool.

When they return to Vul and arrive in the Great Bay where they plan to live, they learn that an armada of corsairs and horde vuelen are sailing from Puerto Lavaka to invade the Great Bay villages. Kregt and Eloe learn quickly that with knowledge comes responsibility as they must create a defense from their alluvial data.

Aeia has already learned that she is vuelan and the advanced Resjed civilization is using Humans for the purpose of creating a viable population with which to meld their DNA. Is she more involved than usual in their experiment?
Vuelessa Era uses her body to stop the killing during a horde raid on a village. She is enslaved until a teamster is enchanted to buy her. When he learns that a vuelessa that becomes a slavuela is cursed, he asks her if that was why no one ever bought her. In her eyes he sees the reason for the existence of vuel itself as she tells him, “you did, lo Renzt.”

Newly trained vuelessa Loee presents herself to a Tesar ranger and reads his instant amor. They amorig passionately but she is soon captured by the most lethal of criminal hordes and shipped to their capital Hold. There she encourages her own use by the horde vuelen and when they cannot sustain their penetrations she becomes known as the Wild Stream. She is put on a Corsair ship where she is amoriged by Captain Delmar on the forecastle to entertain his crew. She makes certain that the crew sees her pleasure with their captain.

Ua Exerva returns to the Pua clan to try to avert a war with the vuelans of the Cadiz. Yes, they are sure she is a god.

Mind control devices are found in the skulls of many influential vuelans. The Resjed intelligence has been thwarted by the artificial intelligence devices that disable themselves when they sense discovery.

The Cart Races as well as a Gang Fight occur in Centium and are described for your enjoyment.

Aeia finds that the wedding kiss is much more involved in vuel. The couple must demonstrate that they can successfully procreate. Aeia uses knowledge transfer from the Resjed that allows her to sense every hormone shift and glandular stimulus in her body so that her amoro will be compelled to perform.

Nikola Tesla, in 1901, wrote: “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
From that core of knowledge come the stories of VUEL.

The 2nd book of the “VUEL” series.

Vuel: Gang Fighters and Vuel: Perception is Everything by Kregt Cadizan are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Journeys: the Archers of Saint Sebastian : Jeanne Roland

Journeys: the Archers of Saint Sebastian : Jeanne RolandA barracks full of beautiful boys. A girl in disguise, living among them.

It’s the 14th century, and 15-year-old Marieke is as obsessed with the archers’ guild of Saint Sebastian as everyone else in Ardennes. Here twelve of the best and most beautiful young Journeyman archers compete every year for a coveted spot on the prince’s bodyguard. But when Marieke is forced to flee to the guild for refuge, there are only two things she really knows about the place. One is that a mysterious accident ended her own father’s chances as a Journey. The other? There are no women allowed inside Saint Sebastian’s.

Disguising herself as a boy to infiltrate the guild means embarking on a dangerous deception. But it may be Marieke’s only chance to find out the truth about her father’s past, and when the charming Journeyman Tristan takes her under his wing as his squire, she’s got to stay – at least long enough to help him find a way to beat his brutal arch-rival and win the competitions. Soon she’s set herself a virtually impossible task: to see Tristan become the next Guardsman, without ever letting him find out she’s a girl – a girl, who loves him.

Part Robin Hood and part Princess Bride, with a pinch of Mulan and a dash of Cyrano de Bergerac in the mix, The Archers of St. Sebastian I: Journeys is a humorous action and adventure saga inspired by late medieval/early Renaissance Belgium and packed with romance, wit, and longbow archery. Perfect for adults who love young adult stories and for older teens looking for an immersive, character-driven read, Journeys is an escape into the past that reads more like romantic historical fantasy than pure historical fiction.

Unrequited love? Ugly heroines who stay ugly? Friendship, coming of age, romance, adventure, and plenty of archery competitions? A unique setting inspired by the glorious city of Bruges, with a richly imagined world set within the walls of a male-only archers’ guild? Journeys: The Archers of Saint Sebastian has it all, so if you’re looking for a great escape, don your disguise and join Marieke as she enters the forbidden world of Saint Sebastian’s, and prepare to fall in love with the Journeys – that is, the twelve best and most beautiful archers in all of Ardennes, the Journeyman archers of St. Sebastian’s.

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You are an Amazing Boy : Nadia Ross

You are an Amazing Boy : Nadia RossFor a wonderful and special boy

Every boy is unique and wonderful and should accept himself with all his strengths and weaknesses. Every boy is special and should chase his own dreams, believe in himself, and be happy.

10 Inspirational stories for boys about self-esteem, courage, inner strength, and self-love. All the characters in the stories are boys who live and deal with real-life scenes and common situations of children: school, family, friends, and sports.

The goal is to allow the reader to immerse themselves in the stories and identify with the protagonist to allow them to make reflections based on their personal experiences.

A perfect gift for Kids!

You are an Amazing Girl by Nadia Ross is also on Whizbuzz Books.


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Mystic Convergence: Jiorka’s Plight : Charles Addai

Mystic Convergence: Jiorka's Plight : Charles AddaiIn the troubled nation of Africa, one nomadic tribe is enjoying health, wealth, and the bonds of a strong community due in part to their deeply held values of equality among the tribe and respect for the land. But it is also due to the fact that they have been favored by the gods and endowed with superhuman abilities and magical powers. However, brewing tensions between the deities put in jeopardy the lives of the tribe as these gods work to destroy them.

When they need him most, Jiorka, is hurled into a time warp and sent to Haiti at the height of the slave trade. He is stripped of his magical powers and forced into labor. He helps to lead the slaves of the era in revolt not knowing that his tribe is being daily assaulted by the gods. What’s worse, an even greater foe has risen up that only Jiorka can stop. He must capture the spirit of this enemy and trap it in a talisman. Then he must break the talisman into six pieces and spread them throughout the world so this foe can never visit his evils on the world again.

Can Jiorka free the slaves and return to his own space and time to save his tribe and the world?

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The Amazing Power of Dog Therapy : Barbara Maria Vokatis

The Amazing Power of Dog Therapy : Barbara Maria VokatisThis book will inspire everyone who would love to see friendlier and less stressful learning and working environments. It describes dog therapy visits I made together with my therapy dog in educational settings between 2018 and 2021 and what impact these visits had on children and teachers. I also included teachers’ voices.

If you have a dog, this book might inspire you to certify your dog as a therapy dog.

If you would like to become a therapy dog handler, this book will give you an insight into what’s involved in such visits.

If you are an educator or principal, this book will encourage you to invite more therapy dogs to your school and classrooms.

If you are a parent or guardian, this book will inspire you to advocate for the presence of therapy dogs in your child’s school.

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Bearsy and Buddies Bake Cookies : Faez Morad

Bearsy and Buddies Bake Cookies : Faez MoradBearsy is a happy-go-lucky bear who lives in the Beegly forest. He likes hanging out with his best buddies, Sulleo the lion and Koliya the koala. They are always looking to have fun. Sometimes, problems arise while having fun. Bearsy and his buddies know they can tackle any problem together.

In this story, Bearsy and his buddies are craving cookies and decide to bake their own. Sounds like a good plan, right? While baking cookies is straightforward, waiting for them to bake can be challenging for the impatient type. Will a buddy’s impatience turn this fun activity into a disaster of Cookiezilla proportions?

Join the buddies in a funny, light-hearted, and thoughtful story of how friends are there to support each other when one of them is having a tough time.

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Shared Sorrows : Vincent Panettiere

Shared Sorrows : Vincent PanettiereFrank DioGuardia, a New Jersey college professor, always feared the onset of autumn.

A chill in the air and rainy skies took him back to the day his father died decades ago. It was a memory that each year caused Frank to start counting the days until he reached the milestone of having spent more time on earth than his dad.

This year would be different, bringing about the realization that after thirty years of marriage and three children he had been inhabiting the earth for all the wrong reasons.

This revelation came to Frank after he committed a violent act on a stranger during New York’s Columbus Day parade. It also brought into his life Dr. Laurie McDevitt, the emergency room physician who had treated his injuries after the incident. When she revealed that her father died on the same night as his those many years before, Frank had a comrade in grief.

Will their shared sorrows be enough to survive the media frenzy that follows?

Shared Sorrows—a story of love and redemption.

A Woman To Blame and These Thy Gifts by Vincent Panettiere are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Assassin’s Mace: Origin : Robert Albers

Assassin's Mace: Origin : Robert AlbersThe world was not prepared for the changes that would come when a deadly virus spread and affected every aspect of life as it was known.

As the virus ravaged the world and governments cracked down on their citizenry, social and political unrest created chaos.

We’ve all been living through it and it still continues today. Where did the virus come from and how did it spread so quickly?

Zhao, a Chinese industrialist of immense influence and power, was a patriot and had struggled for years to find a way to elevate China to its rightful place in the world order. During his years of research and planning, he had come across the ancient Chinese concept of the Assassin’s Mace and used it as his inspiration.

With this wisdom, and the vast resources at his disposal, he created a plan to destabilize the West and elevate China to become the only true world superpower, but even with years of careful and painstaking planning, would his plan be successful?

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