Fear Me Now : Christopher Williams
Set during the black conscious era of the early 90’s, in historic West End, Atlanta, the story depicts a Morehouse College student’s struggle with the painful reflections of the racism he’s faced in his youth, the daily challenges of manhood, and a new sense of enlightenment, power, and divine destiny.
Fear Me Now: The War Annex, The Devil’s Eclipse and The Bounty: A Poet on the Run by Christopher Williams are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Salvage Rights : Rain Stickland
Mackenzie and her daughter, Cameron, have spent two years unintentionally building a legitimate community with friends and neighbours who survived the catastrophic collapse of the power grids.
Not all survivors are interested in keeping things civilized, however. Minor troubles turn into serious danger for everyone on the farm, when they find themselves dealing with outside forces they don’t yet understand, and Mac is haunted by a past she’s tried to forget.
Tipping Point by Rain Stickland is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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A Diamond in the Rough : Jewel Ryu
“From this day on, let everything be fiction.” With these words, an aspiring scientist is swept away onto the Periodic Table. In a fantasy land where chemicals are people, she finds her place as the element Carbon.
Settling down as a circus magician, she enlightens the crowd with traffic lights and vanishing valentines. She encounters a queer cast of characters and Litmus, a pH indicating chameleon. Yet all is not well in the kingdom of chemicals; Oxygen, the electron thief, burns and corrodes any metal he pleases. Following the mysterious disappearance of Gold, Carbon sets upon a quest to capture the thief.
Upon encountering two strangers and a band of fire-eating devils, she finds herself caught up in a contract with the thief. In return for his life, she agrees to accompany him on the search for the alchemist. Arriving at a castle of caves, they travel through a cloud chamber, a forest of rust monsters, a haunted inn, a labyrinth, and a rainbow lake. Their journey extends to a cosmos unbeknownst to humankind, ensuing several cryptic messages. In the end, the worst lie reveals an incredible amount of truth.
At the far west, the Alkali Desert is home to the most reactive of metals. In a land where water is a taboo, a draconian potion, tensions are high at the news of a rising storm. Eastward, the Halogens prepare for battle against a band of islanders, metals, and nonmetals.
Between a collection of spellbinding puzzles and color-changing reactions, Carbon comes to question everything she had known. Tangled up in the middle of a war, she and her friends must devise chemical schemes to stop the world from falling apart. They soon discover they are in far more jeopardy than they could have ever imagined.
Want to impress your friends with some scientific knowledge? A flip of the page is all it will take to acquire the greatest insight, delivered in surprisingly simple language. The story will walk readers of any age through the enchanting world of chemical reactions.
Bringing personification to the highest degree, the saga casts a new light upon drab materials of the lab shelf. From the ground to stars, galaxies, and universes, the novel will carry those daring enough up into different dimensions. With a unique twist of the plot, readers will encounter a lifetime’s worth riddles yet to be solved.
Through an adventure rife with humor, action, and a bit of dark mystery, the series brings light to a crisscross of genres. This crazy-quilt sequence of events will captivate fans of crime and detective novels. Sprinkled with jokes, quips, and bonds, it offers a pleasant escapade into a romantic comedy. The series is a laboratory by itself, proving possible a bizarre, splendid, unlikely fusion between fiction and nonfiction. Those with a taste for the unusual will be fascinated by this tale of dragons and knights presented at the molecular level.
A spectacular tale of friendship and courage, A Diamond in the Rough is peppered with art, poetry, and enigmas. ‘The Elements’ introduces readers to a new era of magic – magic opposed to the fairytales saying, the witch mixed the herbs, the fairies happened to make a mistake. The stirring stick being a little wand of its own, characters come up with bombs worth Zeus’s thunderbolt, poisonous drinks, and even potions of emotion.
Bringing life to the rigid realm of numbers, the plotline revolves around struggles for power and romance, as a striking parallel to human society. It brings attention to not only chemistry, but a realm of lucid dreams, geometry, and artificial intelligence.
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Coffee Shop Girl : Chris Waddington
From a Rocky Balboa quote to ejaculation in two paragraphs and that’s just the first page! Written from the man’s perspective, Coffee Shop Girl is not your everyday romance novel.
It portrays the hedonistic wonder one feels when falling in love alongside the agony associated with finding it in a hopeless place as aspiring author Ben finds himself captivated with the beautiful but married Alessia.
It delves into the romantic pasts of its two main characters to explain what has bought them to this emotional juncture in their lives. Engaging, entertaining, and punctuated with comedy, Coffee Shop Girl will enthrall you from the outset. Get ready to fall in love with falling in love again.
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Not Today, Fred : Brandon Helms
A new romantic comedy with a psychological twist that blends literary humor about overcoming depression with practical advice on how to build yourself up with the help of others.
James Wright has a perfect job, a loving sister, and a caring best friend. Still, he’s unable to shake the cloud of despair–Fred, he’s named it–following him day in, day out. When Fred isn’t causing James to fantasize about committing suicide, James settles for daydreams about his beautiful coworker, Alexis.
One day, James musters up the courage to ask Alexis out, and his life starts to change drastically. Soon, Fred no longer has its hold on James. Yet loving someone with emotional baggage isn’t an easy road, and James finds out Alexis herself isn’t without her own afflictions.
Not Today, Fred offers readers the chance to put themselves in James’s shoes to learn about self-discovery through positive relationships.
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The Whistleblower : Shenandoah Titus
In this groundbreaking book written by one of the nation’s foremost authorities on workplace bullying, harassment, and retaliation, Attorney Shenandoah Titus shares unparalleled insights and subject-matter expertise.
This book is written for you! If you or a loved one have ever been, or have concerns about, being bullied, harassed, or retaliated against at work – whether the public or private sector – then you will benefit from reading this book! If you have friends or colleagues who have experienced workplace abuse – whether a whistleblower in the traditional sense or not – give them the opportunity to experience this book.
Sadly, harassment, bullying, and retaliation also occur within the school setting, including higher education. Therefore, if you are a parent of a student, or have any affiliation with educational institutions, you will benefit from this book.
The more enlightened you are about bullying, harassment and retaliation – as a parent, teacher, student, administrator, faculty member, government or private sector employee (including senior management), the better prepared you will be to render help when called upon.
Unlike books written “about” whistleblowing, often derived from studies or interviews with whistleblowers, The Whistleblower: Defeating Bullies, Harassers & Management Gang Retaliation, is unique in that this is one of the rare books written BY a whistleblower.
In this book, Attorney Titus shares his experience as the first-ever Anti-Harassment Program Manager for the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), from which he resigned on April 13, 2018, prior to settling his whistleblower retaliation action against DHS on July 27, 2018.
This is not an autobiography, nor is this an angry, ranting “tell-all” book to be sensationalized by the media. Rather, this book is about truth and transparency.
Behind its shiny public relations image – bullying, harassment, and management retaliation were allowed to occur at DHS without meaningful accountability. Attorney Titus boldly confronted the system and prevailed.
This book is also about offering a few pearls of wisdom – and hope – to whistleblowers and survivors of workplace bullying and harassment across the country, and indeed the world – both in the public and private sector. Hope is a powerful ally, without which there can be no substantive change.
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Ranikhet Express: The Love Track : Piyush Baindara
Ranikhet Express is as young as first love, unaware smiling through the “woo-wooing” of the night train to the Pantnagar.
Little aware of his destiny, Palash boards the train of his life and makes the way to Pantnagar in 2004 when his to-be “beloved” Jigna meets him at a place far from his roots.
The early morning arrives with a mist of uncertainty, though they get along more while still being so far, only to be supported by those who may never meet them again.
The story moves on to friends, relatives, and a few strangers and then makes Palash and Jigna play their life-changing game. Like a tree that has to let go of comfort, Jigna and Palash embrace the unknown. They stand not only for each other but also for their love.
Ranikhet Express is a love song, which also carries the pain and equal bounty of uncertainty. It will surely resonate with your own journey when Jigna comes to Palash for forever.
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The Very First Bible : A.W. Mitchell
After 2,000 years of political editing, additions, deletions, theological focus groups and sloppy translations, the modern bible has more in common with modern art than it does with the very first Christian bible as it was originally transcribed.
Now you can read the original gospel and scriptures in their pure unadulterated form as they were after being gathered by Marcion of Sinope in 144 A.D. But it’s what’s not in The Very First Bible that will surprise you – did you know it didn’t contain the Old Testament or stories of its god?
The Marcionite Church, which at one point had millions of adherents and was larger than the Catholic Church, was founded on The Very First Bible and the belief that the Old Testament was incompatible with the teachings of Christ.
This special first edition includes illustrations along with a Study and Reference Guide where you’ll learn about the key people and events surrounding The Very First Bible and the Marcionite Church – and the suppression of both for 2,000 years.
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A Journey Through the Seeker’s Realm : Dustin S Garton
This book provides a new, yet absolutely and uniquely ancient, way to begin your spiritual life. Starting with easy lessons and stripped-down concepts to teach you a gratifying spiritual practice without becoming bogged down by heavy theological arguments or difficult dogmatic concepts. Master Garton does away with distractions and overly obtuse arguments to get directly to the heart of the matter: how can you live a spiritual life in a material world?
This is spirituality made simple for the beginner who needs to know how to start the journey. This is about helping YOU to follow your own path by learning to understand the road. You will learn a simple code of beliefs and simple rituals to help you find that spiritual core you can feel inside. No condescension or judgment, just a simple guide to help you find your way.
Sacred Union is about learning to know yourself and your personal relationship with the Gods, not distant deities who haven’t spoken in thousands of years. This is a book about YOU and how YOU can find a direct path. We remove the jargon and the haughty language and give it to you straight. This is not about someone else’s concept of God, this about YOUR understanding and your path.
A Journey Through the Seeker’s Realm is your starter pack for spiritual growth, with so much more to come!
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Lessons From My Mother’s Life : Tam May
It was the 1950s. The war was over and women could go back to being happy housewives. But did they really want to?
Women should have been contented to live a “Leave it to Beaver” life in the mid-20th century. They should have been fulfilled. Women’s magazines told them so. Advertisers told them so. Doctors and psychologists told them so. Some were. But some weren’t.
In the 1950s, women were sold a bill of goods about who they were and who they should be as women. Some bought it. But some didn’t.
These five stories are about the women who didn’t.
A teenage bride sees her future mirrored in Circe’s twisted face. A woman’s tragic life serves as a warning about the dangers of too much maternal devotion. And the lives of two women intersect during two birthday parties, changing both of them. These and other moving tales of strength, discovery, and hope are about our mothers and grandmothers and the lessons their lives have to teach us.
False Fathers by Tam May is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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