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My Ghost Diaries : Gigi N.

My Ghost Diaries : Gigi N.This is the journey of a young ‘gifted’ man, Giovanni Namont, who found himself chained to a ghost friend named Ted. They both have to help other people who desire to talk, just one more time, to their late loved ones. But this isn’t the career of their choice, it’s a consequence of the immoral deeds they did in the past.

As an occupational hazard, they face peril from time to time, as they do in this chapter in the form of an evil sorceress, Maria, and her son, Sebastian.

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Jax, Sheba and Velo Make Lunch : Chris Lewis

Jax, Sheba and Velo Make Lunch : Chris LewisJax the robot, Sheba the cat, and Velo the dinosaur are preparing lunch for Velo’s aunty. However, they discover some ingredients are missing! Unless these three friends work something out, there may be no lunch at all!

This story explores how to work as a team and that, sometimes, you have to deal with the unexpected. Jax, Sheba, and Velo Make Lunch tells the story of how these three friends work together when unexpected things happen.

This short, beautifully illustrated story is designed for ages two to six.

A fun tale to read alone or with others.

Agile Confusion: A Quick Understanding of the Basics and Application by Chris Lewis is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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City Dweller: A Lifetime Living And Working In St. Louis : Patrick J. Kleaver

City Dweller : Patrick J. KleaverIn this sequel to his prior book Growing up in Old North St. Louis, Patrick J. Kleaver totally updates and expands his City Dweller: A Lifetime Living and Working in St. Louis that was originally published in 2013.

He continues the deeply personal account of his and his parents’ lives and explores other neighborhoods in the city of St. Louis, Missouri in which he and they lived, the Catholic churches they attended, and his day-to-day life, with a special look at the economy, music and TV shows of the 1970s and 1980s.

He details what it was like to work for an increasingly shrinking Federal Government agency and one that kept growing by leaps and bounds. He delves into the history of long-gone areas such as the Mill Creek Valley, Laclede Town and Lucas Place and totally redone neighborhoods such as Columbus Square.

Sharing the history of various Catholic churches, some long forgotten and others totally revitalized, he includes rarely seen photographs of the interiors and exteriors of those that were closed. Photographs of houses and other buildings that have been torn down are also included as well as a detailed glimpse of what the downtown St. Louis shopping area had been and is now. Several long-forgotten cemeteries that existed in or near downtown and the city’s Central West End wrap up this fascinating look at St. Louis.

Growing up in Old North St. Louis by Patrick J. Kleaver is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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A Bullet for the Angel : Don Santina

A Bullet for the Angel : Don SantinaA Bullet for the Angel is a noir mystery set in 1959 San Francisco during the twilight of the Beat Generation in North Beach and the dawn of gentrification in the Fillmore.

Mike Brennan, an unscrupulous homicide inspector, accuses John Maletesta’s daughter Tal of the murder of a popular Beatnik poet. Maletesta, an English professor who lost his arm in WWII, needs to clear his daughter. How? The president of the college suggests he use the methods of his literary hero, Dashielle Hammet.

Maletesta must also resolve his relationship with his Black girlfriend Cayenne whose brother was shot down in the Filllmore on the following night. Is there a connection between the murders?

An impetuous detective, Maletesta plunges through an urban tangle of pool halls, wrestling matches, and suspicious real estate deals in search of answers. His unlikely helpers include a Black private investigator, a North Beach waitress and his shady uncle.

More murders occur and as they close in on the mastermind behind them, Maletesta and Tal find themselves to be targets of the killers!

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Chornobyl : MWT Publishing

Chornobyl : MWT Publishing35 years ago, one of the worst nuclear disasters in the history of humanity took place – an explosion at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. This accident forever changed the way people think about nuclear energy. At that time, nuclear power was considered the only and safest way to provide humanity with sufficient energy. But the accident threat at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant forced humanity to reconsider priorities and realize the degree of danger.

Chornobyl. The name of this old Ukrainian town has forever become associated with the danger of radioactive contamination. However, the region around the station, which is now called the Chornobyl Zone, is a beautiful forest land in northern Ukraine. ChOrnobyl. It is O, not E. Writing “Chernobyl” is a warped spelling from the Russian language. But this is a Ukrainian town. And therefore the correct spelling is “Chornobyl”.

Translated from the ancient Ukrainian language, Chornobyl is a Bitter Wormwood. Many people see this as an ominous omen from ancient times. But unfortunately, the precursors of a catastrophe were formed only in the second half of the twentieth century, and this was a tragic sum of human factors that could have been avoided until the last moment. And that is why every person on this planet should be aware of their responsibility to nature and strive to create, not destroy.

This photo magazine is a special edition of a travel magazine dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the accident. Photos and drawings will show you the life of the Chornobyl zone before the accident, how the nuclear power plant was built, the difficult days of the accident and liquidation, as well as how the Chornobyl zone lives now. Join our walk through one of the most abandoned places on our planet.

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The Light Through the Pouring Rain : James Ruvalcaba

The Light Through the Pouring Rain : James RuvalcabaA remarkable love story that pulls on your heartstrings and leaves you inspired.

A page-turner that gives a first-hand look into the lives of a young couple madly in love and eager to start their lives together, only to have it all halted by a cancer diagnosis.

With no clear road map on how to navigate their new normal, James and Anabel proceed into uncharted territory, hand-in-hand, with the love of their families and their faith in God to guide them.

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COVID Aftermath: Game of Blood – Book One : David Pan

COVID Aftermath : David Pan“COVID Aftermath” is a science fiction thriller series exploring humanity’s future, as the characters face a harsh pandemic world in which cultural and spiritual value conflicts arise.

The author David Pan starts the series in his first book Game of Blood at Shanghai where an international cast of characters from North America, Europe, India, and China find a way to survive in this new era.

Life in the new era is closely exemplified by the violent games of extreme golf where surprises are the norm.

For hard-core tech and history fans, the emerging technologies in AI, robotics, communications, and IoT are widely applied, juxtaposed with thousands of years of ancient wisdom and cultural heritage.




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Dakota and the American Dream : Sameer Garach

Dakota and the American Dream : Sameer GarachWhat happens when a child comes face-to-face with Corporate America?

Ten-year-old Dakota dreams about seeing the city from above, atop a skyscraper. An unsuspecting job candidate, the boy lands a position at a company within the building, but his journey is anything but a simple elevator ride to the top.

As he treads the path to success, he comes across many themes that are characteristic of America and its corporate culture:

1. The rat race, office romance, and a golf tournament, among other workplace situations;
2. Difficult workplace personalities, confusing American regional dialects, and cutthroat management;
3. And worst of all, the dreaded performance review.

Will Dakota realize his dream? Or will he wake up from a nightmare?

The Bull Option by Sameer Garach is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Long Walk Up : Denise Turney

Long Walk Up is one of the top inspiring books. This inspirational novel tells the story of an African orphan girl’s journey from poverty and despair to her remarkable destiny as Africa’s first woman president.

This poignant, inspirational story takes you inside the life of a six-year-old East African orphan girl named Mulukan who is pushed into the street after her mother dies. Mulukan faces extreme poverty and trauma as she starts the long walk. Her future appears bleak, but her faith, inspiration and her spirit to trust rises for reckoning. Help comes from unexpected places. It’s under this same sense of the unforeseen that Mulukan finds her life moving further and further away from her dream after she becomes a woman. Despite her growing fear, she can’t stop what is coming next. She must take her place amongst the world’s great leaders.

Long Walk Up takes an honest look at tragedy, coincidences that become the deciding threads in the fabric of an orphan child’s life. Mulukan’s story strikes a perfect balance between struggle and triumph. It demands profound trust and commitment to live life without limits, to live with courage.

Readers who loved The Alchemist, The Prophet and The Audacity of Hope may fall in love with Long Walk Up. Mulukan’s inspiring story is reflected in the hearts and souls of orphan children and women and men who refuse to give up, despite how daunting and heart-wrenching the long walk. It’s time that you started to believe in life’s best again! You have the courage to rise. Get your copy of Long Walk Up now, so that you can start reading this inspirational story today! Isn’t it time that you started to believe again!

Love Pour Over Me by Denise Turney is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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The Positive Puppy Training Blueprint : Sam Quinn

The Positive Puppy Training Blueprint : Sam QuinnAn 8 Week Step-By-Step Action Plan To Raise The Perfect Dog Using Proven Loving & Friendly Methods

How to raise a well-behaved and loved puppy that even first-time pup owners can follow through.

Have you recently brought a puppy home but have no idea how to train your newly-found furry friend?

Does it feel like you adopted an untrainable puppy because none of the advice you’ve read online is working for you?

Or, would you like to adopt a puppy, but you’re scared you won’t be able to properly train your pet?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you’ve found right where you need to be.

Maybe all you want is for your pet to go potty the right place, stop barking all night long, quit the furniture-chewing, or just follow your commands.

No matter how frustrating you find dog training to be, there’s a reason for it — a reason that can be solved quite simply.

Troublesome behaviors result from insufficient training, meaning that your pup-human relationship will last a lifetime if you can hack the training part.

The trick is to follow their natural developmental stages so you can get ahead of any behavioral issues before they even arise.

In The Positive Puppy Training Blueprint, you will discover:

● A step-by-step puppy training guide — know exactly what to do the moment your furry friend walks into your home
● The basic commands every pup should know — and what you can do from the beginning to help ease the training process, regardless of their age
● How you can prevent your puppy from going potty inside the house without a sweat
● How to raise a socialized puppy — the key to introducing your new puppy to your other pets and avoid a hostile environment
● Common problems that new puppy parents face — and how to overcome them
● How to ensure your puppy behaves around strangers — avoid embarrassing and uncomfortable moments when going for daily walks
● The best way to tackle teething and make the experience easier for both you and your pet
● Exciting games and activities to engage your puppy — strengthen your bond while improving their fitness levels
● Fool-proof strategies for stress-free training sessions

And much more…

If you’d rather leave the dog training for the experts, then you miss out on the quality bonding time that could mean the difference between a pet and a family member.

A well-behaved dog is not only your pride, but it also helps the puppy to live a more free and happy life.

Once you settle down and find your groove with your furry friend, you won’t be able to imagine how you had ever lived without it.

If you want to find a lifetime companion in your puppy and raise them well-behaved and happy,… this is the ultimate training guide for you!

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