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The Land of Ampersand : Cynthia Correll

The Land of Ampersand : Cynthia CorrellFor curious minds of all ages, this refreshing book delivers an interactive experience with 60 original and playful full-color art images, a self-guided tour, and a creative exercise.

Eager for an enchanting respite or instant escape from daily life? Leave your worries behind, as you embark on an entertaining tour of The Land of Ampersand. You will find the remarkable Ampersand inhabitants—with their unique history as descendants of the original “&” character—are friendly, inspiring, and full of surprises.

Best known for unifying all things and allowing opposites to co-exist, the Ampersand natives invite us to stretch our minds, explore possibilities, and let our imaginations run wild. The Land of Ampersand promises to lift our spirits, spark new thinking, and open our hearts.

Are you still here? Go ahead…proceed within. Your lighthearted and rejuvenating adventure awaits!

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The Good & The Evil : Lawrence David Niren

The Good & The Evil : Lawrence David NirenThe Good & The Evil is the latest novel of the author Lawrence David Niren, published in late November 2020, that is a gripping and devastating depiction of the 2020 election between the wonderful, good, and honest Christian Vice President Joe Biden, who has a deep belief, faith, and love of the Lord, with his Vice President candidate, the wonderful Senator, Kamala Harris, and the racist, rapist, corrupt snake oil salesman con man, atheist, psychopath liar, and cockroach, the Donald, who is also so incompetent, and so moronic and delusional, that the author was forced to put in humor into the novel as well, as the Donald’s evil actually comes out in the form of Lucifer; while at the same time, the Lord and two of His angels and two of His prophets, visit Biden and protect him from the Donald, and inspire Biden to become President, as the terrible and deadly pandemic grips the country and the entire world, with the Donald, who is supposed to be President, not caring in the least that over 11 million human beings have so far caught the coronavirus, and 250,000 people have died, just in the United States alone, which is the worst in the world, with the Donald doing nothing about it, other than terrorizing the country with his zombie deluded Republican conservative worshippers and corrupt Republican Senators, Congress people, and governors, worshipping the Donald at his feet, and actually proclaiming him to be their god and idol, and going after good people of color and minorities, of African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, and even Native Americans, and cheering on the racist evil police who continue to choke, shoot, and kill people of color like they were insects to be crushed, with the Donald and his White Supremacists, Nazis of America, and Ku Klux Klan leading his white worshippers cheering him on as the law and order President.

This story is the ultimate battle of good vs. evil, or as President-elect Biden explains, it is “the battle for the soul of the nation”, with the Lord and His two angels and two prophets leading the charge for good with Biden.

Vice President Kamala Harris has a copy of The Good & The Evil.

Other books by Lawrence David Niren are also on Whizbuzz Books:

The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant
The Lex Talionis of Brett Kavanaugh
The Ecstasy
Juvia, Kennedy & the Trial and Confession of Trump
Compassion I
Compassion II
Light of The Lord’s Lesbian
The Kazandra Appearance
God, the Devil & the Curse of Tippecanoe
Drink From The Furry Cup

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The Greatest Noel: A Christmas Fantasy of That Night of Nights : Raven Easton

The Greatest Noel : Raven EastonSandar the Builder from Nazareth rescues Joseph and Mary in their hour of need and accompanies them to Bethlehem on that first Christmas, in a novel full of adventure, miracles, romance, and profound personal revelation.

Readers are loving the human portrayals of the Bible characters—and the surprise miracle twist at the end.

“Incredible! [A]n all-absorbing Christmas story” – Amazon reader

” . . . a fascinating retelling of when Jesus of Nazareth was born” – Amazon reader

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Her Untamed Soul : Mandira Mazumder

Her Untamed Soul : Mandira MazumderHer Untamed Soul is the story of Latha’s search for love and freedom from fear. Her romance begins with Kiyash, her college mate, who offers his unconditional friendship to her. Latha breaks free of the taboos imposed on her since childhood when she discovers Kiyash’s deeper feelings for her. Their college romance begins as an adventure and ends up in soul connection.

Their affair gets intense when Latha’s secret family agent spies on them. The enemies of love start the game plan of controlling Latha, who, they think, has broken the “Love Rule” that binds her to her class-conscious society. They try to clip her wings by stopping her education because the young lady has crossed her boundary by trying to choose her love life.

The persecuted girl is caged and intimidated of dire consequences. But Latha dares the impossible. She fights her fears and hatches a high-risk counterplan.

Will Latha be able to save her soul from her dangerous family? How will she execute her goal, although all escape routes are blocked? Will she submit to the will of her criminal father or be successful in her mission to challenge his power over the family?

A story of intense love and hate, fear and defiance, passion and revenge that grips your imagination.

“An Intimate writer, who is not afraid, to tell the truth, “ Suhrita, ScreenPlay Writer.

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The Friendly Bookshelf : Caroline and Katherine Brickley

The Friendly Bookshelf : Caroline and Katherine BrickleyMeet Bibli, a brave little library bookshelf in search of a story about someone like him . . .

Once upon a time, in a library like any other, there lived a little bookshelf named Bibli who carried a BIG question on his shelves: “Could there be a story somewhere about a bookshelf like me?”

Bibli is told that bookshelves are supposed to hold stories, not have ones of their own. But everything changes when he meets Cassie, a girl longing for a friend just as much as Bibli longs for a story to relate to.

Bibli learns that with kindness, confidence, empathy, and friendship, even your biggest dreams can come true—and that everyone has an important story worth sharing.

The Friendly Bookshelf is a social-emotional learning (SEL) research-based book and the first-ever picture book about a bookshelf. Written to build self-confidence and self-esteem as well as encourage inclusivity, Bibli’s story empowers children to be brave, be a friend, and always be your-shelf!

Readers will be inspired to go beyond the final page of the book and share their own stories, as well as be the pioneers of a kinder, more inclusive world where everybody (and every bookshelf!) belongs.

Book Links
Blossom Children’s Media
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The Soldier and Other Stories : Lindsay Cabot

The Soldier and Other Stories : Lindsay CabotThe Soldier and other Stories is a collection of 13 short stories. They were inspired by my love of obscure history, politics, science, dogs and Salford, the City of my birth. It is a place unlike anywhere else, a hive of crime, villainy, dignity, honor, and unbreakable spirit. I hope you enjoy them.

Rage is a superpower (Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. Next year)
Homeless. Penniless. Forgotten. A man who lost his way finds new purpose in the most unlikely of places.
‘Frank lifted the scaffold pole from the ground and walked slowly from one to the other, pounding it down on their heads until even the blood flowing from them had stopped moving.’

The Soldier (Poets Estate, Salford. November 2000)
A series of brutal murders spreads across Salford. What could be the link between them?
‘Dane had no education and could barely read, but he knew people. He knew them in a way that no Doctor of Psychology could ever comprehend. He knew people like a hunter knows its prey. He saw their needs and their weakness. He knew how to become the shape that would fill the emptiness in their lives.’

The Cripple (Richmond, Yorkshire – or somewhere similar. Any time soon)
Society made her a victim. She turned herself into the perfect instrument of revenge.
‘The funeral was even better than she had imagined. She smiled proudly at the image of the crucified Jesus amidst the hymns and the flowers, content that the pulverized bones and organs poured into that coffin would never exploit another trusting child.’

I am Pipp (Little Hulton, Salford. The near future)
Many of us spend our final years in lonely, desperate isolation. Will robots be able to help us?

Thank You Osbourne (Medina, Washington, USA. The near future)
How will rottweilers fit into the world of the future?

The Harmony of the Three (The edge of the Galaxy. A long time from now)
A stranded overcrowded spaceship, a beautiful trusting alien, a species with 3 genders. What could possibly go wrong.

The World in Harness (Rome. 24th August 410AD)
Advertisers spend fortunes to change our behaviors and re-align our values. Could it be that someone is directing it all?

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The Stone Messiah Vol I : Anonymous IV

The Stone Messiah Vol I : Anonymous IVIf you lived in a world…
where your civilisation could be annihilated; every person you held dear murdered, mutilated or sold into slavery; in unremitting danger and unendurable oppression –
YOU would need a messiah…

Africa 2000 BC
An unimaginably cruel and dangerous world,
Genocidal war between two civilisations…

Circa 2300 BC – seafarers of Sumerian origin settle south of the Rovuma in East Africa, establishing the Uran civilisation, which grows and flourishes for 300 years, centred on a walled city in Mozambique.

2070 BC, a huge maritime expedition from Egypt reaches Tanzania and establish a capital south of the Rufiji river. Seventy years later, these empire builders destroy the Uran capital Avara. A child is found in the ashes.

At twenty, that child unites the most gifted men of his generation, against those who brought their civilisation to the brink of annihilation.

This is the story of the Uran’s astonishing war against the Andracians.
Life, Death and War.
Comradeship, Strategy, Leadership.
Triumph and Deliverance.

Beautifully written. Terse, lucid and vivid, with fast-moving visceral action. Uncompromising, unique and realistic.

“They murdered Jeram, my father; but from the ashes of this betrayal, a child has grown; strong enough to change the course of empires. Someone who will stand in the face of time, pain, disease, exhaustion.
Among a hundred thousand, one shall prevail; at once insane and the sanest of men; a seer to whom there shall be no obstacle; who shall never fall; who understands. Someone who will never lose his sanity, for one mistake would be the end of everything.
It is beginning.”

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Lings : Atticus Andrews

Lings : Atticus AndrewsThey came. The ravagers of the universe. The scourge of star systems. The enemy of his race.

They decimated all that he knew, slaughtering his colony like a herd of insects. Carrying their metal guns and tactical missiles, the marines butchered his siblings by the thousandfold. For that, they would pay.

Krill is the last of his kind in a distant corner of the galaxy. Entrusted with the survival of his species, Krill carries with him an egg given to him by the Hive Mother herself. Her last, parting gift. What will it hatch into when it’s born? A new hope for the rebirth of the Krath?

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Chronicles Starter Pack : Jaime Buckley

Chronicles Starter Pack : Jaime BuckleyWhen you’re on the run, just remember, you don’t necessarily have to be the fastest.

…just faster than the last guy.

Wendell is a typical teen–misunderstood, ignored, and bursting with potential no one noticed.

Except the Universe.

Kidnapped to the other end of the galaxy, Wendell is now expected to take up the mantle of a legendary hero and defeat the world’s greatest enemy…with the help of a green, cigar-smoking elf, a senile wizard, and a pink-haired gnome bodyguard.

Screams and cringing aside, Wendell just might be the hero they never knew they wanted.

Wendell’s story has won laughter and cheers from YA readers in 60 countries since 2005.

If you enjoyed Harry Potter, Tiffany Aching, Percy Jackson, or Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, then you’ll love books 1-3 of this humorous, original epic fantasy, packed with magic, mystery, and sharp kicks to the funny bone.

Grab your copy and join the adventure!

Chronicle Starter Pack and FUNdamentals of Parenting by Jaime Buckley are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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When Only Happily Ever After Will Do : Ceil Warren

When Only Happily Ever After Will Do : Ceil WarrenIt took Arthur 40 years to propose marriage. Now, Constance is expecting the wedding of her dreams. But when villagers spot a suspicious tartan-clad stranger in the middle of the night lurking at her son’s grave, in front of her bookshop and Arthur’s house, she must confront a secret past.

Her lifelong friends in the Connecticut village of Stones End wrap Constance in a protective cocoon. They see a different demon.

Only Constance knows what to make of the threat. A million questions plague her, but only one causes sleepless nights.

Will the wedding take place if her past is revealed?

The latest in the irresistibly charming three-book “Stones End” series. A richly woven tale brimming with mysterious twists and turns, fierce love and the never-ending hijinks of Stones End residents.



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