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Joseph and the Seven Swords : Faisal AlOthainah

Joseph and the Seven Swords : Faisal AlOthainahWhen the red moon rises, a prophecy is born…

Joseph is a simple village boy with a mysterious past. Taken from his birth mother under the hue of a blood moon, he was placed with a local family and raised as one of their own. But for all their kind acceptance, Joseph has never escaped the sense that he was destined to walk a different path. As strange events begin to occur around him, he realizes he will never be free of the mysteries of his past until he uncovers the truth. The young man ventures out into the world to embrace his destiny.

In the nearby kingdom of Zelaar, Joseph’s stepbrother, King David has taken the throne, but a weak character leaves him vulnerable to manipulation. When his tyrannical orders lead to Joseph’s capture, deceit and betrayal become the young man’s constant companions. Fighting to transcend these dark forces and claim his birthright, Joseph encounters teachers and signs that whisper of an innate and mysterious ancient wisdom. He finds strength and focus on his pursuit of justice, but will learn that the first step to changing the world, is changing oneself.

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Dangerous Encounters : Walter Cannara

Dangerous Encounters : Walter CannaraDonna Olsen was living a dream life. She was an attractive, confident woman with a touch of arrogance that fit perfectly with her personality, but not enough to be detected.

She was complacent and taking for granted that nothing would disrupt her lifestyle, until one day she was called to her boss’s office and abruptly let go from her job.

Strapped for money, she confided in her friend Lisa and with her, she started to embark on a totally new life that she never knew existed.

To preserve her lifestyle and for the sake of her family, she started doing things that until a few months before would have been repulsive to her and to her moral character.

This book has a little of everything, crime, intrigue, humor, tragedy, sex and love.

As you continue to read, you will be captivated and surprised by the unexpected twists and turns of the story until the last page.

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The Reason for Time : Deborah Court

The Reason for Time : Deborah CourtMaggie Dunn, Alison Budge and Wolfe Corbyn arrive in Toronto on the same flight from London. Sullen but feisty Alison is running from her troubled past in Scotland, hoping to make a new beginning. Wolfe has been banished for crimes he committed at his father’s London bank. Maggie is coming home, to confront her past, reclaim her life and perhaps finally, to stop running.

The three team up, and their fresh start begins well. But Maggie’s health is failing. She is sick and confused. Could her thirty-year age reversal be unravelling? Is her body unable, finally, to sustain her transformation, a year and a half earlier, from a woman in her mid-sixties to a woman in her mid-thirties? To whom can she turn?

Together with her failing health, Maggie is faced with a shadowy pursuer who is determined, this time, not to let her slip through his fingers. When the crisis comes, Alison finds that her friend’s fate is more shocking than anything she could have imagined.

Will the determination of Maggie’s friends be enough to save her?

When Bodies Fall and Summer’s Lie by Deborah Court are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts : Gareth Lush

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts : Gareth LushBeware Greeks Bearing Gifts tells the story of Heracles Olympus: a gifted warrior with a past that haunts him, fuelling him with a secret thirst for revenge and cursing him with a rage he cannot ever quite control. Heracles feels shackled by his life in his home city, until a chance encounter with his past sends him in search of three fabled items that have the potential to shift the power of the world: for better or for worse.

Can Heracles, and his growing band of eclectic followers, find the items before they fall into the hands of the ever-looming organisation known only as ‘Tartarus’?

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts is the first in a trilogy of novels, part of “The Shield & Snake Saga,” from new author Gareth Lush.

The novel is for anyone with a love of epic fantasy and/or ancient Greek mythology, or just a book to get lost in.

What to expect from Greeks Bearing Gifts:

· A great many references to the mythological figures and monsters of ancient Greek mythology
· A colourful cast of characters and a rich new world to explore
· Epic battles and adventure

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Xonarye : S.H.S

Xonarye : S.H.SSet in modern times, the story follows Leaf Brodie, a young apprentice builder who discovers an old book in a wall of a house he is working on. The book tells a story of a country called Xonarye that Leaf has never heard of.

Doing what most 19-year-old’s would do, he searches the internet to learn all about it. However, he finds absolutely nothing about the country.

This leaves Leaf wondering whether the book is fact or fiction and if Xonarye existed or still does to this day.

He looks to his closest friends, Dean Summers and Spencer Blake, for insights.

What follows is a series of adventures that will take these three 19-year-old mates around the world on a quest to unlock the secret that lies within the Earth.

Will the lost country Xonarye rise again?


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The Custard Effect : Monique Taylor (chasingthejoy)

The Custard Effect : Monique Taylor (chasingthejoy)The Custard Effect is a story of resilience amidst life’s little difficulties. Featuring Winsome, a mouse, and Custard, a cat, two unlikely friends, who must learn to see each other’s point of view and resolve differences to maintain their friendship. The Custard Effect is both heart-warming and wise!


“A soon-to-be favourite in our house… Can’t wait for the third book!” (Sarah, South Perth)

“I absolutely loved this book! It’s the perfect combination of light-heartedness and positivity… and you’ll fall in love with Custard.” (Belinda, Baldivis)

“Oooh it gave me goosebumps! Made me all emotional.” (Kim, Secret Harbour)

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Magenta Nation: A Path to Healing Ourselves and Our Nation : Joy Scott

Magenta Nation : Joy ScottIf you are concerned, frustrated, or even frightened about our country today, this is the book to give you hope, insight, and a roadmap to make positive change.

Throughout history, transformation has occurred when small, dedicated groups of people set seemingly impossible goals – and then made history happen. This is one of those times.

Based on the power of intention, Magenta Nation will help you define your vision for yourself, your community, your nation and your world, and to find and create “Third Force”, out-of-the-box pathways that unite us towards a common goal.

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Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World : Dennis Macy

Demystifying Enlightenment : Dennis MacyDo you long to know how your loved ones are doing in Heaven? Are you curious about the afterlife? Do you miss your late family members and yearn to ask them about their heavenly existence? Intrigued by the astonishing wisdom of other celestial residents?

Dennis Macy, who possesses highly sensitive enhanced abilities, has helped countless individuals by delivering messages from the other side. Now he’s here to provide you with the comfort and understanding that comes from communicating with those who have passed on.

Demystifying Enlightenment is a glimpse into what angels, spirits, and our dearly departed want us to know. With answers to the most frequently asked questions entwined with accounts of his real encounters to support them, Macy offers an insight into the world we live in and the one to come. You’ll be prepared to make the right decisions to shape a better future for yourself and others.

In Demystifying Enlightenment, you’ll discover: The peace that comes with knowing that you’re most cherished loved ones will be with you forever in spirit. A greater sense of God’s infinite love for you and His plan for you. Meditation and breathing techniques to improve your overall well-being and enable contact with those you care about in the next world. The ways Earthly existence and the spiritual dimension are interconnected, so you can make the best decisions in your own life. How to identify signs that your passed family and friends are trying to communicate with you, and much more!

Demystifying Enlightenment is a fascinating look at reaching out and listening to those who are no longer with us physically. If you like straight answers to confusing questions, guidance from beyond, and comforting advice, then you’ll adore Dennis Macy’s illuminating book. Buy Demystifying Enlightenment to understand and to learn what to look for in receiving signs that are conveyed to us today!

The Angelic Realm by Dennis Macy is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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The ABCs of Global Warming: What Everyone Should Know About the Science, the Dangers, and the Solutions : Charles Siegel

The ABCs of Global Warming : Charles SiegelThe most concise, most readable, and most complete book about the climate emergency.

This book is the quickest, easiest way to learn everything you need to know about global warming. Using easy-to-understand language without jargon, it explains:

● The Science: Discusses the greenhouse gases and how they set the Earth’s temperature, warming because of human-caused emissions, natural processes that amplify human-caused warming, and how we can limit warming.

● The Dangers: Discusses heatwaves, flooding, droughts, wildfires, rising sea levels, acid oceans, extinction, poverty, and irreversible tipping points that can worsen warming.

● The Solutions: Discusses a fee on emissions with revenue returned to citizens, sectors that can easily transition to clean alternatives (such as electricity and ground transportation), sectors that need technological innovations to transition to clean alternatives, multiple emissions offsets to speed the shift to net-zero emissions, and the path to a stable climate.

This is the book for you if you want an introduction to the facts about global warming, or if you understand the basics and want more complete knowledge, or if you are looking for the perfect gift for the global-warming denier in your life.

Charles Siegel is an award-winning technical writer who has specialized in making it easy to understand complex subjects. He has also written about a variety of non-technical topics, ranging from politics to the classics.

More Work or More Free Time by Charles Siegel is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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The Dryad and the Demon Lord : Fern Bailey

The Dryad and the Demon Lord : Fern BaileyA dryad on the run, and a demon who may be far more dangerous than what she’s escaped from.

A gentle dryad who is searching for safety and a place to call home.

A lustful demon lord whose days are spent fending off violent challenges to his leadership.

They are as different as night and day, but when their worlds collide, they are forced to cooperate. Despite their growing attraction, the barriers to being together appear insurmountable.

Can an intimidating demon lord show that there’s more to him than just a scary face? And can a dryad in need of healing learn to trust again, without losing her heart in the process?

A hot and steamy erotic romance. Complete story, no cliffhanger.



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