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Destiny : Arlene Marie Muller

Destiny : Arlene Marie MullerDestiny (Volume I Destiny Trilogy)

Destiny is a contemporary drama that whisks you through the lives of Joanna, Kay, and Maddie, three very distinct and dynamic women seeking the same connection to love and family.

At ease in cowboy boots or high heels, Joanna is an earth mother who longs to be barefoot and pregnant.  “At eighteen I was a runway model in Paris.  I thought I’d work for five or six years, then marry and start a family. At thirty-five, I wanted to be living on a ranch, with kids and dogs running in and out of the house all day, and a loyal and devoted husband making love to me all night.”

A diva at twenty-one, Kay, reached the height of success as a supermodel, while she broke every heart she met along the way.  “I have casual affairs with people I don’t love, and who don’t love me, because if there’s no commitment, I won’t feel like I’ve been deserted when the relationship ends.”

Tender and motherless Maddie, twelve, alone and scared after feeling abandoned at a boarding school far from home, finds solace and companionship in the wild splendor of the Oregon countryside.  “I live in a constant state of longing, and a kind look from a stranger, a gentle touch of a housekeeper’s hand, or a reassuring smile from a teacher, make the love I yearn for bearable.”  Follow the intricate twists and turns of Joanna, Kay, and Maddie’s lives as their different journeys lead them to the same destiny.

Taming Maddie: Destiny II & Kay Rising: Destiny III also available.

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Fire in the Dark : Michael Oldham

Fire in the Dark : Michael OldhamFire in the Dark (Sophie and Marcus Book 1)

In September 1995 during the Yugoslavian Civil War, Serb paramilitaries attack a small town in Bosnia. A French patrol tries to intervene but is captured. Colonel Marcus Tregay, ex SBS and now a Military Attaché serving in Sarajevo is detailed to assist French Special Forces attempting a rescue. They succeed, but whilst doing so they witness an appalling spectacle of rape and mass murder.

Eight years later an attempt is made on his life. It is not the first, but this time it seems that someone in British Intelligence, the CIA, or the French Special Forces has deliberately betrayed him.

Marcus quits England to search for the truth. In Geneva, he meets Sophie Léfevre, the owner of Swiss security business. Initially he is suspicious of Sophie, but an attempt on her life indicates a danger common to both of them. They join forces, but who wants to eliminate them and why? What is it that that they fear so much that they want to kill both of them?

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Millie and Honey : J. D. Means

Millie and Honey : J. D. MeansMillie and Honey – The Blue Angel Planet

A Rescue and a Near Death Experience is not what you would expect to find on a nearly perfect world like the beautiful Blue Angel Planet.

This is a fast paced adventure that has it all.

Millie and Honey begin with a nightmare and rush to unravel the mystery that surrounds the dream they share, only to find that sometimes the real thing is more bizarre than the dream.

Hold on to your seats as this knuckle biting adventure twists and turns, with lots of unexpected outcomes.

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The Last Jump : John E. Nevola

The Last Jump : John E. NevolaThe Last Jump – A Novel of World War II

The Last Jump is a story of discovery as a modern day journalist explores the military experience of his father in World War II.  Aware of the existence of a long lost family secret, our protagonist enlists the aid of four aging World War II veterans who knew his father.  When he finds out they know about the secret and have sworn an oath never to reveal it, he begins the difficult task of  carefully cajoling the information from men he considers to be true heroes.  His odyssey takes him back in time to a country vexed with racial and gender issues but united as never before or since.

After the last veteran passes away, his hopes are dashed but one reaches from beyond the grave to identify the only other living person who who knows the secret and he races against death to reach her. A shocking conclusion awaits him, if only he can get there in time!

This book resonates with veterans of all wars and their sons and daughters. Active military and patriotic supporters of our Armed Forces also love this book, especially fans of Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan.

A historical fiction book requires significant research to understand the personalities of the famous participants and the location of various units and the timeframe in which the action is taking place.  The challenge is to seamlessly place the fictional characters in historically accurate situations and venues to tell the story.  As such, it took 4 years to write this book and a year to edit it.

As part of the research, we met and talked to numerous World War II veterans.  They are almost universally humble, modest and appreciative of the gratitude so generously expressed by many, in both America and Europe, so late in their lives.  My own life has been enriched and blessed by meeting these men and women.  They touched me in so many ways and I was proud and honored to capture and include some of their recollections and memories into the fabric and backdrop of The Last Jump.

So, come and join the adventure as we take a trip through a time in this country when everyone pulled together to achieve the improbable victory against the forces of evil.  Learn what it was like to live in and fight for America in the dark days of World War II and enjoy a rousing war story and an elusive mystery.  We have much to learn from that generation.  The Last Jump teaches us some of it.  And keeping their memory alive is something they earned.

Some proceeds from the sales of The Last Jump are donated to assist families of the fallen.

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The Driver : Greg D’Alessandro

The Driver : Greg D'AlessandroThe Driver

THE DRIVER is a quirky comic novel centered on the author’s real-life escapades escorting “dancers” as they make their nocturnal rounds in his faded Cadillac.

It is the debut novel of writer/comedian Greg D’Alessandro, who in addition to his felonious Hollywood loitering – has mesmerized mainland Chinese children in 40+ episodes of Zodiac Island, an animated/live action kids TV series he wrote and produced in a language he doesn’t know.

THE DRIVER is an irreverent, non-PG-13 summer getaway that puts the reader in the shoes of an unlikely protagonist, as he awkwardly navigates the desires of Hollywood’s glitterati and befriends a coterie of beautiful but idiosyncratic dancers.

The lead character, George Donato, is put to the test when the death of a recent dance patron locks him in a struggle to navigate while his moral compass batteries are low.

About the Author:
Besides his stint driving LA escorts, an occupation in which Brad Pitt preceded him, Greg D’Alessandro has worn many hats over the years. Originally from New York City (that’s what they call N’ern New Jersey in New Jersey) sort of, he wrote seven produced plays for off and off-off Broadway. He also performed regularly as a stand-up comedian at Gotham Comedy Club, Catch A Rising Star and Stand-up NY and worked with comedy legend Danny Simon in L.A. He has won a number of screenwriting awards including the Jack Oakie Comedy Fellowship, the Gil Cates Screenwriting Award and the Jack Nicholson Award. His feature scripts, To Russia With Vinny and The Happy Divorce have both been optioned and are in development.

Greg is currently the Senior Editor for Weekly World News, the occasionally satirical online newspaper and is completing a play, Sex In The Suburbs, debuting in 2014. He was head writer and supervising producer for Zodiac Island in Shanghai. Greg holds dual MFA’s in Screenwriting from USC and UCLA and is a member of the WGA, NARAS and of course, AAA. He is the proud owner of a valid driver’s license.

Book Links
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Playground Duty : Ned Manning

Playground Duty : Ned ManningPlayground Duty

In the baking heat of February 1973, wearing a purple body shirt and an expression of confidence that belied his nerves, Ned Manning faced down a classroom full of kids in Tenterfield in remote New South Wales. It was the start of many years of teaching, by turns exhilarating, nerve-fraying and inspiring.

Packed with stories of students both recalcitrant and driven, lesson plans, staff rooms and drama – as studied for the HSC and lived every day – the book roams from high schools in dusty country towns to the edgy Newtown High School of the Performing Arts in Sydney’s inner city and a crucible of creativity at EORA Aboriginal Centre. Through the challenges he inevitably faces, Manning finds the common thread of possibility and hope that runs through his profession.

A funny and disarmingly honest memoir of a full life of teaching, Playground Duty has the power to rekindle a spark of glee and optimism about teachers, kids and even schools.

“Ned Manning’s remarkable book is certainly the Australian equivalent of Frank McCourt’s classic Teacher Man. It is written both with passion for teaching and a genuine love of the many children Ned has taught over his long and successful career.” Dr David Zyngier

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Gunboat Number 14 : Jens Kuhn

Gunboat Number 14 : Jens KuhnIt’s 1808 and Sweden is at war with Russia. The war is not going well.

On land, the Swedish army is retreating continuously and all that stands between the Russians and the Swedish mainland are the gunboats of the inshore fleet. The sea war amongst the islands of the Finnish and Swedish archipelagos is a special kind of war, fought in open boats by badly equipped men without proper training. Fighting the weather as much as the Russians, Lieutenant Johan Kuhlin commands a small squadron of three gunboats on special duty.

During the short and wet summer, he learns that an independent command isn’t all glory and that spies can be more dangerous than Russian guns.


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Dead in the Head : Stina Niklasson

Dead in the Head : Stina NiklassonDead in the Head

This story is what I call Auto-biographical Fiction, it is what has happened to me personally. Instead of actually doing what I WANT to do to these perverts I took it out on paper. It is the real thing, though, because I want to share with you my real life. I want people to know that this stuff happens to innocent children all the time and they don’t say anything.

If you are dealing with similar issues of abuse, I wish you strength to reclaim your life.

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9 Miracles : Leigh Watson

9 Miracles : Leigh Watson9 Miracles

A short and easy read, 9 Miracles is the inspirational, TRUE story of the 9 extraordinary things and incredible people I encountered, on MY way, to and from Florida, seeing my son off to Iraq. It’s not my son’s story, it’s MINE.

#1 happened on my way going TO Florida, the other 8 things happened on my home and #9 will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF – – but you can’t look ahead! The first time, it must be read in order! As the Chapters unfold, together with the Conclusion, the life lessons learned can be applied to ANY age and ANY life’s difficult circumstances.

This isn’t a military book, nor a Mama’s book. This inspirational book is about hope and encouragement and the realization that God cares and we are never alone when we are going through our darkest hour. HE will provide the strength you need when you have none left on your own. How God’s grace is overflowing and His mercies unlimited!

After the first time (reading it in order), feeling a little lost and blue today? Got 5 minutes? Pick it up – read ANY Chapter and be instantly lifted!

Available through my website, with 3 versions to choose from, softback, e-book or audio book. I’m the one reading the audio book. Yes, that is my Texas accent. 🙂

I hope you enjoy it and that it touches you. It was written/read with love. 🙂

Book Links
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The Happiness Cure : Winslow Eliot

The Happiness Cure : Winslow EliotThe Happiness Cure

Happiness for sale! The Happiness Guru offers everyone’s dream… for a price. For Kairi, he offers even more. Much more. Will she bite? Will a charming stranger save her … or lead her deeper into a trap? Is love better than happiness? As whirlwind events escalate, Kairi is plunged into intrigue and danger. She has to determine what happiness really means—for her.

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