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Borderliners : Kirsten Arcadio

Borderliners : Kirsten Arcadio


A girl is found dead in a notorious New Age shop on the edge of the woods.

A Tarot card reading is left in Elena’s house. Is it a warning?

A man is watching her from the shadows of his room.

After moving to a village in the English heartland to set up a new psychotherapy practice, Dr Elena Lewis soon notices strange patterns of behaviour among the villages. After a young woman is found dead under suspicious circumstances, Elena is left in possession of a diary.

What she reads there leads her to the door of her neighbour, a magnetic but intimidating woman named Julia, who is the leader of a community known locally as the Charismatic Community.

As she investigates further, Elena meets a visitor to the village, who has a message for her. But in order to decipher it, she must look beneath the surface and trust in her abilities to see what others cannot.

Borderliners is a dark psychological thriller which casts aspersions on our ability to distinguish between dreams and reality, and on our strength in the face of those who are stronger, even if their power will lead us to destruction.

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The Gifting : Anne Brooke

The Gifting : Anne BrookeThe Gathandrian Trilogy Book 1

Simon Hartstongue is a mind-reader, and branded a coward and a murderer. When his overlord and lover Ralph Tregannon turns against him, he is forced to embark on a treacherous journey to the distant and magical land of Gathandria in order to save his country and his own soul. During a series of terrifying trials, Simon must encounter the trickery of the deadly Mind Executioner as well as the secret dealings of those he ought to trust.

The Gifting is the first book in the Gathandrian Trilogy.


“The Gifting is a unique fantasy where mental and physical worlds merge in a flight of unrestrained imagination. Unlike much fantasy I’ve read lately, this book soars with hope. It’s a story of redemption gained through a mystical journey through earth, air, fire and water that tests the deepest recesses of a man’s soul.” (Awesome Indies Reviews)

“The Gifting is merely the introduction to the Gathandrian Trilogy; it’s a big world, filled with intrigues and magic, loss and redemption. It’s a fantastical place where almost anything is possible, where a coward can become a hero, where the promise for more excitement and enchantment are guaranteed, and I look forward to seeing where Anne Brooke will take us next, as well as discovering what Simon’s future holds.” (Top2Bottom Reviews)

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Influence : Chris Parker

Influence : Chris Parker


Influence kills…Influence is the greatest force on earth. Influence equals power, the power to affect people and events. The most powerful people alive have the greatest influence. And they can use it for good or bad.

Marcus Kline is the world’s leading authority on communication and influence. He can tell what you are thinking. He can see inside you.

He can step inside your mind.

In global demand as a consultant, Marcus Kline shares his expertise with world leaders, corporate giants and global media stars. Confident, self- assured and controlling, Marcus revels in his unparalleled skill.

Yet when a series of murder victims bear the horrific hallmarks of an intelligent and remorseless serial killer, Detective Inspector Peter Jones turns to Marcus for help – and everything changes.

As the killer sets a deadly pace, the invisible, irresistible and terrifying power of influence threatens friendships, reputations, and lives. When events appear to implicate the great Marcus Kline himself, everyone learns that the worst pain isn’t physical…

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Beyond These Woods : Mark Roger Bailey

Beyond These Woods : Mark Roger Bailey

Beyond These Woods

The author of SAINT returns with a new novel about Lotte Keene, a biological detective who has had enough of government bureaucracy at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and resigns, but can never escape.

After surviving the outbreak of a mysterious pathogen in the Amazonian jungle, Keene returns home and is pulled into the seemingly infinite mystery of a new, still more lethal killer in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There for the first time in her forensic biology career she confronts a pathogen so potent and lethal that it seems unnatural. She also discovers secrets in the forested mountains that no one wants to know.

Lotte Keene is about to rewrite the rules of biogenetic science and cross the thin red, white and blue line between American principle and power.

Hoping this is book one of a series. This story was engrossing and led me easily along its trail of secrets. This story has it all. Bravo! – Suzanne Evans

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Talk to the Moon : Katlynn Brooke

Talk to the Moon : Katlynn Brooke

Talk to the Moon

When Gabe Blanchard, heir to a tobacco farm and fortune in Colonial Africa, is given his godmother’s diaries to read in 1992 after her death, he discovers secrets about his family that have led to tragedy, murder and a miscarriage of justice.

Talk to the Moon is a story of unrequited love, lies, alcoholism and betrayal. It is a story narrated by Holly Morgan: a young woman who finds more than she bargains for in her new country.

All Holly and her sister Eva ever wanted from life was love and happiness and to escape their dysfunctional home, but when they arrive at their new jobs at a Christian Mission in Rhodesia in 1945 they discover life does not always cooperate with their wishes and desires.

Holly comes to realize that her own naiveté and lack of experience is no match for the manipulative and sophisticated Avril.

And what about Tony, the bad-boy Air Force Lieutenant she falls hopelessly in love with: or is it only an empty uniform she loves? The Mission folk are a smorgasbord of the bizarrely flawed and heroic, and Holly is confused. Who can she trust? Majozi, the blind African herbalist friend she has made off-mission has some insights to her problems.

Can she believe him? Over a period of several years, through a series of heartbreaks and betrayals, Holly gradually comes to understand how the seeds of destruction have been sown not only for Gabe’s family but also for future generations, in a country she has come to love.

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Arthritis and Marijuana : Edward R. Cook

Arthritis and Marijuana : Edward R. Cook

Arthritis and Marijuana – How marijuana, diet, and exercise can heal arthritis

There is a lot of pain and disability from disability from osteoarthritis these days. Not to mention all of the insidious autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibro, and lupus. There is a colossal industry of healthcare, pharmaceutical medicine, supplements, and hyped products to treat these conditions.

It’s a multi billion dollar industry that can prey upon people’s hopes and needs. Finding relief can be expensive, frustrating, and bewildering. Something’s work, something’s don’t, and something’s actually make things worse. I myself am an osteoarthritis sufferer who was told by doctors that my arthritis could be managed, but wouldn’t get any better.

Well IT DID GET BETTER, because I educated myself and chased arthritis relief. I have found methods that have greatly improved my life. I wrote Arthritis and Marijuana to share my methods with others so that they can find relief and rejuvenation of their own.

This is more than just a med-marijuana book and not a miracle cure book. While the med-marijuana movement is evolving daily, one thing that will never change is that true arthritis relief requires a combined effort of modification of activity, medicine, and exercise. This book covers these elements and more for true effective and sustainable arthritis relief.

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Vector – A Modern Love Story : J.J.Brown

Vector - A Modern Love Story : J.J.BrownVector, a Modern Love Story, is told as a doctor’s experience with his patients in New York City, their intertwined lives and loves. The doctor balances concern for his patients’ health with conflicting emotions as he discovers the connections between them. Two of his patients’ lives collide unexpectedly in a tragic affair; a young opera student Eva, and her mentor Michael, a successful older man.

Michael runs a philanthropic Foundation for healthcare along with the doctor, based in New York City and in South Africa. Eva knows that Michael fascinates her, but she does not know that he is a dangerous man. Pursuing her desire for Michael as she matures from student to woman, Eva confuses dramatic opera fantasies with reality.

She impulsively acts out her dreams at The Foundation Benefit Ball hosted by Michael and the doctor, in the city. As her singing career blossoms over the following weeks, she uncovers the secrets of Michael’s past.

The hidden dangers of loving Michael come to light, forcing both Eva and the doctor to search for hope beyond their love for Michael.


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Redemption : J.S. Snow

Redemption : J.S. Snow


A three year old child left for dead by the mafia in a nondescript cardboard box left next to a blue dumpster in a Philadelphia alley is rescued by a Nun and Priest. The Nun later resigns her calling to become the child’s adopted mother and discovers through music she can get this child to come out of her shell.

Fast forward nineteen years later and this same child who turns out to be a musical prodigy turns down a position with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra to pursue her dream of being a Heavy Metal music legendary guitarist.

Doing a friend a favor by filling in on lead guitar one night in a New York club she is discovered by the world famous Heavy Metal group Hells Redemption who is in need of filling in the lead guitarist position since theirs fell from a cliff in Moab, Utah and shattered his playing arm. They were expecting to hear a dude melt their faces off, not a five foot five brown haired blue eyed beauty that seriously can rip it on guitar.

Question now is, can they hire a woman to fill in the role or will their desire for her overpower their need for her more on guitar?

Despite Alex’s tragic start in life, she forges ahead with her goal of becoming one of the greatest guitarists in music history.

Alex has scars of her past to deal with both physically and mentally. She denies herself the joy of finding that one true love because of these scars.

Can five very alpha males help her with coming to terms with these scars and help her accept the beauty that lies within?

This is Alex’s story. These are Alex’s choices and in the end becomes Alex’s………


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To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege : Patricia Stuart

To Be Called "Girlfriend" Is A Privilege : Patricia Stuart

To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege

Friendships among women can be one of the most beautiful and satisfying experiences. Being cut from the same cloth, emotionally speaking, provides understanding and a level of companionship that cannot be found in the same way with male relationships.

Sometimes, in the process of developing friendships, conflict may arise. Working through differences can be difficult depending on the level of maturity of the individuals involved. Oftentimes, one’s background, culture, personality and previous experiences are overlooked when trying to develop these relationships. These four areas can greatly impact a friendship for the good or for the bad.

In To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege, readers will find practical solutions and advice that can be helpful to their girlfriend friendships. This book gives a down to earth approach to the age old ugliness that can occur between females who harbor jealousy, envy, cattiness, pride, tendency for gossip and fr-enemies.

The goal of this book is to encourage women to look within themselves to find the core of any conflict that they may be experiencing as well as looking at whether or not the other person is the right ‘Fit’ for them.

The differences that each female brings to a friendship can enhance and bless that relationship in ways that they may not realize. There is so much that each can learn from the other that can help each women build a strong bond that can last their life time.

This book takes a blunt approach to the subject matter of ‘Girlfriend’ friendships. It is straight to the point and the reader will be able to relate to all that’s being said.

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Called To Suffer : Patricia Stuart

Called To Suffer : Patricia Stuart

Called To Suffer: Making Sense of Abandonment, The Neglect and The Abuse That God Has Allowed

Called To Suffer is the true life story of Patricia Stuart. It is the story of a little girls who learned how to adjust and handle anything life threw her way. Thrown into situations that were not of her choosing, she experiences the pain and anguish of not having a relationship with her parents.

Being raised by her loving grandparents, helped to bring a measure of stability into her life that would soon be uprooted with a set of horrific events. Patricia learns quickly how to adapt to whatever inviroment she is in and how to survive. She becomes her own protector as she figures out how to avoid further abuse by staying safe.

While her young heart becomes synical and hardened by life’s experiences, she manages to always write things down. she learned how to make her own journals. Reading became her favorite pass time. Reading became her escape.

Little did she realize that the invisible hand of God was upon her life. Little had she realized the journey and path her life would take. Her struggle for survival was a painful road filled with questions and despair.

Eventually, Patricia hears the voice of God for herself and reluctantly responds. She once again experiences turmoil and hardships suggesting that her faith was not enough.

At the point of giving up, her life is divinely interrupted by the presence of a loving God who comes to her in human form.

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