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ADHD to Honor Roll : Soozy G. Miller

ADHD to Honor Roll : Soozy G. MillerADHD to Honor Roll: How I Cured My Child’s ADHD Without Drugs (And You Can, Too!)

When my son was 6 years old, all the ADHD doctors and all the materials I read said there is no cure for ADHD. The thinking was that you can manage ADHD (like diabetes), but the child will always have it. Sometimes ADHD fades with age, but the child might carry ADHD through adulthood. There is nothing else you can do.

That is wrong. It is untrue about ADHD and other behavioral issues associated with children.

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or other behavioral challenges, or you simply sense that something is wrong, consider a route other than pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals don’t solve the problem; they only mask the issues. ADHD drug benefits are constantly debated and their toxicity and negative side effects are well known and well documented. Just read my history with them.

If you work with the right practitioner, and if you consider other factors such as environmental, emotional, physical, nutritional, and habitual influences, you will find the root of the problem. You can heal your child forever—naturally—without giving your child unnecessary and harmful medicine. Healing your child naturally will feel better and will result in long-term benefits.

My son went from having ADHD tantrums to succeeding as a High Honor Roll student. And we got him there the natural way, without drugs. You can, too!


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The Accidental Wife : Cj Fosdick

The Accidental Wife : Cj FosdickThe Accidental Wife

Jessica Brewster comes from a long line of over-achieving, independent women with a penchant for storytelling, smart-ass retorts and marrying late in life. She resembles the great-great grandmother she is named for, who once survived an Indian massacre —and her subsequent prejudice— to fall in love with a green-eyed half breed in a century that had little tolerance for interracial marriage.

When the family’s current heiress dies, Jessica’s life takes an unexpected U-turn back in time. While going through inherited keepsakes, she finds a hidden teacup with a strange hallmark. Taking it to work at Old Fort Laramie, she adds it to the antique donations that stage the restorations at the historic park site. Tourist season is in full swing in 2012 when she takes part in an interpretive 1880’s tea party and finds “Living History” takes on new meaning when she slips  back to the wrong year…in the wrong century…in the wrong shoes. In 1886, she’s become her look-alike great-great grandmother, married to the family’s mesmerizing hero and mother to her own nine-year-old great grandmother.  Until she can find a portal back to the present, the well-educated, 30-year-old plays the role of a lifetime, immersing herself into character while struggling with guilt and a mouth that keeps spouting Twenty-first Century insights and idioms.

Can a woman who has never known the love of a man or child pull off the charade without losing her own heart?  Jessica will navigate checks and balances in the timeless journey of the heart, especially when a mysterious gypsy and her ancestor’s brother shows up with his own dark secret. Does her future lie in the past, or in any era? Her legacy and her life teeter in the balance of discovery.

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Assaie’s Gift : D E Howard

Assaie's Gift : D E HowardAssaie’s Gift

Human love can last a lifetime, the love of a Goddess is eternal.

“A pantheonic love story with several twists on the theme, I can highly recommend this first novel by this author”
“Amazing book from start to end”
“I shall be recommending it to my friends”

There was a time when the Gods and Goddesses watched over the world, a time when they were worshipped and loved, but that time has passed.

Their names became legends, those legends became myths and eventually even the myths were forgotten… but not by everyone.
When the Goddess Assaie fell for a human she gave up everything, including her identity, to be with him, sacrificing everything she ever knew in the name of true love.

When Kia Deering turned eighteen her ordinary life was changed forever as she learned of the existence of the Goddess and even more so when she met a rather intriguing young man who she couldn’t wait to see again.

Events from the past come together, in this fantastical romance, to change the present and nothing will ever be the same again, for any of them.

Read  D E Howard’s début novel Assaie’s Gift and follow a love that began in a time long passed.

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The Spirit: Awakening : KM Riley

The Spirit: Awakening : KM RileyThe Spirit: Awakening

On her eighteenth birthday, Princess Adele inherited the Kingdom of Iden.

Willful, strong, and independent, her life changed when she discovered she’s more than successor—she’s heir to a mysterious power hunted by an evil spirit. Chaos covers her lands, forcing Adele to flee its reach.

She journeys to unravel the secrets of her abilities, and defeat the enemy shadowing her. Adele refuses to let Iden fall—not without a fight.



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Next of Kin : Melissa M. Garcia

Next of Kin : Melissa M. Garcia

Next of Kin (Death Valley Mystery Book 2)

As Homicide Detective Will Stellar comes to grips with his brother’s recent incarceration, he’s called out to the murder of a childhood friend. His investigation leads him to uncover secrets that could take down the Lake City Police Department and force him to walk a tightrope of politics and civic responsibility.

Troubled by the stall tactics that has allowed criminals to live in the quiet desert city, a vigilante, dubbed the Coyote decides to take matters into his own hands. He leaves the mutilated bodies of two violent criminals as a present to the city. As the city cheers on their new hero, the Coyote focuses on Detective Stellar’s inability to close his case.

Pushed against two opposing forces, Detective Stellar finds an unlikely ally in motel owner and convicted murderer, Alex Delgado. Stellar is determined to stop the Coyote, even if it means breaking the rules. But dangling an irresistible target in front of the Coyote could put more at stake than just Stellar’s badge.


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Tortured Blues : Blair Redd

Tortured Blues : Blair ReddTortured Blues

Nolan has had one goal in mind from the time he started walking the beat: to become lead detective. But his youth and his attitude are always getting in the way of his ambition. Under the watchful eye of his former police-chief grandpa and his longtime mentor and boss, Lou, Nolan is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime . . . or so he thinks.

Nolan is sent back to high school as an undercover cop to investigate illegal drug activity. It doesn’t take him long to learn that big-man-on-campus Juice and his weightlifting crew are using and selling steroids. They are the key to breaking the notorious drug ring that is plaguing St. George. But can he convince the exclusive and intimidating “roid ragers” that he is one of them? And can he stop the drug and crime spree plaguing his hometown?


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Saving Grace : L. B. Johnson

Saving Grace : L. B. JohnsonSaving Grace: A Story of Adoption

From the Author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller The Book of Barkley – Love and Life Through the Eyes of a Labrador Retriever – a story of family, redemption, and hope.

It started with a piece of paper–a birth certificate, sent to the author’s parents long after her birth. There is much history in that piece of paper. For she was born to an unwed mother in the generation prior to Roe v. Wade, on a warm day in August-a small, painful beginning in which she had been an unwilling participant, yet one that would shape her destiny. She is adopted into a loving home with another child that would become her beloved brother. She finds herself pregnant; she’s a teen and a college student, abandoned at the news.

The options are obvious, but there is only one decision she could make: to give her child up to a family praying for one, and walking away.

Saving Grace is more than a story of adoption. It’s a deep look into family-at hope and faith and why we end our days surrounded by souls that may not bear our name or share our blood, but who are our true family.


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The Silent Journey : Naini Kumar

The Silent Journey : Naini KumarThe Silent Journey

The intriguing novel The Silent Journey takes place in the 1960s within a large home in India. The family members living in the house find themselves trapped within their own set limits, not allowing them to grow or show their true mettle.

The story will resonate with those who feel caught and desperate in their own lives, and was written to identify with these people, and let them know that they are not alone.

The inspiring theme tells us that looking within can be a great healer, one that makes the world a better place.

Author Naini Kumar’s next book is a sequel, where the granddaughter in the house comes to respect the home as a shrine, because of the actions and thoughts of her relatives.

NainiKumar is a retired orthopaedic surgeon who grew up in India and now lives both in India and in Bromley, Kent, England.

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Coming to Las Vegas : Carolyn V. Hamilton

Coming to Las Vegas : Carolyn V. HamiltonComing to Las Vegas, A true tale of sex, drugs & Sin City in the ’70s

In 1973 graphic designer Carolyn Hamilton comes from Los Angeles to the little desert town of Las Vegas with boyfriend Del to join the business side of the newly-formed Las Vegas International Circus. Del will be their general manager and Carolyn will handle advance publicity. They look forward to an adventurous life on the road in both the United States and Central America.

The circus business takes longer than anticipated to be ready to travel, and Carolyn and Del are not being paid. Inevitably they run out of money.

Carolyn gets a job as a cocktail waitress in the soon-to-open MGM Grand Hotel/Casino. She’s not impressed with this desert town and wants to make just enough money to get back to L.A.

Through DEA connections and nefarious means, Del gets the position as bailiff for District Court Judge Paul Goldman.

The circus finally goes to Central America without them. This turns out to be fortunate because when the owner insults a foreign government official, all equipment is confiscated and everyone is jailed and ultimately deported to their birth countries.

Carolyn and Del marry, but when Del’s ex-wife surfaces he is revealed as a bigamist. Good to have a District Court Judge to fix this new challenge.

Working cocktails at the MGM turns out to be more colorful than a nice Lutheran girl from Seattle would think: rumors, parties, stealing, sex, drinking and drugs are the main entertainment for a bored crew of cocktail waitresses, bartenders, dealers and floormen.

Carolyn faces a personal challenge when she becomes pregnant. Del, who is 16 years older, does not want children and thinks abortion is still illegal. Carolyn has her own secret reason for wanting the abortion.

Some cocktail waitresses date culinary union bosses, who have their own high drama of payoffs, fights for control, fire bombings and an 18-day culinary union strike that cripples Las Vegas.

Hailing from a loyal Teamster’s Union family (her father was a laundry delivery driver in Seattle), Carolyn gets surprising and revealing insight into union operations.

After a drunken ménage a quatre with two other waitresses and a casino floorman, Carolyn decides this is not the kind of life she wants for herself. After three years of glitz and glamour and earning gobs of money, she leaves the MGM to rediscover her personal values and her commitment to her marriage.

Each story told in this memoir—of the Martin Scorsese “Casino” era of Las Vegas—is true, and many are humorous as well as outrageous.

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From Backpacker to Traveller : Drew Prineas

From Backpacker to Traveller : Drew PrineasFrom Backpacker to Traveller

Drew was preparing to become a marketing genius when he left Australian shores to work in the UK, only for travel to get in the way. With his first footsteps on the plane, his two-year overseas trip changed to a travelling lifelong obsession.

A decade on and over 120 countries later FROM BACKPACKER TO TRAVELLER discovers key moments that triggered a life on the road.

Arriving in Turkey just after the Iraq war began, Drew's story covers his travel experiences that opened his eyes – Leading to moments of self-discovery not only whilst on the road but upon his unexpected returns home. With his innocence gone. Drew looks back at these poignant moments as he smoothly ebbs and flows through his first five years as a young man travelling Europe, India and South America.

Drew uses his wicked sense of humour to overcome his fears and preconceptions to discover the greatest gifts travel can offer. There was no time for self-pity, only time to live and make the most of his time on earth. No matter what the world threw at him a strong resolve was obtained, refusing to let fears and misfortunes dictate his travels.

Instead, FROM BACKPACKER TO TRAVELLER moves beyond highlighting the awkwardness of – being stuck in a dorm room with two New Zealanders and a lady of the night, sleeping at bus shelters under the midnight sun in Norway or getting robbed numerous times in South America – by putting things into perspective and seeing the brighter side to life in the most obscure of moments.

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