Juvia, Kennedy & the Trial and Confession of Trump : Lawrence David Niren
On February 5, 2020, the corrupt cowards of the Senate Republicans (except for Senator Mitt Romney), all acquitted the criminal Trump of his crimes. This novel tells the truth and convicts Trump.
The story details many of Trump’s alleged crimes, which he is put on trial for: including his widespread racism; Trump stealing from his charities in the millions; Trump not paying thousands of his minority illegal workers who he cheated; Trump stealing from his lawyers who he didn’t pay; Trump stealing from his campaign contributors to pay off adult film stars, models, and prostitutes with campaign finance money; Trump’s rapes of 13, 14, and 15-year-old girls from his Miss Teen USA pageants with his good friend and convicted pedophile who went to prison, Jeffrey Epstein, where Trump’s followers can see photos of Trump with Mr. Epstein together; Trump’s billions of dollars in debt to Russian President Putin and Russian banks, and revealed for the first time, proof that Trump is only worth $100 million – after all his debts are taken into account, along with his tax returns, that proves he is not a billionaire at all.
In fact, Trump went bankrupt 6 times, and only had money in life because his father gave him $413 million and bailed him out of all his financial disasters; Trump’s collusion with the Russians to fix the 2016 elections; Trump’s obstruction of justice; Trump’s illegitimate children and abortions that Trump paid for; and Trump making a confession that his conservative followers will not be able to accept, and will finally abandon him: Is Trump bisexual, gay, and a pedophile?
And at the same time as all this is taking place, Juvia, a miracle dog who cures and saves lives, and the great Congressman Joe Kennedy III, grandson of Robert Kennedy and great-nephew of President John Kennedy, run for President, and win, even as they face incredible odds and several assassination attempts on their lives in the south.
A new original, arcane, fantasy, humorous, yet brutally stark, novel in the realm of such works as The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Forrest Gump, The Big Fish, Field Of Dreams, Being There, Dead Souls, that is very complex from the moment it starts, as no one at first realizes who Frump is, how he is connected to Trump, and who Juvia is.
Other books by Lawrence David Niren are also on Whizbuzz Books:
The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant
The Lex Talionis of Brett Kavanaugh
The Ecstasy
Compassion I
Compassion II
Light of The Lord’s Lesbian
The Kazandra Appearance
God, the Devil & the Curse of Tippecanoe
The Good & The Evil
Drink From The Furry
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