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The Cabin: A murder Mystery : W.D. Frolick

The Cabin : W.D. FrolickBuck Woods. A stressed out NYPD homicide detective and former marine scout sniper on sabbatical, returns home to Orono, Maine.

Upon arriving back in town, Buck meets up with his old high school friend, Detective Jim Barkowsky of the Orono PD. Jim invites Buck to stay with him, his wife, and their two children.

The next morning Buck and Jim go to check out Buck’s new home, an old run-down cabin on two acres of land on Pushaw Lake. Upon entering the cabin they discover the decomposing body of an unidentified man. The victim died from a single gunshot wound. It is obvious that he was murdered.

Buck and Jim set out to solve the murder by putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Unexpected twists, turns, and obstacles abound, leading to a climax that puts Buck’s life on the line.



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Authentic Style Secrets : Lisa Johnson

Authentic Style Secrets : Lisa JohnsonDiscover your Style and Dress your Body to Look Amazing!

Learn how to add personality into your style, dress like a stylist and enhance your body to look fabulous! The workbook component helps understand your authentic style, how you want others to see you and how to easily boost your style.

Complete style guide that teaches how to have a style you love, put outfits together that enhance your body, colours that look great on you, how to accessorize, glasses for your face shape, creating your lifestyle closet to shopping tips.

Your image and confidence have a huge impact on your life and may help you reach your goals. You deserve to look amazing! Beautiful, Confident and Real.

Authentic Beauty Secrets by Lisa Johnson is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Therapy Without A Therapist: DIY Good Mental Health & Growth : Avigail Abarbanel

Therapy Without A Therapist : Avigail AbarbanelAre you a bit anxious or a bit low, not doing as well as you think you should or can? Are you struggling with confidence or emotional triggers at work, in a relationship or in parenting? Do you feel triggered and ‘lose’ yourself? Do you find yourself behaving in ways that you are not proud of but can’t stop yourself in the moment? Does your life feel a bit dull, directionless? Do you wonder what else might be possible for you? Have you tried antidepressants only to realise that they don’t actually deal with the causes but only help with the symptoms?

If, like many, you prefer to live without medication, someone might have suggested you talk to a professional, a therapist. But the idea of talking to a stranger about your problems can be off-putting and uncomfortable, even scary. A lot of people wonder what therapy can actually offer them and for good reasons. Psychotherapy is still a mystery to many. Therapists can be vague about what they do and often cannot explain it. And in any case, is talking always helpful? What happens when you open a big can of worms and make yourself vulnerable in front of a stranger but then have to carry on with your day-to-day life? When you don’t know what therapy is, how do you even begin to choose an approach that is the right one for you?

If you are sceptical and prefer not to talk to a stranger about your problems, this short book might be for you. Thanks to Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB), the brainchild of Dr Dan Siegel, therapy is no longer a mystery and everyone can understand it. Over two decades I have been able to develop my psychotherapeutic practice within the framework of IPNB in a way that makes it clear and accessible to everyone. Over the years many clients have urged me to put into writing what I do in therapy. They believe that many can benefit from this knowledge and can grow, heal and develop even without seeing a therapist. I have always been passionate about sharing knowledge in the hope of making the profession of psychotherapy unnecessary.

Therapy is also much more than just about individual happiness. How we are, determines our values, how we treat one another, how we parent and guide children, our politics and ultimately how we run our world. When you grow and develop to your potential you benefit much more than just yourself. This is the fifth booklet in the ‘Fully Human Psychotherapy Tools for Life Series’. It is short and accessible and it is for everyone because good mental health and development are everyone’s business.

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Authentic Beauty Secrets : Lisa Johnson

Authentic Beauty Secrets : Lisa JohnsonComplete Beauty Workbook – Personalized to enhance your natural beauty.

Learn every step of makeup application, from natural to evening and party looks plus how to use your brushes – from start to finish. Enhance your eyes, skin tone and facial features, shape your brows, get glowing skin and pretty hair.

The workbook component helps you understand your authentic beauty, what being real means to you, how you want others to see you and how to easily boost your natural beauty.

Customized for every skin type, skin tone, face shape, eye shape, eye colour, hair colour and hair type.

Your image and confidence have a huge impact on your life and may help you reach your goals. You deserve to look amazing! Beautiful, Confident and Real.

Authentic Style Secrets by Lisa Johnson is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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The Mystery of Healing : A P McGrath

The Mystery of Healing : A P McGrathSolon of Pergamon turns detective when his cherished medical teacher is murdered.

Suspicion falls on a mysterious student who holds a secret that threatens the feared ruling class.

Tossed between the search for love and the precarious tides of the Roman Empire, Solon navigates with the same bloody-minded humanity it takes to be chief physician to the gladiators of a glittering age.

Classic storytelling in an unforgettable setting.

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Into the Sunset: A Voyage Of Vicissitude : Leslie J Nicholls

Into the Sunset : Leslie J NichollsA luxury cruise can fulfil life dreams or create living nightmares. For one guest, Dan Bradley, it’s sure to be a life changing experience; possibly his last.

He hadn’t planned on meeting Sarah, the enigmatic English Rose, escorting Jason, a brooding troubled teenager. What secrets are they taking out to sea?

What is this mysterious new virus that threatens to scupper the cruise?

Before they set sail, Captain Halsey alerts his officers to the growing fear of attacks on cruise ships. They are vulnerable targets engaged in activities considered offensive, even abhorrent to certain cultural groups committed to terror. Will his warning prove to be prophetic?

The flamboyant new Cruise Director is seeking new horizons having been forced from his previous role as a celebrity TV presenter under a cloud of dubious allegations. Will he sink or swim under the waves of innuendo?

Guests and crew embark upon an epic voyage of conflict, conspiracy, passion and revenge that no one aboard will ever forget.

Not everyone sails happily into the sunset.

“A novel of Titanic proportions………just don’t take it onto a cruise ship.” Boston Cruise Club.

“This is one novel that the Cruise Companies won’t want you to read!” Topreads 2018.

“A terrific read. Superbly plotted with a stunning cast of intriguing characters” Literally Speaking.

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Escape the Maze: Rise Above the Race : T Mertz

Escape the Maze : T MertzWithin us all we have bliss and turmoil. The turmoil is often the partaker in daily circumstances.

Learn to dismiss the low frequencies you are attracting.

Accept that you deserve more, that there is an immeasurable life path for you. Find bliss in each moment. Find fulfillment in all actions.

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JOURNEY: The Story of an American Family : Gary V. Brill

JOURNEY : Gary V. BrillJOURNEY tells the story of James Woodman, young, black and freeborn in 1814 Washington DC. Although legally a free man, he knows the promises of the Declaration are hollow when it comes to people like him. He has to constantly fight to keep his freedom and avoid kidnappers who hunt down ANY black person and sell them south into enslavement….. just what happened to his younger brother after James left the family farm to move to the city. James serves in the District Militia alongside Francis Scott Key and fights the British who eventually burn Washington.

He decides when the War of 1812 ends to go back to his father’s farm and start a family. He has also helped a young runaway, Luke, to find safety and freedom at the farm. Even now, after his service to a country that does not seem to love him back, he must fight to stay free from slave hunters and others who wish him ill. He is drawn into the Abolitionist movement and helps to bring the Underground Railroad through his valley. He helps fugitives to find freedom in Canada as he conducts dozens of northward.

The anti-Abolitionists declare open war on James and his family and anyone else who helps fugitive slaves to freedom. The final confrontation changes the feelings in the valley towards the freedom seekers, and James is forced to once again stand up for the “inalienable rights” that others have…. but not always people who look like him.

Brutally honest and thoroughly researched, JOURNEY takes place when the language of race was even harsher than today and the story reflects that, but it also draws many parallels with today’s headlines.

Driving in Budapest by Gary V. Brill is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Office Drone : Stephen Ball

Office Drone : Stephen BallRoger Young was a fresh-faced actor wannabe who was just looking to make a buck before his big break. Taking a position at a company he didn’t know and entering the office environment for the first time, Roger thinks that it’s all going to be a piece of cake – just sit down, do his eight hours, and collect his paycheck.

Little does he realize that the office is its own type of jungle, one he’s totally unprepared for.

Follow one person’s struggles as he encounters the zany hijinks that can take place in an office, and tries to remain sane.

It’s one thing to be an office worker – it’s another entirely to be an Office Drone.

Random Acts of Violence by Stephen Ball is also on Whizbuzz Books.



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Dirty Deeds : Armand Rosamilia

Dirty Deeds : Armand RosamiliaI get paid to erase problems.

Did your extramarital affair produce an unwanted complication? Family problems? Just want to enjoy your midlife crisis by yourself?

That’s where I come in. For a fee I’ll take care of it. A big fee.

Only, I’m not going to do what you think. I’m not going to save you from them, I’m going to save them from you.

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