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The Ancient Ones : Lori Hines

The Ancient Ones : Lori HinesThe Ancient Ones

Lorelei Lanier is adjusting to the powerful connections she has to spirits. Unfortunately, her medium abilities are only the beginning.

While working a dark arts case with the FBI and the Arizona-Irish Paranormal Research Society, she discovers she is the reincarnation of Annie O’Shea, the original owner of the Texas Canyon Ranch where the mystery unfolds. And Lorelei’s astral abilities that saved her from a mine three years ago are becoming stronger upon discovery of an extinct, ancient race of people.

Underground tunnels, Stonehenge-like monuments, petroglyphs of the solar system, an alternate dimension and hidden Indian ruins—clues discovered in southeast Arizona pertaining to the ancient ones existence. But Lorelei has much more to worry about than the supernatural. She is struggling with her feelings for fellow investigator Ian Healy. Pagan and Wiccan, it is Ian’s ability to heal with his eyes that captures her heart.

Two mysteries, one in Southeast Arizona and the other north of Flagstaff, soon culminate into a new reality for Lorelei Lanier. Will she be prepared for what the ancient ones have in store?

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The Long Shadow : Loretta Proctor

The Long Shadow : Loretta ProctorThe Long Shadow

Fourteen-year-old Andrew discovers his mother’s hidden diary at his grandmother’s home during a Christmas gathering. His eyes are opened to a family secret when he reads about her time as a nurse in Salonika during the First World War, and the tragic love affair she had with his father, a Greek officer who died in battle.

Four years later, Andrew is compelled to visit his father’s land and trace his roots. What—and whom—he finds there will change his life forever.

The Long Shadow is filled with descriptions of Greece and its people. Dramatic images of battle and the terrible conditions endured by the Allied Armies entrenched around Salonika in the “Birdcage” are authentic and vivid. Greek music and dance play a vital role, reconciling in Andrew the dichotomy of belonging to two very different cultures and helping him to unite them in his heart and soul.

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The Pyramid Legacy : Clive Eaton

The Pyramid Legacy : Clive EatonThe Pyramid Legacy

For over four millennia the Great Pyramid of Giza has guarded a secret image; until NOW!

A prominent Egyptologist is murdered by a colleague, deep within the bowels of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The authorities are keen to cover it up, but they know they can’t achieve total closure whilst English robotics engineer, Ben Anderson, remains in possession of a powerful image. An image, which suggests the Great Pyramid at Giza was not built by ancient Egyptians.

Anderson manages to escape Egypt at the earliest opportunity, together with his astrophysicist girlfriend, Samantha Gibson, but the authorities are quickly on their tail when it becomes evident they have arrested the wrong person.

Keen to establish who really built the Pyramids, Anderson seeks to gain additional proof to support his theory. As he and Gibson begin to discover a series of seemingly disparate clues, they soon realise that everything is far from straightforward.

Whilst seeking additional resources, Gibson is unwittingly embroiled in the internal politics of the US military, with the result that she becomes a pawn in a vicious power struggle involving a corrupt senior officer. Her path crosses that of an ex-lover and her relationship with Anderson stretches to breaking point.

As Anderson begins to see Gibson from a totally different perspective, his focus changes, and he pushes himself well beyond the limits of his comfort zone in an attempt to discover the truth. Gibson is now prepared to do anything to fulfil a lifetime ambition, but as her objective becomes almost within her grasp a virulent virus threatens to stop her . . . and Anderson has the antidote . . . together with a totally different agenda. And so an unprecedented race begins to finally reveal the true legacy of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Pyramid Legacy is a thriller, but also has a story of love and deceit deeply woven in.

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Crystal Promise : James Funfer

Crystal Promise : James FunferCrystal Promise: The Shattered Crystal: Book 1

The country of Novem is in a dire state of affairs. Still recovering from a great war in which they were the aggressor, an economic depression has swept the continent and leaves Novem in the throes of poverty. The republic struggles to hold back a revolution, but strong socialist sentiments threaten Novem’s stability, and many seek to return Novem to its former glory as a powerful totalitarian empire.

Novem runs on crystals mined from the ground, but many consider them to be more than just a power source. The Church of Novem worships a ‘Great Crystal’, which is thought to be a liaison between the gods and humanity. Those who can alter crystals at will, known as crystal-speakers, are an important part of that link between the earth and the divine.

For finishing school students Jacoby, Timori, Racquela and Crystara, concerns about revolutions and the church are overshadowed by school, dances, sports and summer vacations. But when the Great Crystal selects its arranged marriages that year, a chain of events is set into motion that threatens to upset the entire nation. Betrothal promises are made with rings of crystal, but if they shatter, hearts are not the only things that will break…

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Senseless Confidential : Martin Bannon

Senseless Confidential : Martin BannonSenseless Confidential

“Hardly a day goes by when some f&%#head doesn’t want to shoot me. Today is no exception.”

Meet Nick Prince, who wants nothing more than to go drown his sorrows at the Safari Club and pine for Beth, his lost college love. But before he can do that, his job with the U.S. Census Bureau requires him to face down reluctant respondents in the remote forests of Oregon, who repel him with everything from pit bulls to shotguns.

When a chance encounter in the tiny town of Elwood lands him in the midst of a loopy polygamist clan, it sets off a wild, wacky race to save himself, his job, and his bleeding heart. You won’t know whether to laugh or cry as Nick struggles to sort out the multiple warrants and women that stand between him and his sanity.



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Henrietha : Joyce M. Johnson

Henrietha : Joyce M. JohnsonHenrietha

A pair of novellas about friendship and endurance in the face of hardship.

In the titular story, Johnson introduces an unlikely pair of friends: Joanna White, a white Canadian journalist struggling to overcome the breakup of her long-term relationship, and Henrietha Browne, a Jamaican woman who has seen her share of troubles. Henrietha relates her history of oppression and abuse as well as her quest to find autonomy in a world beset with racism, sexism and poverty.

In the process, Joanna comes to a deeper understanding of her own oppression and how her identity, while playing a role in both her successes and failures, is more of a bridge than a barrier to her communion with women of all races and backgrounds.

A smaller novella follows, Waiting for the World to Change, with a similar structure as black lawyer Susan Ottawa seeks counsel with Jamaican housekeeper Anita Kingsley. As they share their feelings about men, religion and racism, Susan sees her life in a new light and slowly opens her heart to Anita’s brand of optimistic spirituality.

Cathartic and politically thoughtful, the stories it contains look pointedly at injustices that go ignored and say things that need to be said.

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Bottled Abyss : Benjamin Kane Ethridge

Bottled Abyss : Benjamin Kane EthridgeBottled Abyss

Bram Stoker Award winning author Benjamin Kane Ethridge’s highly anticipated second novel.

Herman and Janet Erikson are going through a crisis of grief and suffering after losing their daughter in a hit and run. They’ve given up on each other, they’ve given up on themselves. One afternoon, to make a horrible situation worse, their dog goes missing in the coyote-infested badlands behind their property. Herman, resolved in preventing another tragedy, goes to find the dog, completely unaware he’s on a hike to the River Styx, the border between the Living World and the world of the Dead.

Long ago the gods died and the River dried up, but a bottle containing its waters still remains in the badlands. What Herman discovers about the dark power contained in those waters will change his life forever…


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Bentwhistle The Dragon: In A Threat From The Past : Paul Cude

Bentwhistle The Dragon In A Threat From The Past : Paul CudeBentwhistle The Dragon In A Threat From The Past

Bentwhistle the Dragon in A Threat from the Past is an adventure story children and adults alike will love. It’s set in the present day, when dragons across the world disguise themselves as humans using magical mantras. Blending in this way, they have infiltrated the human race at every level, to uphold an ancient charge to guide and nurture humanity.  Three young dragon friends in their human guises become caught up in an evil plot to steal something very precious from the dragon community. How will the reluctant hero and his friends fare against an enemy of his race from far in the past?

Peter, Tank and Richie risk everything to thwart a scheming human who always seems one step ahead of them. With a dragon councillor making demands and an old man turning up out of the blue, the three friends barely have time to play hockey, lacrosse and rugby, or watch their favourite dragon team compete at laminium ball, let alone save the world. Will Peter and his friends be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together in time?

Fascinating insights into the dragon world are interspersed throughout the book. Ever wondered how dragons travel below ground at almost the speed of sound? Or how they use magical mantras to transform their giant bodies into convincing human shapes?

In an action packed adventure that features both human and dragon team sports, you’ll get a dragon-like perspective on human social issues and insight into what to do if you meet a giant spider grinning at you when you’re wearing nothing but your smile! You’d be flamin’ mad to miss it.

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Amsterdam… The Essence : David Beckett

Amsterdam... The Essence : David BeckettAmsterdam… The Essence

“Nobody wants to be labeled a tourist – whether you’re visiting, or living in Amsterdam as an expat. This book gives you the inside story on why the city is so diverse and fascinating.”
David Beckett, author.

Combining his own experience with that of a diverse group of creative locals, Beckett tells the story of Amsterdam in the words of the people who shape the city. Over 150 photographs bring the locals’ stories to life. NOTE: an enhanced version of this book is also available for iPad, with 17 movies, 28 sound clips and 100 more photos than the print version: Check this version on iBooks and iTunes.

25 Amsterdammers share their experience of life in Holland’s capital – including tattoo king Henk Schiffmacher; musical fashion superstar Bas Kosters; street artist Laser 3.14 ; former Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen; founder of the Prostitution Information Centre, Mariska Majoor: comedian and columnist Youp Van ‘t Hek; Hollywood actress Halina Reijn; ‘Mr Ajax’, Sjaak Swart; rapper and artist Def P; singer/songwriter Lake Montgomery; and world famous shoe designer Jan Jansen.

Get the inside track on the most enigmatic city in the world by hearing what the locals have to say.

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Cowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth : Scott M. Terry

Cowboys, Armageddon, aCowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth : Scott M. Terrynd The TruthIn Cowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth, Scott Terry shares his unforgettable story of being raised a Jehovah’s Witness and surviving parental abuse, homophobia, and religious extremism.

Through a series of adventures and misadventures, Terry left the Witness religion—a religion which calls itself “The Truth”—as a young adult, and found happiness as a cowboy riding bulls in the rodeo, and living as an openly gay man.

Cowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth is the compelling story of one man’s harrowing struggle to trade “The Truth” for a life of honesty, integrity, and self-acceptance.

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