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Real Moms Love to Eat : Beth Aldrich

Real Moms Love to Eat : Beth Aldrich

Real Moms Love to Eat: How to Conduct a Love Affair with Food, Lose Weight and Feel Fabulous

Real Moms Love to Eat: How to Conduct a Love Affair with Food, Lose Weight and Feel Fabulous is the perfect handbooks for moms who truly, love to eat. Beth Aldrich takes the reader by the hand to discover how cultivate health and happiness in their families by first focusing on themselves.

REAL MOMS LOVE TO EAT is a refreshing healthy eating and book complete with innovative assignments, useful explanations, and careful guidance that focuses more on what can be added to a diet than what should be taken away. This book will provide the tools needed for moms to feel more energetic and still look great in those skinny jeans! Weight loss is the perfect side effect when you eat pure, wholesome food.

Beth’s book takes the boring out of eating and incorporates more fun in daily meal planning with a 10-week plan that allows busy moms to eat what they like, lose weight, and still look amazing.


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The Reality Engineers : William A. Hainline

The Reality Engineers : William A. Hainline

The Reality Engineers: Volume 1: What Happens At Con Stays At Con

“If Kick Ass and Ready Player One had a love child, it would probably resemble something like The Reality Engineers.” — review

Terry “Gadget” Anders was once an ordinary inventor who had a lot of free time . . . time in which to invent the tech he’d only read about in comics and dreamed about at the movies. Now, he’s created a machine that grants him unbelievable psionic powers: He can move objects with his mind, and can conjure force-fields from thin air . . . in fact, the only thing he can’t seem to conjure up is a girlfriend! Resigned to his fate, he has journeyed to RetCon XVIII — an annual shindig (or is it more of a hootenanny?) of comic geeks and fandom freaks — to see if he can locate “the One.” (And, of course, to test his latest invention!) However, he’s not counting on the girl of his dreams being a butt-kicking superheroine wearing a robotic exoskeleton.

Dizzy Roentgen is haunted by a past that only her kung-fu-fighting physics professor knows the story of . . . a past that links her to a maniacal supervillain in dark and terrible ways. Dizzy has come to RetCon to enjoy some D&D and maybe a little Q&A with her favorite sci-fi celebrities. What she hasn’t planned on is meeting a strange young inventor who will (maybe) help her fend off a diabolical alien invasion! Can they save humanity without missing a panel? Don your best cosplay and tune up your guitars, folks, ‘cause this is gonna be the best RetCon EVER!

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Making Room for George : D Ellis Phelps

Making Room for George : D Ellis Phelps

Making Room for George

Bet has had it. Twenty-five years of marriage to her husband, Steve; raising three kids; and denying her own needs have left her with the extreme conviction that it is finally her turn to fly.

Enter George: Steve’s incorrigible father who’s in trouble. Something has to be done, but, George moving in with Bet and Steve could prove to be more than the family can bear.

In between infidelity, resentment, and making room for George, Bet realizes what she’s really been denying. And this, changes everything.



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When The Drum Major Died : Anjuelle Floyd

When The Drum Major Died : Anjuelle Floyd

December 28th, 1967. America has taken a respite from the heated protests and fire bombings that engulfed the nation during the previous summer. Approaching the house where she and her new husband, Redmond, will live, Florina Gavin Austin, two days married, spies a woman sitting on the steps.

The woman’s uncanny knowledge of the space that Florina will inhabit leaves Florina feeling ill at ease. Following Sunday services, Florina witnesses the woman she will come to know as Agnes, caress Redmond’s cheek. Florina and Agnes’ husbands, Negro doctors in Poinsettia, hold prominent positions in the social and political life of their community.

When Agnes flees to Memphis and joins the Sanitation Workers Protests, all are aghast. Florina respects Agnes’ strength in standing up for what she and all Negroes across America believe and desire: Civil Rights for their people. Moviing towards the fateful day, April 4th, 1968, when Dr. King is killed, Florina learns that marriage exposes the vulnerabilities of all who pledge their trough and body. It casts an even greater shadow upon the ones who vow love unto death, and do not deliver what they have promised. …

When the Drum Major Died shows what happens when we resist change in favor of worn-out tradition, and what occurs when we open our hearts and embrace the words, “ … be first in love … be first in generosity … He who is greatest among you shall be your servant. … ”

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Where The Foxgloves Bloom : Deborah Smith

Where The Foxgloves Bloom : Deborah Smith

Where The Foxgloves Bloom

Part One (novella) of the sequel to the New York Times bestselling A PLACE TO CALL HOME; return to Dunderry, Georgia, where Roan and Claire’s new marriage is disrupted by the arrival of a young stranger in town–Roan’s disreputable half-brother. Can Zach Donovan be helped?

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Too Broken To Love : Tania Cooper

Too Broken To Love : Tania Cooper

Too Broken To Love

Tragedy sometimes defines our lives, taking away our choice to move forward.

But can love repair the damage that is hidden so deep within our soul?

Follow the story of Jess’s fight to escape the deep depression she has been drowning in for years since the death of her mother as she strives to reach the normal life she so desperately yearns for and what happens on the night she finally reaches rock bottom, only to be saved by the man that helped to put her there.

Wade Hunter, struggling with the pressures in his own life, knows he needs to make some drastic changes to his workaholic ways so he can finally have the time to ask out the shy beautiful waitress that he has been secretly pining over for a year. But when one night changes both their paths, revealing Jess’s true struggles, Wade finally sees the darkness behind this sweet angels shy smile.

Despite the hardships he knows they will face together, Wade becomes determined to pull Jess out of the dark fog she lives in and show her how wonderful life can truly be, if only she would accept the love he feels so passionately for her. 

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Terminal Life : Richard Torregrossa

Terminal Life : Richard Torregrossa

Terminal Life : A Suited Hero Novel

Luke Stark, a Special Forces veteran, returns home from his second tour in Afghanistan to learn that his wife has been mysteriously murdered and his son has disappeared. These tragedies, in addition to suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, push him over the edge.

He has also been diagnosed with an incipient form of cancer, but he forgoes treatment, a decision that is akin to a slow suicide. Although he languishes in a shelter, he wears an impeccable suit, an eccentric characteristic that sets him apart from his fellow down-and-outers and just about everybody else.

He is nicknamed, somewhat ironically, The Suited Hero. Revenge and the search for his son spark a kind of rebirth in him that is as cathartic as it is brutal. This leads him into the dangerous world of illegal prescription drug distribution, where nobody in this gripping mystery crime thriller- not even some family members-is who they appear to be.

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Anonymous : P. Sherman

Anonymous : P. Sherman


Full of suspense, mystery, and drama, this thrilling page-turner opens with a young man siting perched at his laptop at a popular café in Paris de Amour when, all of a sudden, he catches the reflection of an unidentified shadow on his computer screen. He swiftly packs up his belongings and runs off into the crowded town hub, desperately trying to escape the shadowy figure stalking behind him! The young man’s name is Jake, but there’s a lot more to him than meets the eye.

Jake’s true identity is that of a computer hacker associated with the infamous hacker organization ANONYMOUS! And so, there are numerous forces out to find him, some determined to expose him and others determined to use his hacking skills to their advantage. But regardless of their different motives, Jake’s hunters all have one thing in common—they’ll stop at nothing until they get what they’re after, making his journey full of unexpected twists and turns.

ANONYMOUS exposes the temptations and dangerous realities of modern social concepts, such as social networks and hacking organizations, while delivering a compelling story that will benefit the world we live in, making it a thriller sure to entertain you and keep you guessing until the very end!

Author P. Sherman has generously chosen to dedicate a portion of net sales from this book to endorse the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (, which, among other things, supports animals and helps recover their natural habitats from disaster and other unfortunate circumstances.

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Evidence of Insanity : Carol Piner

Evidence of Insanity : Carol PinerEvidence of Insanity

Evidence of Insanity is an unusual novel in that it is being told to you by a southern story teller. So prepare yourself for a fast paced, full-speed-ahead book that leaves you laughing and crying at the same time.

Her stories are told by a southern story teller who is speaking of Little Callie, her main character. Having told her hilarious stories time after time over the years to grateful listeners, Piner has finally put them in book form for the rest of you. If you like wild, weird people who love their Mamas, howls at the moon in the rain, ghosts, faces down adversity, loves animals and can tell her stories like you are sitting there listening, you will love Evidence of Insanity.

Little Callie, was only a 7 month fetus being jostled around in her Mama’s womb at Bud Dixon’s Texaco while her Mama, draped over the front seat, whacked at Daddy. I was in there banging around and cheering Mama on, screaming, “Git ‘im, Mama, git ‘im.” Yep, she’d caught him with one of his stenches. Then her water broke and the chaos began. It never ended.

Callie was born the fifth of six children by two wildly unprepared and badly matched parents who never once behaved themselves. Not interested in anything other than being her Mama’s biggest pain in the ass, a little sneak to the rest of the kids and giving her Daddy the stink eye, she made up her mind when she was about 2 years old to never be anything like the rest of her family so she went about life laughing and making fun of those making fun of her.

Never making it past 5’ tall, her personality was huge. She did manage to grow up without killing herself, but she spent her time her as a chaos magnet and as one reader said it, “Callie danced shamelessly through adversity and all that life could throw at her.” Life did and Little Callie spit it in the eye, refusing to ever give up or lose the amazing spirit given to her at birth by her Mama.

Piner’s first reviewer, a Professor Emeritus at N.C. State University, said Evidence was a “remarkable achievement” and no matter what, not to change one word of the last ten fifteen pages.

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Aba and Shamana : Cynthia L Floriani

Aba and Shamana : Cynthia L Floriani

Aba and Shamana

The story is set in a fictitious Middle Eastern region two thousand years ago. The tale begins with the arrival of a mysterious stranger to a goat herder’s campsite, who captivates a little girl named Alimud with a story about a giant donkey and his young mistress who cared for him.

The story is ultimately one of Love and Friendship between an unusual giant donkey named Aba that has preternatural abilities, which also includes having a very strong intuition unlike any other animal, and of Shamana his young mistress who, after the death of his mother Jenna, raises Aba from a gangly foal to become a mammoth donkey that reaches over two meters in height. Aba is often regarded as a beast, but his fearsome appearance belies his true gentle, golden hearted nature.

Shamana herself is imbued with a Visionary gift which enables her to interpret through her vivid dreams other people’s destinies and fates.

The story brings together two families through unusual circumstances which over time forms the basis for their unbreakable bond to each other throughout their lives and shows that being a family does not necessarily require being blood related.

Aba is set to experience great despair when he fails to protect the one he loves, which has tragic consequences.

It is only through Shamana that Aba’s heart may find peace but for this to happen he must travel through the wilderness to find her again.

ThThe story is set in a fictitious Middle Eastern region two thousand years ago. The tale begins with the arrival of a mysterious stranger to a goat herder’s campsite, who captivates a little girl named Alimud with a story about a giant donkey and his young mistress who cared for him.

The story is ultimately one of Love and Friendship between an unusual giant donkey named Aba that has preternatural abilities, which also includes having a very strong intuition unlike any other animal, and of Shamana his young mistress who, after the death of his mother Jenna, raises Aba from a gangly foal to become a mammoth donkey that reaches over two meters in height. Aba is often regarded as a beast, but his fearsome appearance belies his true gentle, golden hearted nature.

Shamana herself is imbued with a Visionary gift which enables her to interpret through her vivid dreams other people’s destinies and fates.
The story brings together two families through unusual circumstances which over time forms the basis for their unbreakable bond to each other throughout their lives and shows that being a family does not necessarily require being blood related.

Aba is set to experience great despair when he fails to protect the one he loves, which has tragic consequences.

It is only through Shamana that Aba’s heart may find peace but for this to happen he must travel through the wilderness to find her again.

This is the story of Aba, father of all donkeys!

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