Lost In Him : Susan Ward


Lost In Him : Susan Ward

Lost In Him : Susan WardLost In Him (The Parker Series Book 1)

People think Chrissie Parker has a picture-perfect life. She leads an opulent lifestyle in Santa Barbara, her father, Jack, is a beloved music icon from the sixties, and she possesses a wealth of musical talent that will certainly lead to a promising future. But behind the façade, everything is far from perfect.

When Chrissie journeys from Santa Barbara to New York City for an audition at Juilliard, romance is the last thing on her mind. She never anticipated encountering British Superstar Alan Manzone, a musician fresh out of Rehab, tormented by his own weakness and troubled past. Alan’s life is everything Chrissie’s is not; exciting, glitzy, and an all-out train wreck.

Chrissie is soon consumed by Alan’s shocking pursuit of her, his dark secrets, and his desires. Determined to save Alan from himself, is it possible Alan, this beautiful and brilliant musician, is really rescuing Chrissie from her artfully concealed secret addiction that even her best friend is unaware of?

Swept away in a passion she is unable to resist, Chrissie is forced to choose between her life in California and Alan’s love for her. Can two lost people find a love meant to last a life time in only three weeks?

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