Lost Love : Sherrie Sushko
Lost Love
For Eric, recently engaged to his soul mate Abby and starting a promising new career, life has never been happier or felt more secure. Between planning his upcoming wedding and building his new business, his future is brighter than ever before.
Things begin to change, however, when Eric receives an unexpected communication from Larissa, a love from his past. Seeming to need his help, Eric is torn – should he reach out and help Larissa at the risk of losing Abby?
As strange events begin to unfold – mysterious phone calls and the peculiar appearance of daffodils – Eric finds an increasing sense of urgency to help Larissa, a girl with a troubled past, despite the toll that it seems to be taking on his relationship with Abby.
Abby, madly in love with Eric and hurt by his dedication to Larissa, feels that their current relationship is being threatened. Should she stand by Eric in his decision to aid Larissa?
Is it worth it for Eric to jeopardize his current life over a relationship from his past?
Lost Love, the latest by author Sherrie Sushko, is a mystery filled with suspense and a touch of romance that will keep you riveted from start to finish.
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The Kreuzvogel Experiment : Norman T. Bradford
The Kreuzvogel Experiment
The Kreuzvogel Experiment is a fictional Sci-fi thriller about main characters, HOWARD ‘Howie’ BRICE, MIRIAM BERKOWITZ, and twins, RONALD and DONALD WHITEHEAD. They were part of a group infants born in April, 1936. They were secretly given an experimental growth serum by Doktor ERNST KREUZVOGEL, alias Doctor DAVID VOGELMANN. In the year 2016 at the age of eighty, they were still healthy and virile. They discovered however, they were being stalked and murdered, and their blood harvested and converted into a serum for the members of, Das Neue Dritte Reich, (The New Third Reich) a neo-Nazi organization.
The story is divided into four parts: Part I – 1934 Heidelberg. Doktor KREUZVOGEL, Professor of Experimental Endocrinology arrives at his laboratory. He has designed an experiment to retard the aging process. He has tested the experiment on primates and wants to test human subjects. The council members reject his request for funds. We meet JUTTA KOHLHEPP, his lab assistant and mistress. She is the daughter of MARTIN KOHLHEPP, the local Unterführer and head of the Gestapo. Jutta is pregnant with Ernst’s child. Martin Kohlhepp has issued a warrant to the Gestapo for Ernst’s arrest.
Part II – 1936 Chicago will introduce the three fathers of the main characters, ISAIAH BERKOWITZ, father of Miriam, WILLIAM BRICE, father of Howard, and AARON WHITEHEAD, father of twins, RONALD and DONALD WHITEHEAD. They become friends and business partners in Chicago’s Douglas Park area.
Part III – The Summer 1951 – The entrance into young adulthood of our main characters, their love for one another and their initiation into an anti-Semitic and racist world.
Part IV – The Winter 2016 will pit their will to survive against the arch-enemy, Damian Mühlbach, hired assassin of Das Neue Dritte Reich. In a thrilling climax they overcome the evil threat.
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Horse and Pony Colours : Lesley Lodge
Horse and Pony Colours – Which Would You Choose?
A good horse is never a bad colour. This is very true.
But just imagine. If you had the chance to choose the perfect horse or pony with the colour you’d really, really like, what colour would you choose? There are an amazing fifty colours to choose from! This book – with colour photos – will tell you about all the horse and pony colours and their combinations and give you some examples. Then you can pick your favourite colour for your favourite imaginary horse or pony – and maybe make a second and third choice just for fun!
There are Palominos and Cremellos, Piebalds and Skewbalds, Blue roans and Strawberry roans, Sorrels and Chestnuts, Buckskins and Appaloosas and many, many more. Colourful horses from the film world, the racing world and the more everyday world appear in this book. There’s Roy Rogers’ Trigger, the talking horse, Mister Ed, The Lone Ranger’s Silver, the white horse Shadowfax from Lord of the Rings – so clever he didn’t need a saddle or bridle – and many more.
There’s a chapter too on horses’ markings – can you tell the difference between a blaze, a strip and a snip? Have you heard how horses change colour?
Horse and Pony Colours: Which would you choose? will tell you. There’s a chapter too on genes and how they can determine colours.
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Don’t Think of a Blue Ball : Malti Bhojwani
Don’t Think of a Blue Ball
Don’t Think of a Blue Ball is a personal development book full of practical exercises and the author’s own personal experiences. It is as light or as deep as you want it to be, depending on how Plugged In you are while reading it.
It aims to give you all you need to truly live the life you want and be joyful as you pursue your dreams and desires. Plug In and do the effective, tried-and-tested, exercises derived from Malti Bhojwani’s extensive study and hours of coaching her clients. This book includes scientific explanations where needed, wisdom from timeless philosophers and authors, teachings from the scriptures together with the author’s own personal poignant experiences to beautifully illustrate how you too can live a life you desire instead of one of default.
For the first time, an easy to read book that entwines humor, simple analogies and a firm voice in twelve chapters to show you how to make lasting changes in all areas of your life by making empowering decisions that will instantly help you experience joyous living. You will not only learn how to take action towards your desired life by following steps like in many other self-help books, but also how to change the way you talk to yourself, enabling you to feel, walk and dream in a state that will magnesite everything you desire even while you sleep.
Don’t Think of a Blue Ball will help you become aware of who you are being twenty-four hours a day and how to create a successful life by being a manifesting body that radiates joy and gratitude.
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Lost In Him : Susan Ward
Lost In Him (The Parker Series Book 1)
People think Chrissie Parker has a picture-perfect life. She leads an opulent lifestyle in Santa Barbara, her father, Jack, is a beloved music icon from the sixties, and she possesses a wealth of musical talent that will certainly lead to a promising future. But behind the façade, everything is far from perfect.
When Chrissie journeys from Santa Barbara to New York City for an audition at Juilliard, romance is the last thing on her mind. She never anticipated encountering British Superstar Alan Manzone, a musician fresh out of Rehab, tormented by his own weakness and troubled past. Alan’s life is everything Chrissie’s is not; exciting, glitzy, and an all-out train wreck.
Chrissie is soon consumed by Alan’s shocking pursuit of her, his dark secrets, and his desires. Determined to save Alan from himself, is it possible Alan, this beautiful and brilliant musician, is really rescuing Chrissie from her artfully concealed secret addiction that even her best friend is unaware of?
Swept away in a passion she is unable to resist, Chrissie is forced to choose between her life in California and Alan’s love for her. Can two lost people find a love meant to last a life time in only three weeks?
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Questioning Protocol : Randi Redmond Oster
What happens when a top-secret program engineer turned award-winning author tries to gain control during her chronically-ill son’s hospital stays? Questioning Protocol happens.
This funny, poignant, real-life narrative chronicles how one family successfully navigates the medical maze and offers tips to help readers do the same.
By the end of the enlightening, frank account, readers understand how to ask tough questions, weigh competing alternatives and control the reins during a health care crisis.
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Veyron : Roger Scouton
ROGER SCOUTON is the author of the first Jack Fields and Amber Reyes adventure/thriller GOLDPLAY. In the sequel, VEYRON, they are hired by London insurers to simply observe security provided by others for the Marine Corps charity road rally from the Grand Canyon to the red rocks of Sedona.
Unfortunately, in no time the easy assignment becomes a race in which Jack and Amber must find the killers before they too become victims. They follow clues and run for their lives from Arizona to the Red Sea and back, for a final showdown in the mountains of Montana.
Earned Value Management For Project Management : Sham Dayal
Earned Value Management For Project Management: Using Microsoft Office Project
Earned Value Management for Project Management Using Microsoft Office Project is the revision to the author’s earlier title, Earned Value Management Using Microsoft Office Project, which currently sells across the world as a good reference book for earned value management. The earlier title was also adopted by PMI for sale through the PMI bookstore. After successfully running the earlier title in print for over four years the author decided to revise his title and include tons of other aspects of project management into this new title.
The original title was focused on schedule and cost management aspects of project management. The author has now revised it with this title and included concepts such as what-if analysis, human resource management and project financials management all with the help of earned value management technique and Microsoft Office Project tool. The author has also addressed the comments that he received for his previous title about the contents of the book. The new concepts presented by the author in this title are unique to this title and cannot be found elsewhere in any other book on the market.
Throughout the book, the author maintains his claim of project managers being able to use the methods and techniques presented in this book for any size project by keeping the methods and techniques simple and easy-to-use for any project manager who is either from a technical or a nontechnical background. Since the title focuses on project financials management, it will very well appease the senior management audience as well. The techniques presented in this book can very well be adopted by an entire organization for all their projects, and they would help the organizations maintain better control over their projects. This title will serve its purpose for both service-oriented organizations and product-oriented organizations. For outsourced projects scenarios, it would benefit both the customer and the vendor organizations.
Salient features • Includes lots of practical examples and illustrations for ease of understanding • Covers all existing versions of Microsoft Office Project • End-to-end project-management handbook, covering scope management, schedule management, cost management, time management, human resource management, financials management, and so forth. • Introduces users to never-before-seen what-if analysis using EVM technique • Project financials management such as gross margins and profitability are introduced.
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Stanley Park : Racine Hiet
Stanley Park
STANLEY PARK: “A Powerful Story of Haunted Passions and Irresistible Love!” Forced into a bloody crime by Ace, an isolated girl April buries her past and becomes Lily — until passionate love with Markus drives her to uncover dark secrets and free Ace’s hold on her.
“Hiet skillfully introduces and intertwines her characters’ lives and passions in a riveting tale of mystery, murder, deceptions, love discovered, love lost. Chronicling several lives from the 1930s to 1960s, Hiet writes energetically, evocatively. Her descriptions and use of metaphor give subtle insights into the characters (and make another writer envious).
Stanley Park becomes the symbol intertwined throughout the characters’ lives. The park represents for them escape, renewal of self-nurturance, life-changing liaisons, and courageous revelations.
Stanley Park, a powerful thread, becomes the place of dreams proclaimed, true selves revealed, and ultimately freedom from their physical and psychological prisons.
In Stanley Park, Hiet faces head-on the abhorrent aspects of life, its physical and emotional cruelties, its disappointments, and its ability to bring out the worst in people. Yet, anchored always in the beauty and freshness of Stanley Park, with the major characters finally finding what they seek, her vision is one of hope and love.”
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Little Miss Sure Shot : Jeffrey Marshall
Little Miss Sure Shot: Annie Oakley’s World
Little Miss Sure Shot is a fictionalized account of the life of Annie Oakley, drawing heavily on the real timelines and events of her life. However, the book is not a biography – it invents situations, people she meets, and a myriad of conversations. Moreover, while the book is presented chronologically, apart from the prologue, it skips certain periods and attempts to focus on those that are especially vital, such as the early years Annie spent with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, including the tours through Europe.
A special feature of the novel is the framing of Annie’s loving marriage to fellow sharpshooter Frank Butler, whom she married at sixteen and remained married to for 50 years until her death. Frank was far more than just her husband – he was her manager (he gave up his own shooting for that role) and her constant companion.
The novel closes with an epilogue in Frank’s voice, presenting an overview of their lives together and the circumstances of her death in 1926.
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