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The Disparities in Autism Diagnosis of Children within the United States : Ronald W. Stephenson II

The Disparities in Autism Diagnosis of Children within the United States : Ronald W. Stephenson IIThe Disparities in Autism Diagnosis of Children within the United States: the racial and socioeconomic disparity of autism diagnosis

This study examines the disparities in autism diagnosis, age in which children are diagnosed with autism, and the number of doctor visits before a child is diagnosed with autism in regards to racial diversity and socioeconomic status. “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is believed to affect children equally, regardless of culture, community, language, and socioeconomic status (SES)” (Fombonne, 2007, as cited in Tincani, Travers, & Boutot, 2009, p. 81; “Community Outreach,” n.d.; Dyches, Wilder, Sudweeks, Obiakor, & Algozzine, 2004, as cited in Magaña, Lopez, Aguinaga, & Morton, 2013, p. 141).

Past research indicates that African American “children are less likely than” “white children to have an autism” diagnosis (Jarquin, et. al., p.178). Additionally, African American children “required three times the number of visits over a period three times as long as White children before being diagnosed with autism” (Mandell, et. al., 2002, as cited in Travers, Tincani, & Krezmien, 2013, p. 42). Furthermore, children from families with higher socioeconomic status (SES) are more likely to be diagnosed with autism (Thomas, Zahorodny, Peng, Kim, Jani, Halperin, & Brimacombe, 2012). In addition, “for many chronic childhood disorders and for developmental disabilities overall, the association with” socioeconomic status “often is found to be inverse, such that population prevalence decreases with increasing levels of” socioeconomic status (Durkin, et. al., 2010, p. 1).

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The Black Republican : Ronald W. Stephenson II

The Black Republican : Ronald W. Stephenson IIThe Black Republican:Being African American and a Republican is not always harmonious and often conflicting

This book is just my opinion and does not represent the opinion of any other person or group. Additionally, I use the words liberal and Democrat interchangeably along with conservative and Republican interchangeably. I am not sure if this is the way of politics, which is fine since I am not a politician, just an American with opinions.

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Frank Fireball and the Confounding Case of Paxomus Maxomus : John Barrett

Frank Fireball and the Confounding Case of Paxomus Maxomus : John BarrettFrank Fireball and the Confounding Case of Paxomus Maxomus

Who stole the Vice Admiral and why? He was just standing there in the corner, minding his own business with his pet bullfrog when somebody nabbed him. Surely there is only one man in the entire country who could solve such a mystery…. Frank Fireball.

Yes folks, he’s back in old blighty after years in the U.S and ready to take on what would become his most challenging case to date.

Full of eccentric English characters including a cross dressing private detective, a gardener who has the unfortunate habit of castrating himself while pruning the rose bushes and a three legged taxidermist!

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Penchant Revealed : J. Elizaga

Penchant Revealed : J. ElizagaPenchant Revealed

What is Miles Penchant’s secret, and why is the devil pursuing his wife?

Penchant Revealed is a science fantasy short read ebook that weaves humans, artificial intelligence and otherworldly beings as they discover one man’s supernatural ability after a battle between good and malevolent forces–a discovery that reaches multiple universes.

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Bloodlines: Of Noble Blood : William B. Taylor

Bloodlines: Of Noble Blood : William B. TaylorBloodlines: Of Noble Blood

Newlyweds Alex and Maggie travel to England on a combined honeymoon and business trip.

Alex’s team has uncovered a DNA match involving one of England’s great noble families and he has decided to inform those involved personally. At stake is a noble title and a vast family fortune…a fortune that the family will not hand over without a fight – to the death if necessary!

Along the way, Maggie’s rediscovered psychic abilities put her in touch with a benevolent child ghost who helps guide and protect her and Alex.

“Bloodlines: Of Noble Blood” is a story about wealth, power and MURDER! A fast paced mystery that will keep the reader guessing until the very end. Full of twists and surprises, “Bloodlines: Of Noble Blood” is an engaging and entertaining story and an excellent follow-up to Bloodines: Cove Point Manor.

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The Greatest Stories of the Old Testament : Eva Marie Scott

The Greatest Stories of the Old Testament : Eva Marie ScottWhat’s your favorite Bible story? In this book, Old Testament Bible stories come alive!

Learn why the familiar stories including those of Noah, Joseph, Rahab, Ruth, David, Elijah, and Daniel are still relevant and powerful today.

Experience the reality behind each of the 70 stories, as you discover fascinating facts about the history and culture of biblical times.

Each story includes Scripture references and thought-provoking questions applicable to everyday life. Take an honest look at the ordinary people God used to accomplish his purposes – they have amazing stories to share with us!

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At The Crossroads : Jitty Sethi

At the crossroads : Jitty SethiAt The Crossroads

The entire script proceeds in one continuous flow, like a film or movie, devoid of any chapters.

“AT THE CROSSROADS” is not a love story… But a story of love. Love prevails in every heart. Love can make miracles, and love can make disasters.

How one Tsunami appears so much smaller than the tangled, embroiled mess of these four beautiful young people in this tsunami.

The unknown fagged out spark from the ashes, suddenly flamed up and engulfed these four young people. And how they go though it…

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Discovering Your Optimum Happiness Index (OHI) Quotes Handbook 365Q : Errol A. and Marjorie G. Gibbs

Discovering Your Optimum Happiness Index (OHI) Quotes Handbook 365Q : Errol A. and Marjorie G. GibbsDiscovering Your Optimum Happiness Index (OHI) Quotes Handbook 365Q

(A Chronology of Optimum Happiness Index (OHI) Quotes to Engage, Enlighten, and Empower Your “Pursuit of Happiness”)


This handbook “Discovering Your Optimum ‘Happiness Index’ (OHI) Quotes Handbook 365Q” is a rich, inspirational, and chronological listing (abbreviated) of verses taken from our main book “Discovering Your Optimum ‘Happiness Index’ (OHI).” Marjorie and I began our inquiry in earnest in the year 2000 as a response to the question “What is happiness?” In the year 2015, the analysis gave birth to “Discovering Your Optimum ‘Happiness Index’ (OHI) Project.” It is our way of presenting our primary text in an innovative “reading by verses” format. Read this handbook, and you will discover the greatness of the divine creation and the awe-inspiring purpose of your existence on Earth.

This collection of 365 quotes will engage, enlighten, and empower your search for happiness. Whether you are an academic, intellectual, visionary, philosopher, or a lay-people, you will derive intrinsic benefits from these quotes. They will change the way you think about happiness, your purpose, and our shared destiny. They will engender “new” hope for human survival, informed by the vast “body of knowledge” given to us by the great biblical prophets, ancient writers, visionary leaders of yesteryear, and contemporary writers.

The postmodern world has ushered in significant advancements in fields such as religion, education, science and engineering, social sciences, and medicines. Notwithstanding these achievements, the fundamental truth of our existence has not changed over the centuries. We are interdependent beings that rely on each other for our ‘happiness nurturing,’ and our survival as a viable species.

Nations still compete unfairly and often make war over differences in ideology, religion; the quest for territory; military supremacy, and the world’s natural resources. These and other unresolved challenges of past and present centuries imperil human existence and cause great unhappiness. Marjorie and I respond to these observations from a perspective of our combined travel experiences on four continents—Africa, Europe, North America, and Oceania—approximately twelve countries, twenty-four states, and about one hundred cities, towns, and villages over several decades.

Global travel afforded us a “panoramic view” and put us on the “front lines” to observe how people in these parts of the world experience happiness and unhappiness. The observation is the same, the need for love, peace, hope, happiness, and “joy.” Whether you live in the Orient or the Occident, wealthy or poor, academic or layperson, religious or irreligious, we invite you to join us in a Global Optimum Happiness Index Movement (GOHIM) as a critical enabler in the pursuit of a better world for current and future generations.

Happiness means to discover one’s genius, which is to determine one’s highest capability, and develop it to the “Optimum.” Happiness means to understand that all people have a common desire for universal love, fairness, and justice. It means honesty and integrity, competency in business, generosity in spirit, and sharing thoughts, hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Reading this handbook will inspire hope for the twenty-first century and the new millennium. It will encourage you to life–changing actions for your betterment and the betterment of humanity. It will better inform your journey in your search for “Optimum Happiness” (OH), underpinned by “joy” — the higher Imperative of happiness.

“This handbook is a timely and relevant encapsulation of the multifaceted dynamics encountered in one’s ’search for happiness.’ Not only have the authors opened up a panorama of ways to view happiness, but their self-directed guide [in their main book] also challenges the reader to examine their personal past, present, and possible future states of happiness. Their extensive body of work speaks to individuals from all lifestyles and professions.” ― Karla A. Hutchinson-Skeete, MSEd (Educator), Current Doctoral Candidate, Decatur, Georgia, USA

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Conservative V. Liberal : Joseph Patterson

Conservative V. Liberal : Joseph PattersonConservative V. Liberal

Conservative V. Liberal is a mini ebook written in rhythm & rhyme that dissects every facet of liberalism while making the case for conservatism as a superior political & social philosophy.

In doing so I outline the failures of the Obama administration, the scandalous DNA of the Clintons, the malfeasance of the Democrat Party & court system, & most of all, the hypocrisy embedded in the core principles of liberalism as an ideology.

It is fact based & data driven with a touch of witty to make this a “one of a kind” enjoyable read.

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Dark Bargain : Eileen Lepetit

Dark Bargain : Eileen LepetitDark Bargain

Arriving in the middle-of-nowhere France for her annual summer vacation at her grandparents’ house, soon-to-be pre-med student Lili Shepherd discovers that mastering calculus theorems will be the least of her problems as her oldest and closest childhood friend, Pascal, has suddenly reappeared after a four year absence with the news that he has done the unthinkable, striking a deal with the Devil.

For a girl who normally considers gym class, spiders, and sleeping in the dark to be pretty terrifying, helping Pascal face down demons will be no easy task. His actions haven’t left Lili much choice, though, as the Devil now roams freely in the once sleepy rural town, popping up in church, the local bakery, and even at home where her beloved grandparents are vulnerable in the face of the danger this deceptively charming stranger represents.

With no other options, Lili will be forced to combine her considerable intelligence, quick wit, and a previously untapped store of courage to defeat the Devil who walks among them before he comes calling for the soul of the boy who may turn out to be more than a just an old friend.

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