When the Sun Blinked: Search for the Truth : David Harvey


When the Sun Blinked: Search for the Truth : David Harvey

When the Sun Blinked: Search for the Truth : David HarveyBook 1 – Search for the Truth

On the morning of October 08 2015, Alpha Intercontinental Flight AHA 113 was approaching Cape Town International Airport at 09:15 in the morning. It had originally departed New York the previous night on schedule.

From New York, it travelled to Dubai and after its regular stop for refuelling and fresh catering etc, it departed Dubai and fourteen hours later, approaching Cape Town and due to touchdown in the next ten minutes, simply vanished from both visual sight and radar. It was not the only disappearance of aircraft in the surrounding space.

But, it is the one I know about.

Flight AHA 113 was never seen or heard from again, despite extensive rescue efforts mounted. No wreckage was ever found, no traces of luggage were ever seen. It was as if Flight AHA 113 had simply never existed.

But … Flight AHA 113 had existed. It did in fact crash into the sea, close enough to land that while 237 passengers perished either as a result of the crash itself or trying to make it to shore, 28 survivors eventually made it to safety.

This is their story told through the ‘When the Sun Blinked’ 3 book series.

When the Sun Blinked: Search for the Truth
When the Sun Blinked: The Soldiers
When the Sun Blinked: The Lions

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