The Sober Journey, A Guide to Prayer and Meditation in Recovery: Dirk Foster

The Sober Journey, A Guide to Prayer and Meditation in Recovery: Dirk Foster

The Sober Journey : Dirk FosterSobriety is The Gift. Serenity is The Goal.

After many years of addiction that resulted in depression, financial ruin and a near-death experience, Dirk Foster managed to finally get sober. However, long-term serenity and emotional sobriety proved to be extremely difficult to achieve. Like many recovering addicts, Dirk needed to discover a way to find lasting peace.

For those who are newly sober or dealing with emotional or spiritual health issues, the quest for serenity can be a difficult challenge. Once someone becomes sober, or rebounds from an emotional crisis, peace of mind becomes an essential part of long-term recovery and spiritual stability. Prayer and meditation are simple, reliable and time-tested methods that can help anyone find contentment, peace and joy.

The Sober Journey: A Guide to Prayer and Meditation in Recovery offers easy-to-follow guidelines for people who are newly sober or just want to improve their mental, emotional and spiritual health.

There are many forms of prayer and meditation in the world. In fact, there are so many choices that it can become overwhelming and confusing. The challenge is finding what works best for each of us as individuals. Prayer and meditation are not one-size-fits-all spiritual tools. Each of us has to find the path that works best, based on our own needs and personalities. The Sober Journey is written with “newcomers” in mind; anyone who is either new to sobriety or new to prayer and meditation and the search for a Higher Power and a productive, successful life.

Covers a Wide Variety of Topics Including:

  • The importance of prayer and meditation in your recovery (or in the recovery of someone you love)
  • The physical, spiritual and mental benefits of prayer and meditation for people new to sobriety
  • How to pray in an easy and effective manner
  • How to incorporate simple meditation techniques into your daily life
  • How to develop a personal understanding of a Higher Power working in your life
  • How to find peace and serenity, especially in the early stages of recovery

The Sober Journey: A Practical Guide to Health, Nutrition and Fitness in Early Sobriety , Polluted! My Sober Journey and Sobertude by Dirk Foster are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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