ANN: Irresistible Spirit : Ken Ross
A romantic story of enduring love which begins on the back streets of Leeds in 1968.
Despite parental disapproval, they meet each other in secret. The teenagers soon discover sex and they are determined to practice their newfound pleasure anywhere and at any time of day or night.
Through adversity and temporary fall-outs, their bond strengthens and leads them to an early marriage. They are together and happy and don’t care what happens now they can possess each other without restrictions.
Soon children come along, then more and more children, but their relationship doesn’t falter through times of struggle and the curse of poverty. But fifteen years later, with her best friend on her death bed, the woman makes a costly error and the marriage fails.
The couple divorce, but time does not diminish their bond. They remain close friends for fifty years until tragedy intervenes.
This story, narrated from the man’s viewpoint is both romantic and so very sad. A compelling read from the author of A Cross of Crocuses and many other books.
Jesse & The Thinkers, A Cross of Crocuses, Wasted Pain, Protection and An Old Affair by Ken Ross are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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