The History of Eternity : James E. Winder
You cannot help but wonder what and why you are. The History of Eternity is a book that again and again answers these questions, as it celebrates the tragic joy of wonder at the enigma of your existence.
There will always be a clamoring after elusive fact. There will always be a hankering for some durable theory that will explain the fact. There will always be an inability to match the one wholly with the other. Because something is always left out, there will always persist a stubbornly invisible and intractable remainder. And this remainder, this dark matter behind every thought, behind every desire, behind every joy, behind every sorrow, will continue to populate your universe with wonder. Read this book, if you will, and share that wonder.
You are born into a conspiracy of significance, already entangled with your equally lonely others. The history of eternity, the tension between nowhere and now here, defines the struggle between the life you are living now and whatever there may be of the life to come.
The History of Eternity is a series of broken elegies to those who have mattered, to their moments and your moments, to their sanity and your sanity, to their madness and your madness.
The History of Eternity is one man’s meditation on the reverberating shock of his encounter with Henry Adams, Aristotle, Augustine, Bach, Balzac, Beckett, Bergson, Bloch, Boehme, Bonhoeffer, Cervantes, Chekhov, Cicero, Claudel, Dante, Darwin, Derrida, Emily Dickinson, Dostoevsky, Eckhart, Emerson, Ezekiel, Faulkner, Gide, Goethe, Heraclitus, Herodotus, Hume, Isaiah, Henry James, Jeremiah, Samuel Johnson, Kafka, Kierkegaard, D.H. Lawrence, Leopardi, Levinas, Joan of Arc, Joe Louis, Lucretius, Machiavelli, Malraux, McTaggart, Milton, Montaigne, Newton, Nietzsche, Parmenides, Pascal, Plotinus, Plutarch, Proust, Rabelais, Rembrandt, Rosenzweig, Rousseau, Sartre, Schopenhauer, Schubert, Adam Smith, Sophocles, Spinoza, Edith Stein, Wallace Stevens, Tocqueville, Van Gogh, Virgil, von Hofmannsthal, Wagner, Weil, Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Woolf, Yeats, and many others.
Considered collectively, and as one integral whole, these philosophic meditations in poetic form echo the meaning of eternity as reflected in the troubled hearts, minds, and lives of 144 historic individuals, famous or unknown. There is – in the history of philosophy and literature – nothing akin to it in nature and scope.
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Geneticide : Mesha Daniel
What if your DNA profile told a lot more of your story than just who your parents are? What if it predicted your political leanings or even your loyalty? What if that information got into powerful hands?
Helen Reynolds, the newly elected president in 2024, plans to utilize these profiles to create a more agreeable country after the daily resistance that the last administration faced.
How far will Helen go to keep her leadership strong? Will she commit geneticide to make America the compliant country that she seeks?
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Kestria (Endless) : Evan Riemer
Lord General Xembe and the 611th have secured yet another victory for Maradia, capturing the coastal city of Kestria and with it, the entire Teridien south.
They have also inherited a deadly blood cult, threatening all life in Kestria, and an ancient threat, drawing ever closer.
Now, Lord General Xembe and the 611th, not trained or prepared for prolonged occupation, find themselves governing a city with deadly secrets and an ancient doom looming over it.
House Sommaripa will do anything to achieve its goal – immortality, at the cost of all life around them.
The ancient gastropod hunts for sustenance, and has set their sights on Kestria, They have consumed countless cities before, leaving emptiness in their wake.
And unless both can be stopped, Lord General Xembe and the 611th will still face defeat, with countless soldiers and Kestrians dead, the city in ruins and the Teridien campaign ground to a devastating halt.
Can Lord General Xembe and the 611th stop both dire threats or will Kestria fall, and the 611th with it?
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The Supplicant : Regis P. Sheehan
Throughout the 1970’s and ‘80’s, salafi terrorist groups increasingly target American personnel, civilians and facilities across the globe. The American reaction – as perceived by its adversaries – is weak and ineffective.
Following a succession of such terror attacks, in 1996 a massive truck bomb strikes the USAF facility at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The act kills nineteen Americans and wounds hundreds of others. Angered and frustrated, the U.S. Government determines to strike back. In response, the National Security Council turns to a covert Special Activity that is known only to cleared insiders as the Org.
The NSC directs the Org to launch an extremely hazardous, long-term HUMINT agent penetration of a radical jihadist group. The goal? To prevent any future such attacks against American interests. And to do so at any cost.
What are the odds?
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Carrie: Hotwife in Training : Ethan McCaffrey
Brad and Carrie are an ordinary Midwestern couple whose marriage has settled into a boring normalcy. They try to spice up their time in the bedroom, but nothing seems to be working.
Carrie takes a business trip that includes her falling off of the fidelity wagon. She confesses her sins to Brad, but instead of becoming enraged, he becomes aroused.
This discovery hurls their relationship into exciting and unexpected directions. Will their marriage survive?
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Combat To College : John H Davis
When veterans get out of the military, their plan of action often determines whether they live out their dreams or their nightmares. How well you do in college often dictates how well you do in life. Rise up to your potential and navigate college with these straightforward lessons.
Combat To College is the book for veterans who need to win the college battle. Veterans must utilize the unique skills and discipline gained in the military to succeed in higher education.
Make your college success non-negotiable, you earned your GI bill and it’s time to grit your teeth and use it!
“Every single veteran I know struggles adjusting to college life, here is the solution”
-SFC Samuel Brooks, Army Ranger, Bronze Star and Purple Heart Recipient
“It’s inspiring and hard-hitting and deserves a lot of attention from the military community”
-Master Sergeant Dan “Bull” Colello
“This is well worth the time to everyone interested in college. This will benefit student-athletes who will gain a lot from embracing a winning military mindset”
-Pat Angerer, NFL Linebacker
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Candied Acridity : J.D. Knapp
Angels are more predator than human. Every fiber of their being is strung with the purpose of combat. It’s in their golden blood, their unbreakable bones, and their eagle eyes. Pain is a preferable alternative to tedium. Those without a purpose turn to violence, if only in an effort to escape the monotony. Most purposeless angels fall into chaos, as the rolling tides of entropy are too strong to bear.
But Saskia chose to fight it.
Saskia, an optimistic young angel, is launched headfirst into a world she can’t understand. Without memories of her life before the current year, Saskia has to struggle to teach herself the intricacies of angel war, science, and battle tactics before the earth itself eats her alive. She quickly learns that her most competent teacher is not her mentor, but the relentless adversaries that threaten her at every corner. She must learn to wield the energy-based magic system in time to face the ultimate challenge.
Candied Acridity is a fast-paced adventure that combines elements of science fiction with fantasy.
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Fresh off the Starship : Ann Crawford
Readers’ Favorite book-award winner: A friendly, bewildered alien aims to land in Washington DC where she could help humanity on a grand geopolitical scale, but ends up in…Kansas!
Wrong place, right time?
Laugh through and be inspired by this fun, feel-good, moving and captivating tale that reminds us how truly awesome life on Earth and this being-a-human thing are.
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Thuroks: Union With Immortality : E. B. Eskca
Descended from an unbroken lineage of an ancient god-king, King Egrhothurok was not as fierce and ruthless as most of his predecessors. While his seeming gentility endeared him to the common folk of his kingdom, there were those who thought of him as a weakling and an easy target.
Following the senseless abduction of queen Rhakmelei and the gruesome execution of her entourage, Egrhothurok, left with no options, embarked on a historic and epic journey far beyond the influence of his powers and without the protection of his mighty prime Bruhagge.
Set on Rhanrese, a planet in a distant galaxy where pure energy is the common currency as well as the primary source of nourishment, the story narrates the suspense-filled adventures, politics, intrigues, betrayal and the exploits of a king once thought unworthy to adorn the Keatuine, pride of Annahriheim and the sacred ancient crown of Thurok.
The Devil’s Eclipse : Christopher Williams
An Anthology of Strange Tales, Unnatural Beings, and Bizarre Occurrences.
Welcome reader and beware: these tales are not for the faint of heart. They come from another realm and have been channeled through my mind for your exploration.
Keep the lights on if you are smart. Read with a neighbor if you are wise. And share with the damned if you are to escape the cursed trail of which you have begun.
Turn the page and enter The Devil’s Eclipse.
Fear Me Now, Fear Me Now: The War Annex and The Bounty: A Poet on the Run by Christopher Williams are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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