Bathsheba Spooner: A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy : Andrew Noone
“A Most Horrid Piece of Villainy” one observer wrote upon hearing of what is recognized as the most sensational crime of the American Revolution, the eighteenth-century counterpart to the Lizzie Borden case.
The saga reads like historical fiction, though every page is documented.
Bathsheba Spooner, favorite daughter of the once-heralded, now scorned loyalist Timothy Ruggles, plotted the murder of her Patriot husband in league with fugitive British POWs and her teenage American lover (and ex-militiaman), riveting the attention of New England for four months at the war’s mid-point.
Fascinating the reader with its melodramatic combination of war, marital discord, class conflict, duplicity, thievery, lust, murder and consequence, the tale unfolds within the larger concerns of a society undergoing the most radical disruption since its beginnings a century-and-a-half earlier.
Jonathan Cohn, Sr. National Correspondent for the Huffington Post calls the book “…meticulously researched, elegantly told.”
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Only by the Grace of God: One Family’s Story of Survival during World War II as POWs in the Philippines : Pamela J. Brink, Robert A. Brink, John W. Brink
Three siblings from the Philippines wrote down what they remembered about being imprisoned by the Japanese during World War II. Pamela J. Brink, Robert A. Brink, and John W. Brink all survived the ordeal, but only one of them – Pamela – is still alive today. She shares their experiences in this memoir that recounts the horrors of war as seen through the eyes of children.
“When they were freed, everyone wanted to hear about atrocities, but their slow starvation could not compete with the horrors that Jews suffered in Nazi Germany. Most ignored their tales, and over time, they stopped telling them.
“Three adults look back at their childhood experiences as prisoners of war, how they survived, and how they continued on in Only by the Grace of God.”
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The Ghosts of Manor Ren : Helen G Huntley
The dark, gloomy manor had been haunted for a hundred years…or so they all believed.
No one ever knew what really happened on that day in 1845, when Reilly and Lon Ren mysteriously disappeared. The bodies were never found.
It’s now 1945, and Claude Wallace doesn’t believe in ghosts. He needs that property for its location and a place to deposit his daft but necessary wife.
By the time Reilly and Lon are finished with Claude, he and his nefarious allies will all believe in ghosts.
The Ghost of Manior Ren is ostensibly a ghost story with a touch of fairytale, a little romance, a soupcon of sauciness, and a dash of tension.
It begins well with Loren Wallace arriving at the old manor house which is going to be her new home, purchased by her husband, Claude for her to stay in while he is away on business. Their marriage having been arranged by their respective fathers, Loren is feeling a little unsure about the situation she finds herself in and the fact that the house they are about to inhabit has resident ghosts does nothing to assuage her trepidation.
We learn a little about the ghosts in that they are brothers and one was a Lothario whilst the other one was driven to perform well in business and Huntley develops them as characters by showing their impressions of the new residents of their home. The mystery of who or what they are creates suspense. You also become aware that there is something odd about Loren and Claude’s marriage and this also creates mystery.
The creation of character is infused with humour and it is an easy read. There is no doubt that Huntley is a competent writer with a clear sense of direction in her story building as the action leads to a satisfying conclusion.
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Patientology: Toward the Study of Patients : Pamela J. Brink, RN, PhD, FAAN
When reading a book on victimology, Brink was struck with a number of parallels between those affected by criminal acts and what she had witnessed firsthand as a health professional in many hospital settings. As chair of an ethics review committee, Brink realized that health care professionals are so task-oriented that patients often take a back seat. Patients are objectified and expected to cooperate without question.
Patientology is a call to action. Brink outlines the areas of study she feels are necessary and suggests a method of studying staff attitudes toward patients to uncover out-of-awareness biases.
Many health care organizations are patient-centered rather than diagnosis or treatment centered. This book is not for these professionals. It is intended as a primer for nursing students, a reminder to nursing staff and an approach to teaching clinical nursing by nursing professors. Other health professionals may find parallels with nursing.
An Academic Nurse’s Tale by Pamela J. Brink is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Hostage to Freedom: The Search for the Siren : Richard Sorapure
The Fletchers are an English family living in expatriate comfort in Singapore in 2002 when a recession threatens their comfortable lifestyle.
Geophysicist Michael and his son, Alex, are drawn into a marine survey to locate the Siren, an East Indiaman sunk in a tempest in the Sulu Sea in 1764. Onboard, a rich cargo of 250,000 cases of Ming Dynasty porcelain lies buried on the seabed. A single plate recovered by a diver sets in motion the frantic search by Michael’s company, PanAsia Services, in a race against a rival team led by Tong, a ruthless Clan leader and collector of antique porcelain.
Michael’s wife, Julie, is worried as the Sulu Sea is the hunting ground of local pirate gangs and the brutal Abu Sayyaf group led by Khadaffy Janjalani. The remote area where the shipwreck lies buried is close to terrorist camps on Basilan Island.
Can Michael’s team locate the precious cargo before they are attacked? Can we be sure Julie wants her husband back if he is held hostage?
This is set in many colourful locations in SE Asia including Singapore, Zamboanga and Tawi-Tawi Island. The struggle for an independent Muslim Mindanao by Abu Sayyaf in one of continuing conflict.
A fast-paced and well-researched novel based on the Author’s intimate knowledge of the region.
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Man In A Female World : Mike Bolger
The author joined the nursing profession a few short years after the National Health Service was launched, and when nursing was still an almost entirely female occupation.
In the present era of political correctness and studied avoidance of sexual discrimination, male nurses are not exposed to the horrors which Mike Bolger recalls so amusingly in this book.
The book is illustrated with cartoons that exactly identify the situations Mike Bolger describes, and add an extra dimension to an already rich tapestry.
This is one of those books that have to be read from cover to cover.
Everyone who has ever worked in the nursing profession will recognise the total authenticity of the stories Mike tells, and everyone, nurse or not, will be able to laugh and cry with him.
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DOG : Kevin Ramsden
The first five chapters of the book introduce the main characters through five interconnected stories. A cocky young drug dealer, greedy and ambitious, oversteps the mark and sets off a chain of events that will end in tragedy. A love-starved single-mother nurse battles to keep afloat in a not-quite-love triangle. An ex-serviceman turned minder with a queen and country-sized chip on his shoulder plots revenge. A mentally challenged, psychopathic, Liverpool-born drifter, whose head is host to a tormenting spirit loses what little control he has left. And a seen-it-all, world-weary publican, friend to all, but going as nowhere as the barstool he is glued to, falls victim to his own good nature. This is the quintet of losers who fall foul of the least palatable aspects of human nature, but somehow manage to survive.
In part two, the main protagonist, Wayne the dealer, has fled the chaos he created in his hometown and bolted to the south of France to find refuge in a summer job at a campsite in Juan-les-Pins. However, unbeknown to him, the murderous Stranger has also made good his escape, and avoiding detection from the authorities, has resurfaced in Marseilles, a mere two hours distant, finding sanctuary within the Marseilles underworld. Here his particular talent for wanton violence is exploited by a top gang boss who introduces him to the world of high-stakes street fighting. Inter-gang rivalries surface around these sporting endeavors though, and Russian and Eastern European actors also become entrenched in the plot.
It is in part three when everything comes to a head though. Unable to curb his greed and ambitious tendencies, Wayne becomes embroiled in a dangerous game and makes a miscalculation of epic proportions involving one of the most lethal elements in the French underworld. The final chapters of the book stir up plenty of trouble in the form of blackmail, kidnapping, and hard-core violence as the reader is raced along to the final deadly showdown. Old foes are forced to confront each other once more, and retribution is sought and delivered in a tense ending with a surprising twist.
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For the Love of Big Balooka: A Tale of Faith, Family, Friendship and Forgiveness : Kathleen M. Barrett
The summer is coming to a close and rising fifth-grade scholar, Meg Wilson prays to be kind to those classmates who taunted her in third and fourth grades. Most of all, she prays “for a powerful purpose” beginning the new school year. Her purpose begins to unfold, when she witnesses a crime against a neighborhood canine named Josh.
A South Florida stormy night, a frightening confrontation with the dog’s abuser, and parental objection, propels Meg into action, when she enlists the help of her brother, Ryan, and her two best friends, Lindy and Alex to help rescue Josh. Meg must put her young faith to work to forgive, even the likes of Josh’s abuser. But who is this Big Balooka? And, how does he become a hometown hero? Discover the serendipitous nature of answered prayer throughout this action-packed and often humorous adventure.
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It’s Just Me : Michelle R. Morano
Rosie made a horrible mistake in the past and her classmates only seem to focus on that one part of her. As she walks home from school one day, she discovers feathers that belong to a beautiful bird. The feathers make up parts of the bird, which make it unique. This gives Rosie an idea. She creates feathers of her own to show her classmates that she is made up of many parts and not just one.
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Light of the Lord’s Lesbian : Lawrence David Niren
The story of a magnificent beautiful lesbian, Christmas, her wife Calina, and their dog Juvia, who is an angel, that are God’s messengers, who the Lord has favored and chosen, like Moses, to lead all oppressed people of the world, out of bondage and suffering, and onto freedom, and to receive God’s Laws, throughout the ages, in hundreds of centuries, and in many dimensions and reincarnations, all over the world, including Fatima and the Miracle Of The Sun, Portugal, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, France, Italy, the United States, Africa, on a cruise from America to Europe, and finally on the isle of Lesbos, where thousands of lesbians live, and millions visit in passion and love every year.
At first, Christmas is very promiscuous with hundreds of women, and the main purpose of her life is seducing other beautiful women. But like Paul, in the New Testament, who was originally a Roman who persecuted our Lord, as soon as the Lord suddenly appeared to Christmas, and He told her what her calling was, Christmas became an extraordinary being who had great faith, belief, and love of the Lord, and there was no doubt in her soul that the Lord was everything that was great in the world, and she became a soul who found her calling, which was to love the Lord and to help everyone who needed her. In the end, Christmas, Calina, and Juvia became three of the Lord’s favored messengers. And yes, lesbians have amazing sex, love, and same-sex marriage, which the Lord never said was a sin in the New Testament, which means that it is acceptable as love by the Lord.
Other books by Lawrence David Niren are also on Whizbuzz Books:
The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant
The Lex Talionis of Brett Kavanaugh
The Ecstasy
Juvia, Kennedy & the Trial and Confession of Trump
Compassion I
Compassion II
The Kazandra Appearance
God, the Devil & the Curse of Tippecanoe
The Good & The Evil
Drink From The Furry Cup
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