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An Uncommon Vocabulary : Jim Boyd

An Uncommon Vocabulary : Jim Boyd

An Uncommon Vocabulary

There are two activities in life that are essential to one’s happiness. The first is to have one’s day (to explore, engage and enjoy life) and the second is to say one’s say (to say the words to oneself and others that are worth saying).

“An Uncommon Vocabulary” is an exercise in saying one’s say. It is an A to Z book of common words and phrases that are described in ways better suited to them in the opinion of the author.

The concepts described herein are working definitions, definitions that can be brought to mind to facilitate one’s thinking and actions within particular circumstances.

When a working definition is properly occasioned (brought to mind at the appropriate time and in the appropriate circumstances), advantageous effects flow from it.

In this way, one’s personal narrative is made richer and more rewarding, and one becomes more coherent and positive in dealing with everyday events.

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The House : Sebastiana Randone

The House : Sebastiana Randone

The House

Dressed only in a torn night dress, a woman, late one afternoon finds herself mysteriously in an ancient forest. An unwelcoming house soon appears. With night moving in, and facing the prospect of remaining in a forest inhabited by wolves and predators, reluctantly, she seeks refuge there.

Once inside feasted by lavish surrounds, she enters an enchanting room and is transported magically to a Georgian estate. Here, a baleful altercation with a beastly Lord (archetype to the wolf in traditional tales) sets the tone for this narrative. Unable to escape, she remains in this somber setting, interacting with a curiously dysfunctional household.

Finally, she returns to the enigmatic house, where a magic portal sends her to Regency London. Soon it emerges that a relationship exists between the characters from both periods. But despite a most unexpected blood connection, her presence continues to confound all.

As the eccentric cast act out their complex lives, her role switches to that of an observer. Having lived on a diet of historical fiction prior to this adventure, her romantic idealism is challenged by all she sees and experiences.
One day a handsome poet arrives, and is immediately drawn to the beautiful time traveller. When their eyes meet, an inexplicable sense of familiarity is felt by both. Returning home after a large stretch in Florence, the poet is instantly smitten, for this encounter promises restoration for the heart broken man.

Frustratingly however, there are obstacles hindering this unusual love match. Soon a past life connection emerges. And by the last pages, many pieces of the puzzle form a startling picture. Upon the final curtain, the biggest surprise of all is revealed, with hidden truths buried within the mysterious house.

Despite an unexpected, thus bizarre conclusion, the message is positive, like all good fairy tales.

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Seven Beyond : Stella Atrium

Seven Beyond : Stella Atrium

Seven Beyond

Dr. Christopher Meenins is 800 years old and doesn’t remember his past.

Accompanying him on a journey of discovery are the powerful Lady Drasher Tasgneganz, the pedantic Dr. Virgil Grammario, the mysterious—and possibly alien—Linda Deemer. Christopher is haunted by memories of alien places and of a race called the Longists. The group travels to the one place on Earth the Longists might reappear: a remote abbey inhabited by an order of nuns known for their mystical insights and quality brandy.

Memories of David Shanklen—once Meenins’ patient and perhaps also his mentor—trouble Christopher’s dreams. Shanklen claimed that he was kept prisoner in an alien zoo maintained by the Longists. Through Shanklen, Christopher must confront the secrets of his past to find the New Restingplace of the Dead. The travelers exchange stories during his quest à la The Canterbury Tales, and the discovery of the resting place grows out of their long friendships.

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Desire and Prejudice : Jean-Louis McMillan

Desire and Prejudice : Jean-Louis McMillan

Desire and Prejudice

Desire and Prejudice is about the healing power of true lovemaking and the damning power of ethnic bias.
When Jasmine and Adam first meet, they are both totally caught by surprise; their inner feelings are the magnetic force that draws them to each other. Their burning desires toward one another are unstoppable, but they are condemned by their separate lives – he is a French official and she is a Muslim.

They find ways to be with each other when they couldn’t.

The poetic letter takes the reader into the minds of two lovers desperately wanting one another, but each holding back because of their cultural backgrounds and the fear of getting caught in their dangerous game. The erotic descriptions are vivid enough, but scarcely the right quantity of description to know precisely what is going on.

Desire and Prejudice is much more than “boy meets girl, they fall in love”; it tells a realistic, believable story that readers haven’t heard before.

These characters, nor the twisted end of the story, are definitely not the stereotypical a reader can predict.

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A Night at the Asylum : Jade McCahon

A Night at the Asylum : Jade McCahon

A Night at the Asylum

Sara Featherstone is a loser.

At twenty she is still indentured to her parents, her best friend is a closet clairvoyant, and her long-time boyfriend has just dumped her and refuses to tell her why.

Five years ago her world ended with her brother, Tommy, running his motorcycle into a tree, and the life she might have lived had never started.

Catapulted into the dark streets after a “visitation” from Tommy, Sara has no idea that all that wasted time is about to catch up with her.

A chance encounter with a man wielding a knife sets in motion a chain of events so bizarre that Sara will soon question everything she has ever believed.

From her boyfriend’s fidelity to her best friend’s innocence to what her brother knew about a missing classmate, irony is about to make Sara its bitch, and the next twelve hours could be her last.

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Pilgrims at the White Horizon : Michael W. Thomas

Pilgrims at the White Horizon : Michael W. Thomas

Pilgrims at the White Horizon

Kidresh, Mopatakeh and Dreest, panicked Tharles of Razalia, separated from Earth by vast distances and untold layers of reality, are determined to contact their maker, the one who left their world unfinished.

That wasn’t Keith Huxtable, expert handyman, but since he’s just about the only person who remembers their world’s fleeting appearance in a 1950s comic strip, he’s the one they’ve got pegged! The unfinished bits are spreading. Eating away at Razalia. Beings are falling in and they don’t come out. Can Keith fix it? And get back home in time to save his comics collection and his marriage?

A tribute to the magic of British annuals! A father and daughter in an intergalactic adventure beyond imagination! The story you weren’t expecting but will never forget! Pilgrims at the White Horizon.

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Bradford Place : Marie Dunn

Bradford Place : Marie Dunn

Bradford Place

The sequel to A THOUSAND AWKWARD MOMENTS. A feel good novel about a newly divorced woman who conquers life’s challenging moments with the help of girlfriends, wine and humor.

The mysteries of the old house on Bradford Place unfold as Diane and her girlfriends investigate the background of the ghost that tries to rule her life. Diane is caught in a complicated love triangle with a sexy ghost, a gorgeous bad boy, and a long distance relationship.

Men, work, gossip and ghosts continue to provide comedy and insight for Diane and her girlfriends as they each navigate their single status to find their happily ever after.

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Dylan’s Prize : J.A. Brimingham

Dylan's Prize : J.A. Brimingham

Dylan’s Prize

Young Dylan Largent finds himself at a crossroads in his life when forces outside his control turn his world upside down. Trapped in a place he doesn’t want to be, fate intervenes on his behalf and provides a way for him to return home. But nothing is what it seems to be at first glance.

His new ship, The Chimera, is sleek, elegant, and luxurious. But the large vessel is much more than he can handle alone. Dylan must find a way to operate his new prize as well as learn to lead his new crew of misfits. There’s Murc, the large older man with an odd cloud of bad luck that seems to follow him wherever he goes, Beetle, the moody medical drone with a peculiar sense of humor, Sandra, the motherly ship’s computer who is unlike anything Dylan had ever encountered before, Nessa, the blonde vixen with a cunning as sharp as any blade, and Vic, the grizzled veteran with a wry wisdom.

Then there’s Alahnni, the young slave girl whom Dylan finds a strong attraction for almost immediately. He wants to save her from the wretched life she was forced into. However, as with all things aboard the Chimera, there’s much more to her than meets the eye. But attacking pirates, scheming politicians, and the dreaded Ikaranites threaten to destroy the new life Dylan is fighting for.

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Elusive Obsession : Judy Kentrus

Elusive Obsession : Judy Kentrus

Elusive Obsession

Julie Keaton is an attractive widow, raising two children on her own. It’s a never ending challenge being both mother and father, but she’s worked hard and is proud of what she’s been able to provide for her children.

She’s never accepted the circumstances behind her husband’s death. Was it a tragic accident or was he killed because he knew too much? Fate steps in when Julie’s sister asks her for a last minute favor.

Mardi owns a party specialty and catering business. Julie is to pop out of a birthday cake, do a little bump and grind, for an 85 year old senior citizen. It’s an easy $200.00 for a half hour’s work. Julie’s favor turns into a nightmare when the banquet staff delivers the cake to the wrong party. The birthday boy is no geriatric senior citizen, but a virile, handsome male no older than 35.

Scott Landis was losing interest in his surprise birthday party. His boredom is cut short when his special birthday gift arrives in the form of a sexy, blond stripper. It had been a long time since he felt this instant attraction to a woman, especially a female who makes her living entertaining men.

When he gets hit in the face with a lacy red garter, he decides its time to have a little fun and wonders how much she would charge to celebrate his birthday in a more private setting.

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Twice Bitten : Jens Kuhn and Derek Haines

Twice Bitten : Jens Kuhn and Derek HainesTwice Bitten

Twice Bitten by Derek Haines and Jens Kuhn, featuring Escape in Venice and My Takeaway Vampire.

Antonia and Agatha have been around for over 300 years and each have their own unique ways of dealing with their immortality.

From the romantic canal-ways of the Venice of the 18th century, to the modern, industrialised wasteland of a small forgotten town, follow their stories to discover that you can’t always believe everything you thought you knew about vampires.

The prequel to The Gripsholm Mystery is now released. The novella, Escape in Venice by Jens Kuhn, is set 150 years earlier and puts Antonia in beautiful and salacious 18th century Venice.

“Antonia shivered. It was getting cold and dark, perhaps this wasn’t the best idea. After all, she was still starving. Suddenly, she made a decision. Turning around, she put her hand onto the gondolero’s bare arm and dropped her shields.”

The second novella in Twice Bitten is Derek’s Haines’ My Takeaway Vampire, featuring Agatha, a vampire that has many things in common with Antonia, yet lives in a different time and faces different challenges.

“Agatha now waited patiently – whiling away her time – but sensing her deepening hunger. ‘Young blood’, she mouthed silently to herself as she felt the twinges of her anxious fangs.”

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Jens Kuhn
Derek Haines
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