Fresh Start: The Story of Sam: Book One : Sheila Hoeman

Fresh Start: The Story of Sam

Fresh Start: The Story of Sam: Book One : Sheila Hoeman

Fresh Start: The Story of Sam: Book One : Sheila HoemanFresh Start: The Story of Sam: Book One

Sam is 9 years old and devastated by the news that mum and dad are separating. He has to move to a new house and new school and plays football so badly he loses his place in the team.

But then he meets his new neighbours and their dog Muttley and finds that a “Fresh Start” isn’t so bad after all.

A sensitively written book that focuses on BOYS and single dads coming to terms with their new situation.

BOYS (and girls) engage with Sam’s adventures (inc Time Travel!) and helps them deal with their feelings and emotions.

Book Two “New Friends” continues his story.

Enjoyed in schools and at home to help promote discussion of this emotional issue.

Book Links
On Amazonir?t=vmg wbb 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B005HDX1NS


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