Marbles : Brooke Lively


Marbles : Brooke Lively

Marbles : Brooke Lively

All Lauren ever wanted was to protect her loved ones – little sister Charity and best-friend-since-childhood Quinn. But when an impromptu road trip goes wrong, the three of them are thrust into a whole new world, a world full of magic and danger and ancient beings that hold the fabric of the universe in their grasp. A world full of Aspects – Humanoid personifications of the things that keep the world alive. Truth, Wisdom, Hope, and, most importantly, Life and Death. Immortal beings that play with the lives of humans like they were toys in a child’s game, and now Lauren must fight with all the strength she has to save the people she loves. Quinn only has one goal – survival. He doesn’t care what he has to say or who he has to hurt, but he is certain that he’ll be the one left standing at the end of this terrifying adventure. But now, with the stakes higher than ever, he has to learn to use his cleverness and quick tongue just to keep the group alive, as danger and bloodshed press in all around them. Charity is scared. Scared of the new world she has been thrust into, but too scared to turn back. Scared of what the Aspects call her – A Seer, something vital to the Aspect’s survival, something with the power to kill or to save. As the clock ticks ever closer to the finale they cannot avoid, Charity must learn to harness her abilities, and soon. Their lives hang in the balance. On the run from creatures that threaten their very lives, Lauren and her friends must learn the rules of this new game before time runs out.

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