Judy’s Journey: One hell of a trip : Victoria Allen

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Judy’s Journey: One hell of a trip : Victoria Allen

Judy's Journey by Victoria AllenA true-narrative account of the events of a dementia patient, Judith, who at the relatively young age of 69 years is diagnosed with an Alzheimer’s-type dementia.

Jim, her husband was her full-time carer, but after he falls ill himself, following several strokes, Judith has to be admitted to a Mental Health Unit for assessment, due to the common behavioural difficulties often found accompanying dementia.

The story follows the family stresses of the decisions that are required to ensure that the best care is provided to Judith. The account tells of Judith’s progression through the assessment unit; a residential home; a nursing home; back to the assessment unit, and then into the medical ward. It catalogues the alarming prescribing practices provided to dementia patients. It is in the medical ward, that events take a turn for the worse, and become very unclear, with medics admitting that they have no idea why Judith has suddenly become totally incapacitated, being unable to walk, move, speak or eat.

Judy’s Journey follows the traumatic account of finding answers to Judith’s condition, through numerous hospital complaints processes; recorded meetings with doctors; an Independent Hearing; a detailed report from 2 top doctors; and a Coroner’s opinion. Most disturbingly, the book looks at the lengths that the psychiatric profession will endeavour to go to protect their practices and profession.

The book provides the basis for stricter prescribing practices to be implemented, and provides a detailed case-specific report on a very much, misunderstood illness, associated with the exact medication supposedly “helping“, dementia patients.

The book provides vital information to anyone experiencing or involved with dementia, covering the safety issues and failures that can occur when treating these elderly dementia patients.

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