Someone Like Them : Crystal V. Rhodes
Lady C is a superstar! On her way to becoming an entertainment legend, the Grammy-winning diva is the toast of Broadway, and will soon grace the silver screen.
In the real world, Lady C is Wanda Carson, a single, middle-aged mother of three, and the legal guardian of her two teenage grandchildren by her wayward daughter. Poverty-stricken most of her life and a survivor of physical abuse in past relationships, Wanda has overcome many obstacles. But, wealth and fame don’t guarantee that her problems are over. Not only is she estranged from her daughter, but Wanda’s life is threatened by a very dangerous man.
Wanda goes into hiding, where the last thing she expects is to meet a man, especially one like Donald Chapman. He is kind, thoughtful and intelligent, totally different from the men she has known. The relationship she forms with Donald changes her perspective on life. Yet, unexpectedly, another man also enters Wanda’s life, and he has a plan that could turn her star-studded world upside down.
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Susan Wylde and the Ghosts of Halloween : S.G. Eastment
Will the girl witch Susan Wylde learn enough magic to defeat the Ghosts of Halloween?
Susan Wylde thinks she is just an ordinary girl living a boring life with her ill father, until she is attacked by a dragon, turns herself invisible, and is invited to study at Wonderworks School of Magic, a school on a floating island that travels the world.
At Wonderworks, Susan soon learns different types of magic, plays magical sports, battles monsters, and visits magical cities, but someone is summoning the Ghosts of Halloween.
Susan must stop them or Halloween will last forever!
Apotheosis Now: : Rabbit Hole to the Beyond : Yanhao Huang
Resolve all your confusion in life!
A mind that is fragmented and sees the world in terms of what is me and not me, good and bad, will be caught in endless conflict. Because externally, we are always trying to control what is “not me,” and internally, we always get perplexed trying to figure out whether our actions came from our “higher” or “lower” self. As Albert Einstein said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
This book will help you to understand:
– Why we have internal conflicts
– How does our ego trap us in undesirable circumstances
– How do our beliefs limit us
– Why thought-based teachings (Law of Attraction), or self-improvement advice don’t work
– How do we really get what we want
– Why is happiness so rare for us
– Who we are really
– What is the nature of existence
– What is the meaning of life
– How do we know if there is a God
– What is the process of spiritual enlightenment
Many of us are starting to become tired of this game of life. We have been comparing and striving all our life. But no matter how much success we have achieved—we are still hollow and still have found nothing fulfilling. We don’t even know if happiness exists because it is no longer a living thing in our experience—it has become dead, as we only know it as a concept or memory.
We have sought self-help advice, philosophies, and religious teachings to transform ourselves but have not gotten anywhere. We have made some superficial improvements—like adopting a new mindset—but our core remains the same. We are still competitive, still fearful, and we get disturbed all the time.
The problem with all attempts at self-improvement is that we do not address the fundamental problem, which is: who is the “you” who needs to be improved? We do not see that the one who is making the improvement is the same one who needs to be improved. The more we try to improve, the more conflict we introduce, within and without. The more knowledge we stuff in our heads, the more we become trapped in a conceptual prison of reality. Inevitably, the more confused we get in life.
The book guides the reader out of their distorted beliefs to experience reality beyond the mind. When the deeper intelligence is allowed to flourish without our mind’s interference, then the game of life becomes effortless.
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Memories of the Andes : José Luis ‘Coche’ Inciarte
When Coche Inciarte boarded Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 on Friday 13th October 1972, he planned to sit next to his best friend Gastón Costemalle at the back of the plane. But another boy got there just ahead of him, and Coche found a seat further forward.
Ninety minutes later, Gastón was gone – sucked out of the back of the plane along with several others when the plane struck a peak in the Andes. Miraculously, twenty-nine passengers – members and friends of the Old Christians rugby club – survived the initial impact.
Stranded in the mountains for seventy-two days, Coche and his companions endured one of history’s most extraordinary struggles for survival. Several died of their injuries and eight were killed in an avalanche that trapped the remaining boys in the broken fuselage for three days. Developing gangrene in one leg, Coche was rendered largely immobile. Unable to contribute to the more physical tasks, he made it his mission to raise the spirits of his fellow survivors through humour, love, and support.
Coche survived the Andes, but only just; and in this uplifting and thought-provoking memoir – written in memory of his friend Gastón – he brings alive his time on the mountain and reflects on the profound effect that it has had on his life, and on what it means to be human.
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Engage at Dawn: Seize and Destroy : Edward Hochsmann
The Confederation of the Six Systems has maintained a benign, no-contact regimen for the Earth for millennia. However, the Patrol Force Sentry Vessel is still off-station, undergoing repairs after its near-miss with destruction from the solar flare, and when there is no cop on the beat…
A rapacious ConFed merchant has launched an illegal expedition to procure invaluable narcotics from Earth’s criminal 252 Syndicate—in and out, who would know? But his agents and their advanced technology have been caught in a drug war in a Caribbean country, seized by one of the most vicious drug cartels in existence, and held for ransom. The 252s are not only not going to pay, they will be using this setback as an opportunity to void their contract with the aliens and grab the technology for themselves, technology, that if released, could mean the end of Human Civilization.
Alerted by a defecting 252 member, the U.S. government has no good options. It cannot mount an airstrike or an armed raid on a nominally friendly country, and there is no time for diplomatic action that preserves the secret of the alien presence—the 252s will launch their own attack in five days. The best of the bad options is a covert raid led by young Coast Guard Officer Ben Wyporek and his crew aboard the newly-upgraded, stealth-equipped Cutter Kauai. But Ben’s last lethal encounter with the 252s has cured his hunger for glory, and he has found his soulmate in the beautiful genius DIA analyst Victoria Carpenter. It is another deadly race against the 252s to save the world, and now Ben and Victoria have everything to lose.
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ZOMBIE : Clifford Benjamin
Sucking the blood out of people was all fiction; those were dreadfully terrible times. But we have come many years from whence we came. Sadly, we have a president who did unimaginable things that would even make Alfred Hitchcock blush. Yes, it’s all about him, the president that is, that’s like a cancerous sore that never heals; it keeps him wanting more and more regardless of who he had to kill to get what he wants. Whether they’re king or Queen or gay or straight, it didn’t mean a hill of beans. He was in for the long haul, no one the wiser of his dastardly deeds. His thirst for blood was mind-bending. He didn’t discriminate as to who the victims were; he took them as they came. Once you read the story, I hope you agree that this guy was one badass crazy idiot that the world had ever seen and may never see again, and you may know why I chose the title of the book coined ZOMBIE.
Basically and succinctly, Zombie is like the new kid on the block that can stretch one’s imagination toward the bizarre and can be a slight bit kinky at times. It can take one’s vision on a helluva ride.
Lastly, yes, there is no biting on the neck or tooth marks. I hope you ENJOY and find the book a page-turner, especially on a thunderous stormy night with the rain pouring down in torrents and ominous lightning streaking across the pitch-black sky.
Across the board, ZOMBIE is about a demented chief executive officer extinguishing Kings and Queens and heads of nations, anyone in between that gets in his way, and snatching women, detaining them, controlled by a modern type of horror in a shirt and tie, smooth-talking, willing as far as kill to have his way.
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The Gypsy: An Adam Cain Thriller : T.J. Jones
“The Gypsy stood suddenly, fired a shot, spun quickly, then fired again. Standing, and straddling my broken body, she looked like an ethereal giant; a beautiful Amazon, impossibly tall and equally invincible. Improbably she smiled down at me. “Two down, and one to go.”
A mass shooting, an FBI coverup, and a madman with his own militia and a political hit list. The only person Cain can trust is the enigmatic woman called the Gypsy, but she has a hit list of her own.
My Sister’s Detective by T.J. Jones is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Dream of Reality : George W. Holland
It’s September of 1960 and the start of your senior year in high school. Your name is Carlton Fickland, and you’ve just been startled awake by a gruesome nightmare.
In the dream, you see a horrific accident that ends the lives of two perfectly beautiful young people and puts a third into a catatonic state. It is the third victim’s screaming that catapults you from slumber.
Like all other dreams, the memory of this one starts to fade quickly. Although its details soon dissolve, its impact on your life does not. You experience other dreams that are somehow tied to the first one but are only of an old, white-haired man.
Those dreams occur whenever you are at crossroads where the direction to proceed isn’t clear. The directions suggested in the dreams form your reality and lead to a future that others can only fantasize about.
Then everything begins to unravel until you reach an end that no one could ever have seen coming.
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High Places : Julie Conrad
High Places is a psychological thriller set in 1990. A love affair blossoms between a married Conservative Member of Parliament Sir Rufus Holroyd and a young secretary, Magda Rainford. Three years later, the lies and deceit take their toll on Sir Rufus and he endeavours to end the relationship, against Magda’s wishes. He is tiring of his younger lover. Magda has invested three years of her life in the relationship and has aspirations to become the next Lady Holroyd.
Neither could have imagined that their affair would lead to terror, murder and imprisonment for life.
Their descent into the abyss is being orchestrated by an elusive person, someone who has played the long game to exact revenge, someone with a lot to gain.
Who is pulling the strings?
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Akida the Audacious : Nu’man Thabit
This volume of the book begins a new story, a foundation, The life of a leader, a king, and the way he deals with problems within and outside his kingdom. He faces many problems, as his kingdom is surrounded by enemies. Speaks about his intellect and how he is always ten steps ahead of his enemy, shows his brilliance when it comes to military tactics and strategy. It also speaks about his romance and his love life and him finding time in his busy schedule as a king for it. Lastly is speaks about his absolute fearlessness and mental strength facing his problems.
[ A tall man with long black hair and black beard on his horse riding on a path alone. He comes up to a palace gate, upon entering he notices the entire palace in rubles. Dead bodies are scattered all around and under the ruble. He sees a guard, gasping for breath as he lays on the ground. He gets off his horse and walks up to the guard.]
Akida: “ What happened to you? Who did this to the palace?”
In a faint voice, the guard replies.
Guard: “ They threw barrels of whale oil from catapults then shot them with flaming arrows, they blew up the entire palace. I saw them, there were 3 of them.”
After the guard tells him that, the guard dies. Akida gets back on his horse and travels North.
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