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They Called Him Marvin : Roger W Stark

They Called Him Marvin : Roger W StarkIt was WW2. Duty Called. He went. She being with child did not. He didn’t come home.

Follow Lt Dean Sherman, B29 pilot and his crew as they train and enter the war in the Pacific. Unfortunately, they were shot down over Nagoya, Japan, May 14, 1945. Captured by the Japanese, Dean and his crew were tried as war criminals and executed a month before the war ended.

The book also follows a Japanese family, the Kyoshi’s, as they deal with being on the ground when the B29s firebomb Tokyo. They elect to send their children to a safe area that had not been bombed for the duration of the war. they went to live with an uncle in Hiroshima.

Dean’s wife, Connie raises their son Marvin.




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IR 60 Indigenous and Black WisDub : Ebilotoh & Dubzaine

IR 60 Indigenous and Black WisDub : Ebilotoh & DubzaineAn invitation to political activists who remain detached from spirituality and also mystically inclined individuals aiming to be “spiritual, not political.” IR invites you to a dialogue, hoping it will widen your vision, challenge your preconceptions, and encourage self-reflection.

At the center of Indigenous and Black WisDub is a dialogue on:

  • The pre-colonial histories of anarchist Africa.
  • The outernationalist networks across India, Mexico, Vietnam, Jamaica, and Turtle Island.
  • The confluence of political and spiritual dub in the visionary lives of Ho Chi Minh and Emir Abdelkadez and the importance of dreams, waking visions and meditation played in the lives of these and other revolutionaries.
  • The legacies of Canute Frankson, Pandurang Khankhoje, Bhagat Singh, the Punjabi anarchists of the Ghadar Party, the Black anarchist fighting against Franco in the Spanish Civil War, and other anti-colonial and anti-fascist revolutionaries like Jamaican Canute Frankson.
  • The outernationalist networks across India, Mexico, Vietnam, Jamaica, and Turtle Island.
  • The inner dub reflections of Assata Shakur, John Trudell, Bhagat Singh, Jean” Binta” Breeze, Douglas Cardinal, Dhangsha, Huey P. Newton, Dr. Butch Bilal Ware among others.

All of this is grounded in the philosophies and dialogues from Indigenous Peoples from the Solomon Islands, West Papua, Turtle Island and beyond, amplified through voices like former American Indian Movement Chair John Trudell, whose words flow in unison with the revolutionary vision of Assatta Shakur as she spoke with us in Havana, Cuba.

As we state in our book, “According to spiritual teachers from multiple traditions, our senses are an important source of knowledge. Seeing is associated with believing, hearing is associated with understanding.”

Therefore we have created a special soundtrack to accompany this book featuring musicians and producers like UR (Underground Resistance), Steven Stanley, Dhangsha and IR :: Sankara Future Dub Resurgence. The soundtrack features the vocal WisDub of Angela Davis and Chuck D as well as traditional Indigenous singers from Turtle Island, over a flow of raw drum & bass, contemplative house, digital noise, and natural silence.

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Fit For Purpose: Acceptance : Briony Beattie

Fit For Purpose: Acceptance : Briony BeattieWhat if your life changed in an instant?
What if you lost the only family you ever knew?
What if you lost that sense of belonging and everything you existed for, came crashing down in an instant?
What if you lost a physical and mental part of you to the ravages of war?

Being abandoned by his parents at a young age and growing up within the care system, Jimmy Ferguson finally found his calling and a sense of belonging when, at the tender young age of sixteen, he joined the British Army. It was here that he met his best friend, Angus Brown, and together, they would become inseparable, moving up the ranks and eventually seeing active duty. Jimmy had finally found his family.

Ten years later Corporal Jimmy Ferguson was deployed on a six-month tour. Excited to return and marry the love of his life. His life would never be the same again, having being ambushed by an Improvised Explosive Device. Like his missing legs, everything he knew and cherished had disappeared, gone in an instant…

In the ensuing five years since his injuries, Jimmy had slipped into a spiral of despair and self-harm, cutting off the world and finding solace with the inside of a booze bottle and his new best friend, Jack Daniels. Hatred consumed his every existence, loneliness dictated his life, and all he wanted was for the quick slice of death’s gnarled hand to take him away from this place…

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Breaking the Bottle Legacy : Molly Watts

Breaking the Bottle Legacy : Molly WattsIn the spirit of This Naked Mind and Drink? The New Science of Alcohol and Your Health, Breaking the Bottle Legacy simplifies the science of alcohol and neuroscience to teach you how to break “unbreakable” drinking habits.

No ultimatums. No preaching. Discover your brain’s power to change and drink less.

Are you tired of worrying about alcohol but not sure you’ll never drink again?

Do you wonder if you’re traveling down a genetic path towards alcoholism?

Do you feel stuck—believing you should change your drinking habits but unable to make real progress?

In these pages you’ll discover:

  • How science, society and industry challenge your power over alcohol (and why you are NOT powerless)
  • Why being an adult child of an alcoholic may be affecting your drinking (it’s not because of your genes)
  • How to use your own brain to change your relationship with alcohol (It’s 100% possible)
  • How to undo urges and beat cravings—changing your desire for alcohol forever!

If you want to worry less, not rely on willpower to control your drinking, and to find peace with alcohol, then this book is for you.

Podcaster, mentor and author, Molly Watts, shares her journey as she overcame her past as an adult child of an alcoholic who developed her own dysfunctional thirty-plus year daily drinking habit. Her writing expands on her popular podcast of the same name.

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No Bound Love : Jennifer Vickous

No Bound Love : Jennifer VickousSarah goes through a divorce and is a single mother. She moves to a new city with the money she inherited from her late mother. Diana is a Recovery Bail Bonds agent. Both women become neighbors and become friends. From that friendship forms a romance.

But not all is good. Diana’s abusive ex-girlfriend comes back into her life as well as Sarah’s ex-husband.

Plus, there is a dangerous rapist that Diana and her brother Daryl are trying to catch.

Sarah’s brother comes into town and tries to steal her inheritance because he discovers she has a same-sex relationship.

Will they be able to keep their relationship going?

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The Deal : S C Cunningham

The Deal : S C CunninghamA love story with bite. We are not alone. The hot, funny, flawed, rule-breaking Fallen Unit have our backs.

Career girl Amy Fox mysteriously dies under a London commuter train, she surfaces as a member of the UK Fallen Unit, invisible, surfing skies locate-tracing criminals, bullies and bitches (those who think they’ve gotten away with murder) and dishes out tough karma.

She works alongside an ex-hacker, an ex SAS, an MI6 agent, a sex trafficking victim, a suicide victim and others who have signed up to ‘the deal’, all happy to do what is needed to protect Erthfolk.

But, she may not last long; she doesn’t like rules, lusts after her partner, annoys hell warlords, works her own revenge list, kills more than she saves and has never worked so damn hard in her earthly life. Was her deal a mistake?

“Blissfully raw, absolutely perfect.”
“Completely different, outstanding.”
“Wow! Great book, make a great film.”
“Good to see the Cloud 9 gang again!”
“Raw, edgy and completely addictive.”
“Hard to put down – a must read that keeps you guessing.”
“Cunningham sent me on a vivid acrobatic journey. The text is detailed, flawless, and wonderful. So descriptive I felt as if I was reading line for line an investigative report.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: having worked in Crime, S C Cunningham creates rom thrillers with a skilled mix of fuelled tension, dark humour and pulsating passion. Her works offer a fresh level of sincerity and authority, rare in fiction.

The Deal is in film development as Supernatural RomThriller Evil’s Match.

CAUTION: adult language.

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Livin’ on the Edge: A Guide to your Abundance Seeds : Tinker McAdams

Livin' on the Edge : Tinker McAdamsWith this book, you will learn how to get in touch with your own personal Guys in the non-physical world and see what they have to offer. In these pages, there is a power in believing and in looking at all things with a positive outlook.

Working with this book daily and with the help of those not seen, you can accept the guidance from beings that were put into place to help. From the time of your birth, there were those in the non-physical world assigned to help you to make your life all that it can be.

In Livin’ on the Edge: A Guide to your Abundance Seeds by Tinker McAdams, you will get a firsthand account from an individual who has listened and practiced the advice that was given. Through the years of dealing with her “Guys,” she has learned that there is so much more out there that can help make anyone’s life better, and with this book, you can too!



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Bell Hammers : Lancelot Schaubert

Bell Hammers : Lancelot Schaubert“Schaubert recounts a mischievous man’s eight decades in Illinois’s Little Egypt region in his picaresque debut. Remmy’s life of constant schemes and pranks and a lifelong feud with classmate Jim Johnstone and the local oil drilling company proves consequential. This is a hoot.”
– Publisher’s Weekly

🏆 finalist for Glimmer Train’s Fiction Open.



Remmy grows up with Beth in Bellhammer, Illinois as oil and coal companies rob the land of everything that made it paradise. Under his Grandad, he learns how to properly prank his neighbors, friends, and foes. Beth tries to fix Remmy by taking him to church. Under his Daddy, Remmy starts the Bell Hammer Construction Company, which depends on contracts from Texarco Oil. And Beth argues with him about how to build a better business. Together, Remmy and Beth start to build a great neighborhood of “merry men” carpenters: a paradise of s’mores, porch furniture, newborn babies, and summer trips to Branson where their boys pop the tops off of the neighborhood’s two hundred soda bottles. Their witty banter builds a kind of castle among a growing nostalgia.

Then one of Jim Johnstone’s faulty Texarco oil derricks falls down on their house and poisons their neighborhood’s well.

Poisoned wells escalate to torched dog houses. Torched dog houses escalate to stolen carpentry tools and cancelled contracts. Cancelled contracts escalate to eminent domain. Sick of the attacks from Texaco Oil on his neighborhood, Remmy assembles his merry men:

“We need the world’s greatest prank. One grand glorious jest that’ll bloody the nose of that tyrant. Besides, pranks and jokes don’t got no consequences, right?”

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They Stand Among Us : Nick James

They Stand Among Us : Nick JamesThey stand and walk among us, unnoticed. Those who know of their existence call them the Men of Shadows or the Order. Only the heads of the group know their end goals, as they manipulate the lines of power in government and industry, all under the purview of their leaders, who they call the Masters.

In the city of New York, Doctor Weaver and Chief Medical Examiner Sanchez are investigating an unexplained increase in patient deaths. As they pull on that thread of evidence, it unravels to reveal a much bigger and more heinous plan. The doctors do not realize that they are being observed by members of an unknown group, whose tentacles are everywhere. Who can they trust?

As they pursue the truth, FBI Agents Marcus Martinez and Avery Saunders are brought into the fold, along with some of the NYPD’s not-so-finest, as they stumble over evidence of this shadowy group whose reach could encompass the world.


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Nova Sol : Cameron McVey

Nova Sol : Cameron McVeyTwenty years after the Planetary Rebellion, the Nova Sol colonists are still cut off from Earth. The mysterious teleportation mechanism that allowed humans to settle the new solar system was eradicated in the natural disasters caused by the rebellion. The invention of a faster than light technology offers the 5 million colonists new hope for returning to their home planet. But difficulties arise while implementing the new stardrive. These difficulties will force President Benefacio to risk others’ lives in order to get back to Earth.

Lurking in the background, the Bions – bio-nanites that were “awakened” during the Planetary Rebellion – are following their own agenda, which will put them at odds with the humans.

Several humans – including President Benefacio’s father – have spontaneously developed anti-aging abilities. Is this a freak occurrence or is there some greater force at work?

Meanwhile, on Bastin, the desert planet, one of the original human colonists keeps a secret that will change the course of human history.

Nova Sol: book one of “A Brief History of Humankind” trilogy.

Zenda’s Story and Hold Still the Sky by Cameron McVey are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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