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All Mine : Davy D

All Mine : Davy DCoal is ingrained deep in Dave Doran’s DNA. Mining is a family matter, his grandfather, great-grandfather and a great-uncle, who was killed in a pit disaster at the age of 18, were miners all their working lives. A childhood spent in the shadow of the local pit wheel, and being brought up in a close-knit mining community, provided him with lifelong values.

All Mine is part memoir, part natural history, part social commentary, told through the medium of poetry: a collection of writing from boyhood to retirement. The poems take us on a journey from the coal fields of West Cumbria, through the complex underbelly of a metropolis, to the bucolic landscapes of Buckinghamshire.

All Mine has been a lifetime in the making, a series of flirtations with writing, art, and a thirty-year career policing the streets of London.

The poetic gaze moves from the Irish Sea to the River Thames, the miner’s strike of 1984 to the pandemic, and a view of the capital through the eyes of a street copper; each poem questions again the things that make a man.

There are many events which shape and fracture an identity. The writing contained in this collection reflects a life of love, loss, bewilderment and belonging. Coal haunts the bones. Ghosts darken walls of black stone, catch upon a common air, shadowing and highlighting those things that lift a life from the pit to the surface. History and chance layer each other like geological eras in this debut collection.

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The Czar of Wilton Drive : RP Andrews

The Czar of Wilton Drive : RP AndrewsThe new boss is in…

In the course of minutes, twenty-one-year-old Jonathan Antonucci, barely out of the closet gay man from suburban New York, finds himself a multi-millionaire. His great uncle Charlie has unexpectedly died of a heart attack, leaving Jon the sole owner of several of the most successful bars in Wilton Manors, Ft. Lauderdale’s gay ghetto.

Flying down to Lauderdale to claim his bequest, Jon encounters Uncle Charlie’s dubious friends and business associates and is immediately drawn into Lauderdale’s scene of unbridled sex and heavy drugs. He also discovers his great uncle’s memoirs which reveal truths not only about Jon’s own past but also what may have really happened to his uncle. In the end, Jon is torn between avenging Uncle Charlie’s death or loving the very man responsible for it.

For the Love of Samuel by R P Andrews is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Forty Four : Jan Miklaszewicz

Forty Four : Jan MiklaszewiczMost people don’t touch poetry, because poetry doesn’t touch most people.

In his latest collection, Jan Miklaszewicz seeks to offer an alternative, exchanging unrequited love and silken sunsets for riffs on relationships, the writing process, and pop spirituality.

Featuring eleven bespoke illustrations and a voice that ranges from salty to sweet to sour, Forty Four is more than worth the admission fee.

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The Exceptional Life R-Evolution : Jessica Tietjen

The Exceptional Life R-Evolution : Jessica TietjenWill you join the Exceptional Life R-Evolution?

What will you say when you look back on your life? Will you think, “I lived an exceptional life?” Or do you find yourself struggling to have exceptional work and life experiences?

Who doesn’t want to live an exceptional life, filled with exceptional work and life experiences? I know I want to be like my 90-year-old grandma who told me, with a smile and tears in her eyes, “I truly feel I lived an exceptional life.” My life’s purpose is to help people live their best life— an exceptional life—and this book is meant to help more people!

After reading this book, you will know how to create these exceptional work and life experiences so you can one day echo my grandma’s words. To do so, we must first understand why evolving our performance is needed to reach our peak performance and climb our personal performance mountain. Next, we need to apply the lessons learned from our experiences, especially during challenging times like those we faced in 2020. Then, we will follow the guide for reaching our peak performance using the four keys: expectations, feedback, development, and accountability. Finally, we will apply these keys to the roles we serve in our workplaces, homes, and communities.

Everyone can live an exceptional life, and the resources in this book will provide you with the guidance necessary to do so successfully. As we learn, grow, and evolve our performance, sharing the success of our experiences along the way, we will ignite the Exceptional Life R-Evolution!

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For the Love of Samuel : R P Andrews

For the Love of Samuel : R P AndrewsNew Yorker and aging gay man Billy Veleber who abhors growing old has lost Mitch, his former meth-head lover, to his habit, and Gus, the older man in his life and mentor, to despair, when he is confronted with the chance to become 21 all over again, through the magical prowess of the dog tag of a long-dead Civil War soldier, Samuel Evans.

Young again, Billy abandons Manhattan for Fort Lauderdale where he meets Dare, the love of his life, whose clever quick rich venture first bonds them, then threatens to end their idyllic lives together forever. Billy also faces the reality of having to tell Dare the truth about himself.

The Czar of Wilton Drive by RP Andrews is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Drink From The Furry Cup : Lawrence David Niren

Drink From The Furry Cup : Lawrence David NirenDrink From The Furry Cup is the newest and 11th novel of the controversial author Lawrence David Niren, completed on December 29, 2021, about 8 wonderful lesbians aged 14 until 30 and their 8 hamsters angels and angel shepherd dog and angel cat, featuring a most extraordinary hamster angel The Biter, as they embark on missions for the Lord over a 16 year time period, where they rid churches and the Vatican itself of all the evil pedophile priests and Mother Superiors in both the U.S. and in Rome, Italy; they force African countries and their tyrant dictators to abolish kidnapping children as young as seven and eight to compel them into their armies, as well as eliminating the horrible mistreatment of those same countries of their cutting off the clitorises of young girls from birth to five years old; they help many thousands of young women and teenage girls to escape from the Taliban in Afghanistan; they eliminate the massive promiscuity of women in New Zealand of all places; they free political prisoners in countries in Asia and Europe that have been illegally held by other evil dictators; and they free all the good people and prostitutes of Tijuana from terrible gang leaders, drugs lords, and human traffickers, with the help of trans people who are true vigilantes in Mexico; and they do all this remarkable work that the Lord gives them, in the same manner as some of the wonderful prophets and kings in the Old Testament have helped fulfill the Lord’s commands.

And along the way these 8 young and ravishing lesbians marry, and have the most amazing and breathtaking lovemaking between them that can only be fantasized and imagined to know, so that this story becomes an Odyssey of the highest form of spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, depth, wisdom, pleasure, and lesbian erotic sex and love, with the Lord’s understanding, acceptance, and approval, and is a real adventure of entertainment and redemption, as one lesbian also searches for her long lost daughter that was kidnapped from her by the priests and nuns in a church when she was 14, while in turn her own parents, who had their daughter kidnapped from them, search for her, with three perceptive detectives who find out the sheer genius of the Lord, His angels, and the lesbians themselves.

Other books by Lawrence David Niren are also on Whizbuzz Books:

The Angel, The Lesbians, & The Magnificent Grant
The Good & The Evil
The Lex Talionis of Brett Kavanaugh
The Ecstasy
Juvia, Kennedy & the Trial and Confession of Trump
Compassion I
Compassion II
Light of The Lord’s Lesbian
The Kazandra Appearance
God, the Devil & the Curse of Tippecanoe

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Kadrinchay : Karma J Francomb

Kadrinchay : Karma J FrancombA real-life story, Kadrinchay (Thank You) will transport you to a beautiful part of the world, and educate you all about its culture, as you follow the emotional tale of a girl that remains humble and grateful in her search for happiness.

No matter how many times she is betrayed by her husband, she keeps forgiving him.

She always believed in whatever happens, happens for good. Then she meets an Englishman.

Now the question is will she put up with her unfaithful husband or go and find future with this Englishman. Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t know. Which one will she choose, devil or angel?

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Growing Up In Barbados – Louise : Sereta Belgrave

Growing Up In Barbados : Sereta BelgraveLouise is born into extreme poverty on the idyllic island of Barbados. She is mixed raced, unlike her siblings who are all of African descent. She is raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Her attitude towards men is severely scarred as a result. She compulsively pursues sexual relationships in exchange for money/gifts. She is however determined to live a worthy life despite her muddled past.

Is there a chance of happiness for her after all?

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FUNdamentals of Parenting : Jaime Buckley

FUNdamentals of Parenting : Jaime BuckleyThe best compliment I can give Jaime’s work is I’m going to make this required reading for all parents who walk through my door. No joke. Required reading. – Jon Filitti, LMHC, Filitti Counselling

I hate Jaime Buckley because he wrote the book every therapist should be writing.

While reading through it I kept thinking to myself, “I’m the therapist here! I should have written this!”

You see, Jaime does something in this book which is almost utterly impossible to do. (Which is why I didn’t attempt it).

He wrote a book about parenting that is informative and educational. But more than that, and this is the difficult part, it’s concise and entertaining.

What? How did he do that?

He wrote a book about parenting that takes less than 2 hours to read and packed it full of interesting ideas, tips and tricks and the “musts” of parenting.

While never getting preachy or pompous.

Turn the page.

You’re about to knock your family’s happiness out of the park.

Prelude to a Hero and Chronicle Starter Pack by Jaime Buckley are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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Confessions of a Hot Mess : Leslie Speas

Confessions of a Hot Mess : Leslie SpeasHave you ever felt like you are a hot mess? Many of us deal with a whole myriad of issues that make us feel like we don’t have it all together. We walk through our lives day after day trying to put on a good front but feeling like a complete mess inside.

Leslie Speas felt led to share her mess to help others with theirs. In her book, she uses personal and biblical examples, along with vulnerability and humor, to share 90 days of lessons on topics that she has grappled with like comparison, people-pleasing, patience, control, etc. She also provides practical tips to help readers bolster their faith and find strength through their struggles.

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