A Game of Proof : Tim Vicary
A Game of Proof: A Mother’s Fight To Defend Her Son
Sarah Newby became pregnant in the back of a Ford Cortina at the age of 15. She left school to bring up her son as a single parent on one of the worst council estates in Leeds. From this disastrous beginning she has worked her way up, by sheer strength of character, to begin a career as a criminal barrister.
But just as her career is beginning to take off, her own son, Simon, is arrested and charged with a series of brutal rapes and murders. The evidence against him is so strong that his QC advises a guilty plea, but Simon swears he is innocent and begs his mother to take on his defence. There is no law against a mother representing her own son, so Sarah agrees. The only other obvious suspect in the murders, however, is a man who has already been acquitted once – with Sarah acting as his defence lawyer …
Has Sarah, in her single-minded determination to create a career for herself, neglected her son so much that she no longer knows him? He has often lied to her in the past, so why should she believe him this time? And what should she do when she herself uncovers evidence that seems to suggest his guilt? What is most important to Sarah – the truth, her hard-won career, or her love for her son?
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Globular Van der Graff’s Goblin Tales for Adults : Jack Eason
A very long time ago, there once was a land called Goblindom hidden behind a magic barrier to protect its inhabitants from mankind. Man’s ancestors the humins lived there quietly alongside wyverns, griffins, trolls, witches and wizards as well as woods, mountain and plains goblins, ravens, eagles and many more creatures.
This anthology is a collection of thirty tales, which I have translated from goblin into English thanks to Globular Van der Graff, a friendly southern woods goblin who told them to me not long ago. They are not my tales, they are his, hence the title – Globular Van der Graff’s Goblin Tales for Adults.
For a long time, like most human children I disbelieved the stories read to me by my parents of goblins, witches and wizards, wyverns and griffins, believing them to be nothing more than tales designed to entertain, until that first fateful early morning visit several months ago, when Glob physically sought me out and deliberately entered my life.
I hope and pray that like me, you will all open your hearts and minds to the fact that goblins, especially of the noble and friendly southern woods kind, do still actually exist today. Through necessity for their own protection, they have to hide from the modern world you and I live in. If you are fortunate as I undoubtedly am, some may even be living in an oak wood near you.
Lastly, may I just say on behalf of Glob whose anthology this is, not forgetting for one moment his good friend Bejuss, and his goblin brothers, Make, Mous, Neo, Byz, and myself, how much we thank you for taking the time to read this, the first-ever written record of the once magical land of Goblindom.
Turning Point, The Forgotten Age, The Next Age, The Guardian, Céleste, Race Against Time, Autumn 1066, The Magisters and The Forgotten People by Jack Eason are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Harry’s War : Ed Benjamin
Harry’s War
This novella deals with an epic air battle over Iraq between Iranian Air Force Su-27 Flanker aircraft and United States Air Force F-15C Eagles in the skies over Iraq. The author has divided this book into three basic parts: first, the prelude to this spine-tingling fighter clash, second, the nail biting air battle itself and third, the aftermath. These three parts constitute the war experienced by Harry Miles, ace fighter pilot. Which will prevail, the F-15C Eagle fighter or the Su-27 Flanker? What is the real war?
Harry finds himself medically retired from the USAF and faced with the demons which haunted him during his formative years. He soon realizes he must re-learn life lessons.
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Manhattan Affair : Jack Sussek
Manhattan Affair
In late ’90s Manhattan, Jared “Jed” Chase confesses to his lawyer the snaky, illicit route that landed him in trouble and possibly in jail.
Jed led a mundane life working in advertising-sales for The New York Times until he reconnected with recently divorced Katherine Cahill. Her ex-husband, Steve, who happens to be Jed’s college friend, introduced the two 10 years earlier—since then, Jed has been obsessed with her. When she approaches Jed looking for help, he understandably jumps at the chance, despite the sordid details.
She hatches a plan to murder Steve and take what she believes is rightfully hers. Blinded by adoration and passion, Jed agrees to do whatever Katherine asks; he even buys the gun.
Within Sussek’s strong, captivating narrative, Katherine paints an awful picture of Steve’s behavior, going so far as to detail his secret sex-tape business, which, she tells Jed, she was pressured into participating. Katherine, ever the conniving seductress, successfully manipulates Jed, but when the plan falls apart, Jed faces a life or death situation. He realizes that the woman he fantasized about for more than a decade could not be the woman intent on having her ex-husband murdered.
In exquisitely detailed New York City, Jed employs his journalist friends to help piece together a different, even more lurid story than the one Katherine led him to believe.
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The Way in Divine Metaphysics : J.D.Tarran
The Way in Divine Metaphysics
In many religions, philosophies, and disciplines of spiritual growth, a way is a path, a discipline, and a code of conduct.
The goal of metaphysics is to understand and describe the way things are in universal terms.
In his comprehensive study of worldwide metaphysics, author J. D. Tarran introduces the world’s most significant traditions and religious and metaphysical philosophies in order to help others understand how the crucial insights of science and the profoundness of religion have affected history.
Tarran relies on his extensive studies of religion and metaphysics as he carefully examines the spiritual influences that have shaped nations and influenced the past.
Through his study of different cultures and languages, Tarran shares a comprehensive look at several cultures and traditions, including the ancient Chinese language and its perception that we exist in unity with nature; shamanic rituals that partner with the spiritual realm to heal disease, madness, and social issues; and the four noble truths of the Brahmin.
Is there only one truth and one way?
The enlightening reflections and perspectives shared in The Way in Divine Metaphysics encourage a greater and more universal awareness of the possibilities that accompany free thinking.
The Pineville Heist : Lee Chambers
The Pineville Heist
Seventeen year old Aaron stumbles into the aftermath of a five million dollar bank heist gone wrong.
Hiding under a canoe, Aaron partially catches the murder of one of the robbers. In the chaos he sneaks away with the money and heads straight for the closest place of safety, his high school.
Terrified, Aaron tells his shocking tale to Amanda Becker, his drama teacher, but it doesn’t take long for one of the psychotic robbers to show up. In the locked down school the pair are relentlessly pursued in a quest to get the money back and wipe out the evidence.
The Pineville Heist, based on the award-winning screenplay by Lee Chambers and Todd Gordon, “is a young adult thriller with a slick plot, believable characters, and a breakneck pace that will no doubt appeal to adults as much as teens,” noted Walleye Magazine’s Amy Jones. “An enthusiatic five stars!”
“The Pineville Heist is the very definition of thrill, energized with edge-of-your-seat action and suspense!” claims US Review of Books reviewer Mihir Shah.
UPDATE: Twilight star Booboo Stewart (Seth Clearwater) has signed on to play Aaron Stevens in the movie version.
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Ghost Under Foot : Kenneth W. Harmon
Ghost Under Foot: The Spirit Of Mary Bell
“The knocking on the headboard boomed inside my brain. I stopped breathing, my body paralyzed with fear, as I realized I was not alone in my room.”
Ghost under Foot: the Spirit of Mary Bell is the incredible true story of one family’s journey into the realm of the paranormal.
Readers are taken on an amazing adventure as retired police officer Kenneth W. Harmon struggles to understand why their house is haunted and who may be responsible.
With help from the Fort Collins Museum staff, and using old records, family histories, newspapers, and maps, he learns their ghost is Mary Bell Wilson, a young woman who died from typhoid fever back in 1886. Mary Bell’s father operated a sheep farm on the land where the Harmon house is now located.
When a local couple, Duane and Susan Kniebes, who used dowsing rods to locate unmarked pioneer graves on behalf of the State, visit the Harmon’s house, they find an old gravesite in the backyard.
Before leaving, the Kniebes teach Kenneth how to use the dowsing rods to communicate with spirits. Kenneth is now able to talk with Mary Bell. He asks her many questions about death and the spirit world. After learning Mary Bell knew intimate details about his family, Kenneth wondered if she used superconscious telepathy to access this information. Could ghosts call upon the collective wisdom of the human race? To test this, Kenneth asked Mary Bell questions about some of the most famous mysteries, including the JFK assassination, the identity of Jack the Ripper, and the Roswell UFO incident.
Ghost under Foot is supported by photographic and video evidence, and is the first book to offer real proof of life beyond death. It is sure to be one of the most talked about books in 2012.
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Turning Point : Jack Eason
For thousands of years, man in his arrogance has believed that he is unique in the cosmos.
During the last decade of the twentieth century, the day finally arrived when a warlike alien species called the Drana returned to our solar system, intent on re-establishing their rule over the Earth once more. The last time they were here they left a subordinate race in charge of our early ancestors.
When the Drana moved on to conquer more planets in the name of their emperor, the Khaz began to create a stronghold here on Earth, hopefully large enough to one day challenge the Drana.
Over countless centuries all memories of the Khaz and their masters the Drana vanished from the minds of man. However, the Khaz are still calling the shots through a secret government they set up consisting of the world’s political and military leaders, as well as the heads of all the major business cartels.
Meanwhile, our New Zealand born hero Tom is enjoying a well-earned break, hiking through the beautiful mountains of South Westland in New Zealand’s South Island, totally unaware that he is being deliberately drawn to a specific place.
In a valley somewhere in South Westland, artificially hidden from the outside world he meets a dying race of peaceful people from another world called the Nephile, who are hiding from the Drana and falls in love with one of them. Through her and others like her, he is made aware that everything we have ever learned or assumed is untrue. He learns that the ancestors of all the various branches of humanity were brought here from other worlds as slaves of the Drana millennia ago.
After being enhanced, our hero is tasked with bringing in all the other human beings, chosen like him by the Nephile, to be taken back to the valley in New Zealand to form a new species of Nephile/human. While picking up the various groups of humans dotted across the world, his actions inadvertently start World War Three, days before the Drana return to reclaim the Earth, throwing the Khaz High Command here on Earth into total panic.
How to save the Earth and humanity from this nightmare situation? What kind of earthbound weaponry could possibly defeat the Drana? The battle between the army of resistance fighters, led by our hero Tom, and the Drana in New Zealand’s South Island, ends when a worldwide cataclysmic event set in place by the Nephile living in the hidden valley occurs. Will anyone survive?
Globular Van der Graff’s Goblin Tales for Adults, The Forgotten Age, The Next Age, The Guardian, Céleste, Race Against Time, Autumn 1066, The Magisters and The Forgotten People by Jack Eason are also on Whizbuzz Books.
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Mack Dunstan’s Inferno : Paul Collins
Mack Dunstan’s Inferno
My recent book is called Mack Dunstan’s Inferno and it was inspired by Bowling for Columbine, where Michael Moore challenged actor Charlton Heston on his role in gun rallies on the week of a massacre at Columbine High School.
Well, the Heston Estate forbid the use of Charlton Heston in the work, but Iuniverse has published it because I changed Charlton Heston into Mack Dunstan and the paperback is called Mack Dunstan’s Inferno. It is about a Charlton Heston type character who succumbed to Alzheimer’s, descended into hell and met victims of his pro-gun policy.
Yes, as he descended into Hades, he met oodles of Hollywood celebrities, including Kelsey Grammar, Sally Struthers, JK Rowlings, Hugh Hefner, Larry Flynt, and even a comical scene with Woody Allen too. In such a circumstance, look out for all the American televangelists, including Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, and Jimmy Swaggart. It is a modern day Divine Comedy!
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Deep in the Heart : Staci Stallings
Deep in the Heart
Just out of college and completely alone in the world, Maggie Montgomery has one shot left to save her life from an abyss of poverty and hopelessness.
Clinging to the last shred of fuel and hope, she arrives at the mansion of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers. Although Maggie is clearly not what Mr. Ayers and his wife have in mind for a nanny, they agree to hire her temporarily until they can find someone more appropriate to fill the position.
However, Maggie’s whole world is about to be up-ended by two way-over-scheduled children and one incredibly handsome hired hand. As she struggles to fit into a world she was never made to fit in, Maggie wonders if she can ever learn to become a perfect version of herself so she can keep the job, or is she doomed to always be searching for a life she can never quite grasp?
Keith Ayers despises his life. As the son of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers and the fiance to a Senator from Texas’ daughter, it looks great on the outside, but inside, he is dying. He would vastly prefer to manage and train his father’s racehorses. However, everyone else thinks that is beneath him. He needs to get into industry and build on his father’s success. Suffocating under the constrictions of his life, he meets Maggie who begins to teach him that wealth and power is not everything in this life. But can Keith defy the most powerful men in Texas to follow his heart?
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