The Torch of Hope and Inspirations : Annalyn J. Rasul

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The Torch of Hope and Inspirations : Annalyn J. Rasul

The Torch of Hope and Inspirations : Annalyn J. RasulThis book is a personal collection of poems and the best inspirational quotes selected and compiled by the author.

Divided into two parts, the first part is a collection of personal poems that touches on the themes of love, pain, infertility, betrayal, hope, and forgiveness.

Poetry is a form of creative art therapy. It is therapeutic for both the writer and the reader. Writing poetry fosters emotional expression and healing through self-expression and exploration of one’s feelings. For the reader, it allows one to see into the soul of another person, encourages the development of empathy, and provides space for self-reflection.

In the second part, the author shares her favorite inspirational quotes from the greatest thinkers throughout history. The wisdom on these pages will inspire and motivate you to live life to its fullest. You will find some solace, a dose of inspiration, and insights about love, life, hope, happiness, forgiveness, giving, abundance, and gratitude.

This book also seeks to encourage the reader to break free from the shadows of the past to forgive, heal, and move on.

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