The Fourth Age Shadow Wars: Assassins by David Pauly

The Fourth Age Shadow Wars

The Fourth Age Shadow Wars: Assassins by David Pauly

The Fourth Age Shadow Wars: Assassins by David PaulyThe Land of Nostraterra is recovering from the effects of the Great War and the peace between the races of Men, Dwarves, and Elves is uneasy. Inspired by The Lord of the Rings, and Frank Herbert’s Dune, the story blends a complex politically oriented thriller based plot into a medieval fantasy world.

The geo-political events of the past 2 decades, are embodied in the story. Each race has a large moderate faction who wants to cooperate with the other races, but also present are smaller radical factions who are bent on taking what they want from the other races, no matter what the cost. When the Crown Prince of Men is suddenly attacked in a series of brazen ambushes, his father King Creon, and his First Minister will stop at nothing to uncover who is behind the plot.

Clues from the ambushes point to the other races as well as Men, and unlikely alliances are formed as Men, Dwarves, and Elves search within and without of their lands. Assassins is first in the series of The Fourth Age Shadow Wars, and is fast paced novel, filled with magic, action and adventure and will not disappoint!

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