The Cards of Chaos : A.D. Jansen


The Cards of Chaos : A.D. Jansen

The Cards of Chaos : A.D. JansenThe Cards of Chaos

Fifteen-year-old Cebina Beckstrand is selected in a ritual drawing to be sacrificed to a shadowy being known only as the Jackal, who dwells somewhere in the wintry wilderness outside her small village.

She expects, based on rumors, to be devoured by this creature, or worse—but the fate that awaits her is far stranger than she could have imagined. Who is the Jackal? Why does he torment the villagers with his cruel demands? And what is the nature of the card game he plays…?

Drawing on fairy tales and trickster mythology, The Cards of Chaos is a Gothic fantasy in the tradition of Isak Dinesen and Angela Carter, featuring beautiful cover art by Kit Mizeres.



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