The Amber Crane : Malve von Hassell


The Amber Crane : Malve von Hassell

The Amber Crane : Malve von HassellThe Amber Crane pushes the boundaries of time-travel fiction and of your imagination in this tale of a journey from the past into the present, set in two devastating wars three hundred years apart and steeped in the lore and legends of amber from the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Clutching precious amber found in a clump of seaweed, Peter, an amber guild apprentice in Pomerania in the waning years of the Thirty Years’ War, has a choice to make. Despite the severe penalties imposed on such an action, Peter keeps the amber and works on it in secret, with potentially disastrous consequences for people close to him.

Meanwhile, unaware of the amber piece’s magical powers, Peter finds himself drawn into a world three hundred years in the future where he gets embroiled in the troubles of a mysterious stranger.

The Falconer’s Apprentice and Alina: A Song for the Telling by Malve von Hassell are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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