The Raven Affair : Steven Nedelton

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The Raven Affair : Steven Nedelton

The Raven Affair : Steven NedeltonThe Raven Affair

Taut, engaging, and supremely well written, The Raven Affair is a superb instant classic. With more than its fair share of break-neck action and mind-numbing suspense, author Steven Nedelton’s compelling thriller is a fast-paced page turner, the literary equivalent of such silver screen jewels as the Bourne series.

Further bolstering the high-stakes mystery tale is a highly believable central storyline of murder and mayhem in the name of global domination – quite the tantalizing fodder for fans of complex narratives involving intricate conspiracy theories brought to vivid life on the page.

With nonstop action and intriguing, well defined characters, The Raven Affair is a bona fide literary thrill ride guaranteed not to disappoint. Highly recommended.

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