Tokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story : Renae Lucas-Hall

Tokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story

Tokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story : Renae Lucas-Hall

Tokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story : Renae Lucas-HallTokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story

A fascinating exploration of life in modern-day Japan, Tokyo Hearts is a poignant love story that will catapult you directly onto the fashionable streets of this nation’s capital and into the hearts of Takashi and Haruka.

Takashi is a young and popular university student who has fallen in love with his stylish and sophisticated friend Haruka. Together they make a cute couple and their sweet friendship is undeniable.

Haruka is gentle and kind and adores shopping for high-end Japanese and Western brands – she loves her Louis Vuitton handbags, Hermès scarves and Louboutin shoes. Takashi is more down to earth but he enjoys eating out and looking through the department stores in Ginza and Shibuya.

Every week, they meet up in the heart of Tokyo, enjoying each other’s company, and for Takashi, life is perfect. But the path to true love is never easy. When Takashi discovers that Haruka is seeing her wealthy ex-boyfriend from Kyoto, his life begins to turn upside down.

This coming of age story traces the lives of Takashi and Haruka and their friends as they deal with young love and the ups and downs of growing up in Tokyo – truly one of the most stylish, energetic and exhilarating cities in the world. Filled with cultural significance, this story will appeal to readers who have an interest in Japan and the mind-set of the Japanese people.

Book Links
Book Site
Guide To Tokyo
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