Her Special Day Shoes : Michael A. Walker

Her Special Day Shoes

Her Special Day Shoes : Michael A. Walker

Her Special Day Shoes : Michael A. WalkerHer Special Day Shoes

Written in the style of an old world fairy tale, “Her Special Day Shoes” is about a young girl from York, England, during the height of the Industrial Revolution, who finds herself orphaned and homeless after her parents are killed in a terrible accident. Refusing to allow herself and her little brother to be taken in by an orphanage, Rachael slaves away along side other children at a textile factory for pennies a day just to keep food in their bellies. Her only escape from her miserable lot in life comes from a pair of shoes displayed in a cobbler shop’s window that she dreams will one day take her far and awa


In August 2013, my dear friend Kristin found a lump in her left breast. Since then her cancer has been upgraded to Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (1.9cm tumor + 1.1cm satellite tumor) with HER2neu+ (Grade 3)… an aggressive form of Cancer that has invaded her lymph nodes. Kristin has a wonderful husband Wesley and two children Logan (13) and Skye (7), so her whole family is feeling the invasion of this horrible disease. This year will be quite a journey for her and she is feeling terribly scared but hopeful.

In her honor, I relaunched my very first eBook, “Her Special Day Shoes,” and dedicated it to her. All proceeds from the sale of my book will go to assist Kristin with her personal battle with breast cancer and to a National Breast Cancer Foundation account in her name – forever.

What readers are saying…

“This short story packs an emotional punch. It gives a real sense of the desperation poverty brings to even the strongest soul. In the end, a very uplifting tale!”

“…the story and characters are most compelling for younger audiences with room for adult development should the author choose. It’s refreshing (and rare) to absorb the setting, time, and dialog in so few pages while wanting to hug the protagonist as her life unfolds! Also enjoyable to read in one sitting without bogging in excess detail which hearkens back to Hemingway.”

“Michael Walker draws you in with each compelling word, makes you anxious for the next. Each sentence starts a picture reel in my mind. His Descriptions seem to animate the characters, bringing them to life. Superb story telling, a joy, and a must read.”

eBook ($2.86)

Book Links
National Breast Cancer Page
Amazon Author Page
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