Vengeance of the Werewolf : Mercedes Ludill

Vengeance of the Werewolf

Vengeance of the Werewolf : Mercedes Ludill

Vengeance of the Werewolf : Mercedes LudillVengeance of the Werewolf


Werewolves are living in town. Some are good, some are bad, and some are really bad.

Vengeance of the Werewolf is filled with suspense of the hunt for the werewolf, explicit sexual situations, gore as only werewolves can inspire. This book isn’t intended for younger readers as it is rated R.

Wolfcreek’s werewolves are raw, dangerous, compassionate, vengeful, vicious,and human.

There are no mad beasts here; these monsters know exactly what they are doing as they retain their human control when in beast form.




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