For The Love Of Christopher : Ian Lomax
For The Love Of Christopher : A Father’s Tale
Most holiday romances have no conclusion good or bad. Just a few lead to fairy-tale weddings and ‘happy ever after.’
Ian Lomax went to Corfu and fell in love with a Greek girl called Helen. Helens mother Maria forbid their love and Ian was badly beaten and forced out of Athens, Ian went back and smuggled Helen out of Greece .
They married in England and had a lovely little boy called Christopher. Blissfully unaware that his mother-in-law had plotted with his wife to abduct his son while on a trip to Greece, Ian found himself alone and broken-hearted in a strange country.
This book tells the true story of Ian’s struggles,surviving a failed suicide attempt and death threats to carry on the fight through the Greek courts to recover his father’s rights to be part of the life of his son.
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