Does God Love The Wealthy More Than the Middle Class? : Dennis L Binder Jr


Does God Love The Wealthy More Than the Middle Class? : Dennis L Binder Jr

Does God Love The Wealthy More Than the Middle Class : Dennis L Binder JrDoes God Love The Wealthy More Than the Middle Class?

DOES GOD LOVE THE WEALTHY MORE THAN THE MIDDLE CLASS?…….examines how Excessive rates for ALL Taxpayers – harm the Middle Class & Working Poor thus creating ‘Trickle Down’ poverty, and is THE reason why the income gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow.

With approx. 25 million business owners currently in the U.S., and if each business hired an average of only 2 additional (new) employees, it would create at least 50 million new jobs (or more) and also generate a $900 billion budget surplus! But this potential could only be realized with LOW tax rates for EVERYONE. Permanent, reduced tax rates would also increase wages for American workers and create a long term capacity for eliminating the National Debt! The unlimited advantages of tax cuts are illustrated in this book in a ‘reader friendly’ format.

The following is one of many suggested proposals in this highly acclaimed ebook:
ELECTRONIC CONGRESS: American Citizens choosing ‘political candidates’ who WILL amend legislation with a ‘Peoples Referendum’ requiring All federal politicians/lawmakers – to actually live in the State/areas of the citizens they actually represent!

The best way to represent any group of people – is to live among them! Furthermore, these candidates will have a better understanding (similar to State politicians) of what it’s like to live in your corner of the World! In short: The American People should be the biggest & most influential lobbyists!
The above proposal if legislated, would eliminate 50% of America’s problems!

Author Dennis L Binder Jr, also analyzes a much needed imperative for repopulating Rural America. Enormous economic growth would be realized along with reduced overcrowding in America’s cities therefore, enabling reductions in congested traffic & auto accidents/fatalities, crime, unemployment/poverty, water shortages, air pollution etc. Discover how a growing Rural population would ‘necessitate’ Micro-farm expansion and increase organic food production. This obviously, would necessitate hungry citizens & and make America healthy thus, reducing the cost of health care. Consulting ‘The Supreme Wisdom & Knowledge of God’, is also a much needed asset.

DOES GOD LOVE THE WEALTHY MORE THAN THE MIDDLE CLASS?, is highly informative and a fascinating read for All!

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