How’d I Get Here? : Dan Beckmann

How'd I Get Here And Why Am I Stealing M&M's From Air Force One

How’d I Get Here? : Dan Beckmann

How'd I Get Here? : Dan BeckmannHow’d I Get Here And Why Am I Stealing M&M’s From Air Force One

A quirky journalist stumbles his way to the top with the famous and the infamous on the journey of a lifetime.

Dan Beckmann appears to be an average guy living a common life. That is, until he begins to share his extraordinary collection of surprising stories. He finds adventure the way he finds friends-everywhere.

Through his witty, light-hearted, and entertaining tales, he reminds us that the best things in life are free, that extraordinary adventures are always waiting just around the corner – and that it’s never too late to laugh your way to the finish line.

No matter where you are in life – there are people around you who help you step up, step over or step to it. Even if you’ve stepped in it!



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