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Secretsincity : Deray Ogden

Secretsincity : Deray OgdenSecretsincity

What deadly secret is shared by a Holocaust survivor, a street kid and a posh Goth?

A thriller like no other!

Melbourne street dweller and graffitist, BRINEY RUZA, has created a bizarre trackside game of secrets as a bit of cheeky fun for city commuters. But after a near-death train surfing incident, walls, her public canvas, begin using Briney and her art to release the secrets they were built to contain.

One family-related secret leads Briney and her ratbag boyfriend ZAC to Terezín, a small Czech fortress town once a Jewish Ghetto under Nazi control during WWII. Here she hopes to find her mother who deserted her at the age of eight. But first she encounters Ghetto survivor, Evzen Kravitz, a troubled, scruffy old man with little tolerance for today’s youth, who, for his own devious reasons, holds the key to this particular secret.

A chance meeting with a Czech girl, ZOJA, a Goth in that most gothic of cities, Prague, brings Briney’s sexuality into question. Meanwhile, Zac comes under the influence of a group of skinheads. These new relationships turn out to have direct and devastating connections to the traumatic past of the Ghetto, the Nazis, one particular camp ‘policeman’ – a Roma Kapo – and back to present-day Melbourne.

Nowhere are there more secrets than within the walls of Terezín, and Briney is drawn deep into the conspiracies surrounding the Holocaust, her own family and the ongoing corruption and rise of neo-nazism. Not all involved will come out alive.

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Hidden Secrets : Angee Taylor

Hidden Secrets : Angee TaylorHidden Secrets

Rose has been struggling for years to find out about the mysterious illness that’s killing her. She’s decided to end her life after one last trip to the French Quarter…

Her plans go awry when the sexy Caleb Glasson, who carries a dark secret, saunters into her life. She discovers that she’s not what she appears to be, to rest of the world.

The only man that can unlock that secret is dead at Caleb’s hand. The most startling epiphany is that she has latent powers that will emerge in a haunting thrilling story that will answer all of her questions.

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Fire Pool : David E Owen

Fire Pool : David E OwenFire Pool

The Wicca have ruled the land for hundreds of years but find themselves hideously betrayed. The world teeters on the brink of self-destruction – unless they can find a successor to rebuild all that threatens to be lost. One alone stands out, but she is a ten-year-old girl, a witch with no training.

There is no time to search further, so Nesta is called to the final meeting of the Wicca. Protected by a young, failed warrior, Nesta sets out to find the Prophecy Stones with all the vile creatures of the world ranged against her.


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Crossroads And The Himalayan Crystals : C. Toni Graham

Crossroads And The Himalayan Crystals : C. Toni GrahamCrossroads And The Himalayan Crystals

Life will never be the same for four teenagers lost in a magical land. In author C. Toni Graham’s new magical novel, “Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals” a group of teens must come to terms with their new surroundings before they lose everything they hold dear.

In the quiet town of Middlefield, an ordinary day takes a turn for the strange and wondrous when four teenagers are whisked away to The Otherworld – a land in a different dimension. As they try to rationalize what they have stumbled onto – magic, fairies and flying horses – they begin to see that this world is not a fairy tale, but one filled with danger. They must now abide by an evil druid’s bidding or risk endangering the lives of their loved ones and the magical beings they have befriended.

An excerpt from “Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals”:

“Brigara fought back with everything she had, and it ultimately took all three of them to bind her powers. They could feel her energy surround them. The power she possessed was like nothing they had ever encountered. Their restraint spell was holding her securely, compelling her arms to be held tightly behind her back and her ankles to be forcefully bound together. She spit and screamed in their direction. She struggled and thrashed her head wildly, causing her stringy, long dark hair to fall across her flushed sweat-drenched face.”

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Drama Queens with Love Scenes : Kevin Klehr

Drama Queens with Love Scenes : Kevin KlehrDrama Queens with Love Scenes

Close friends Allan and Warwick are dead. They’re not crazy about the idea so to help them deal with this dilemma are Samantha, a blond bombshell from the 1950s, and Guy, an insecure angel.

They are soon drawn into the world of theatre – Afterlife style, with all the bitchiness, back-stabbing and ego usually associated with the mortal world.

Allan also has a secret. He has a romantic crush on his friend, Warwick, but shortly after confiding in his new angel pal, his love interest falls for the cock-sure playwright, Pedro.

Not only does Allan have to win the heart of his companion, he also has to grapple with the faded memory of how he actually died.

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Cassie Scot: Paranormal Detective : Christine Amsden

Cassie Scot: Normal Detective : Christine AmsdenCassie Scott: Paranormal Detective

Cassie Scot is the ungifted daughter of powerful sorcerers, born between worlds but belonging to neither. At 21, all she wants is to find a place for herself, but earning a living as a private investigator in the shadow of her family’s reputation isn’t easy. When she is pulled into a paranormal investigation, and tempted by a powerful and handsome sorcerer, she will have to decide where she truly belongs.

From Publisher’s Weekly:

“In this entertaining series opener, Amsden (The Immortality Virus) introduces readers to the eponymous Cassie, a decidedly mundane member of a magical family. …Readers will enjoy Cassie’s fish-out-of-water struggles as she fights magical threats with little more than experience and bravado.”

Kim Falconer, bestselling author of The Spell of Rosette, Quantum Enchantment Series, had this to say:

“When sorcerers call the shots, what’s a girl without powers to do? Get ready for a ripper of a murder mystery full of romance and intrigue, where magic potions bubble, passions spark and vampires are definitely not your friend. Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective grabs you by the heart and won’t let go until the very last page. Well written, immersive and unputdownable. This is urban fantasy at its best. More please!”

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The Miraculous Millionaire : Prince Ojong

The Miraculous Millionaire : Prince OjongThe Miraculous Millionaire

Until now, no book on personal finance has systematically and completely shown the average or ordinary individual how to get rich quickly without risks.

No book has been written by one of us and from our perspective. Washington or New York mass media elite do not understand the struggle to make ends meet. The Miraculous Millionaire, therefore, is here to fill a large void.


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The Journey Underneath : Carolyn Bennett

The Journey Underneath : Carolyn BennettCoast to Coast Paranormal Investigations – The Journey Underneath

Eight years after her young husband’s death, Leigh MacLeod was finally able to realize her dream of starting her own paranormal investigative team. They set out to investigate some of most haunted locations in Canada and the United States. Coast to Coast was the only team given permission to investigate the notorious Greenhurst Hospital.

Closed for over 20 years no team had been allowed in because of reports of violent entities attacking those brave enough to sneak in after dark. As the team began there biggest investigation yet, they were not prepared for what was waiting for hem in the dark halls of Greenhurst. Uncovering the mysteries of Greenhurst could be dangerous, even fatal for the Coast to Coast Paranormal Investigators.


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Tell Me When It Starts To Hurt : Kelly Fordon

Tell Me When It Starts To Hurt : Kelly FordonTell Me When It Starts To Hurt

Just when you think you’ve got your bearings, Kelly Fordon’s poems tilt the floor.

Across the street, a woman/ sits on the patio with her back/ to the sun. All you can see is the/ round white globe of her skull./ She is having some trouble with/ her insides. If you could speak/ you would ask her about the/ people she swallowed.      — excerpt, “The Great Divide”

In Fordon’s world there is no black and white, only shades of gray across the emotional and moral landscape, as in the prose poem where she addresses “The Monster in the Mirror:”

Well, you are a very small monster. I have to give you that. It’s a big world and I wish I had a little rhinestone suitcase. Then I could carry you around like a miniature poodle.   –excerpt, “The Monster in the Mirror”

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The Lightbearers : Nora M. Garcia

The Lightbearers : Nora M. GarciaThe Lightbearers

The Lightbearers is about an ancient Egyptian King & Queen who have been reincarnating together for the past 3300 years. As Lightbearers, their mission is to be guardians of the human race and I have ascribed the powers of astral projection, psycho-kinesis and telepathy. They were mentored by another Lightbearer – a being from a more advanced civilization.

They must try and influence anyone whose path they cross to become Lightbearers as well and hopefully raise the collective consciousness of the planet. In the 21st century they discover a terrible secret for which they are assassinated and must return to resolve the conflict.

They can determine when they return and their genders, but they cannot predetermine their identities so they have to pick a place a time and a signal by which they can identify each other.  They to meet in 20 years to resolve the conflict.

He will sit under a tree near the computer science building at UCLA singing “Imagine” by John Lennon.  They find each other but not without a hitch.

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