Artful Dodger : Nageeba Davis

Artful Dodger

Artful Dodger : Nageeba Davis

Artful Dodger : Nageeba DavisArtful Dodger

Do you love a hot romance with a twist of mystery on the side?  Welcome to the romantic suspense trilogy featuring the irrepressible, irreverent Maggie Kean! Take one funny, wise-cracking artist, one gorgeous, sexy detective, throw in a grizzly murder, a little amateur sleuthing and you have the makings of a wild, crazy mis-adventure.

Being a teacher and a sculptor is not an easy life to have, but Maggie Kean’s life is about to get much worse. On an otherwise ordinary day, minus the burnt toast and stubbed toe, Maggie heads out the front door and discovers a dead body. Not just any dead body…but Maggie’s neighbor, the very grand, very esteemed, and very rich, Elizabeth Boyer. Suddenly, without any warning, Maggie is thrown into the middle of a murder investigation and becomes the prime suspect.

But if that wasn’t bad enough, the lead detective on the scene, is one mouth-watering gorgeous hunk of man who doesn’t take her protests of innocence too seriously. It’s bad enough that the victim ended up in Maggie’s yard, but Ms. Boyer overlooked her grandchildren as rightful heirs of her estate and left Maggie in charge of her will. It’s the “M” trifecta: Money, Murder and Mayhem all rolled up in one crazy adventurous ride!

And that’s just the beginning. Tossed right dab into the middle of a murder investigation, Maggie takes off to solve the mystery on her own. Now all she has to do is evade the police, clear her name, trap a killer…and deal with one sexy detective who drives her crazy while making her hormones do the happy dance!

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