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Hidden Truths : Mary D. Brooks

Hidden Truths : Mary D. Brooks

Hidden Truths (Intertwined Souls Series: Eva and Zoe Book 3)

In the third book of the Intertwined Souls Series, Hidden Truths continues the journey of two extraordinary women, Eva Muller and Zoe Lambros, from war-torn Europe to Post-War Australia.

It’s 1950 and Eva and Zoe have settled in Australia, but events from their homelands beckon them back to Greece and Germany. Along the way, they are reunited with family and friends and are forced to contend with their own haunted memories and unexpected revelations that tests their courage, strength, and faith.

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The Perfect Pro Football Coach : Robert DeLuca

The Perfect Pro Football Coach : Robert DeLuca

The Perfect Pro Football Coach

Who is the best National Football League head coach ever? Most football fans have an opinion, but we settle the matter once and for all. We have come up with the profile of the “perfect” coach by ranking and analyzing every one of the 275 NFL head coaches over the past 50 years. Setting personalities aside, we use our “CASHtm” evaluation system to break down on-the-field performance of every coach and measure him against his peers to reveal the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can find your favorite guy on our list, which just might surprise you.

There is no person in an NFL franchise that is more important than the head coach and yet, mostly because head strong owners fail to do their homework on new hires, the failure rate is very high. Quick, shoot-from-the hip decisions to fire are made without much forethought about just who or what may be available as a replacement.

By identifying both what the best of the best-and also the worst of the worst brought to the table, owners, general managers, and fans can use history as a guide when it is time for a new man to prowl the sidelines for their favorite teams. Who are you going to get as your next head coach?

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Francette and the Mystery of the Deaf Soldier : Karine Bregeon

Francette and the Mystery of the Deaf Soldier : Karine Bregeon

Francette and the Mystery of the Deaf Soldier

Francette is the story of a young Parisian girl who travels to Normandy to spend the summer break at her grandparents’ farmhouse.

She is impatient to reunite with Anatole, her childhood friend, with whom she always has tons of fun. But when she arrives in the peaceful provincial town of Sainte-Mere, she discovers that the church bells are keeping the villagers awake at night. People even start to spread rumors about the ghost of a World War II American paratrooper. Francette and Anatole decide to investigate…could it be true? And what would his motive be?

It will be up to Francette and Anatole to solve the mystery!

Francette and the Mystery of the Deaf Soldier is an excellent book for parents or teachers wanting to introduce the D-Day landings and American intervention in WWII to a younger audience. The Overlord operation is presented in a non-scary and educational way so children can discover a major event in US History.


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Whispering Quail and the Lost Ankh Ring : C. M. Olney

Whispering Quail and the Lost Ankh Ring : C. M. Olney

Whispering Quail and the Lost Ankh Ring

“Whispering Quail and the Lost Ankh Ring” is C.M. Olney’s first novel about the mystical and magical world of Whispering Quail.

Peter Faris, a very bitter and lonely man is taught the act of kindness and humility with the help of a few odd and unusual creatures. One day, Peter’s dilapidated home is robbed and a special ring that once belonged to his deceased wife, Isabelle, had been taken. He sets out to find the perpetrator and along the way makes new discoveries that will dramatically change his life.

A young boy by the name of Alfie Alcott hears a strange voice in his head that compels him. His friends help him to follow the voice’s clues to a magical adventure. Through a little mysticism and mayhem, they travel back in time through spinning vortex’s and land in another realm where time stands still.

Their journey is thwarted by an evil gypsy witch named Wisteria Whortleberry, and a conniving thief by the name of Cornelius Banning that both have the same goal in mind, to find the Ankh ring and control the world.

All these mysterious stories intertwine into one, leaving you curious about the ending. This book is full of fun and mystical magic you’re sure to enjoy.

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One On One : Philip Spires

One On One : Philip Spires

One On One

In her trademark series, One-On-One, Christine Gardner, freelance journalist and television presenter, puts powerful people into the limelight. Her latest subject is Salleh Abdullah, once known as Trevor Cartwright, a British expatriate mathematician and convert to Islam.

He has amassed a fortune and now international notoriety via his deft trading on financial markets using methods that thus far have defied all analysis. In just two years his fortune in equities has grown so great that his holdings in multinational companies are causing concern. He is now acknowledged as the richest man in the world, but remains, in some eyes, a loose canon, an unguided missile.

To date, he has resisted all contact with the media, but Christine and he share a past, a past that both of them keenly recall. Their shared past was both physical and continuing, but they have not met for four decades. Will sparks fly when they meet? Cartwright finds her request to record episodes of One-On-One impossible to refuse. This will be Salleh Abdullah’s first media exposure.

But who is Christine working for? Is she freelance? Or does she appear in someone else’s script? Perhaps her husband, Anthony Green, who watches his wife’s encounter with Salleh Abdullah from his office desk, can answer. Set on a private island in the South China Sea where Cartwright regularly retires to work, One-On-One follows the progress of Christine Gardiner’s project as allegiances begin to shift.


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Adalyn’s Clare : Kari Dunn Buron

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Adalyn’s Clare

Adalyn’s Clare is the story of a fourth grader named Adalyn who is highly anxious and in need of some help. Clare is Adalyn’s therapy dog, brought in to school by a caring teacher in the hopes of helping Adalyn to relax and find some friends. The story alternates between the perspectives of Adalyn and Clare, and as the story evolves, the reader discovers more about why each character thinks and behaves the way she does.

Adalyn is a brilliant student who loves science and animals, but often feels awkward and uneasy around her classmates. Adalyn is coping with too many “worries” and so sometimes makes some pretty big mistakes. The reader soon finds out that not only are other children confused by Adalyn, but many of the adults also have difficulty understanding why Adalyn does the things she does.

Clare is just a puppy and a little overwhelmed by her great responsibility. Luckily she is able to seek help from some endearing, smart, and intuitive animals in the science room who advise her to find Adalyn a “pack” of her own. Clare knows about packs and how being with a pack can make life easier and safer, so she sets out to find Adalyn a pack of friends she can truly relate to.

Adalyn’s Clare is an excellent book for teachers and parents wanting to discuss topics such as social and behavioral differences; bullying; maintaining self-control; the importance of friendships; understanding other people’s perspectives; and how to understand challenges of social anxiety in this age of “zero tolerance”. The book is easily read by children in grades three through six and can also be used as a Read Aloud chapter book in classrooms where teachers want to have a guided discussion of issues raised in the story.

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I Am A Giant : Dom Conlon

I Am A Giant : Dom Conlon

I Am A Giant

When Tiny tries to measure his shadow he finds that no matter how fast he runs, he is unable to reach the end. “I AM A GIANT!” he says. But when he goes to tell the world, nobody believes him.

Follow Tiny in this beautifully illustrated story of discovery and self-belief.



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Aunt Phil’s Trunk : Laurel Downing Bill

Aunt Phil's Trunk : Laurel Downing Bill

Aunt Phil’s Trunk – Volume Four

Did you know that the Japanese bombed and occupied two islands in Alaska during World War II? Or that the U.S. Air Force song was written by a pilot from Alaska?

These and many more entertaining nonfiction short stories of Alaska’s colorful past can be found in the Alaska series titled Aunt Phil’s Trunk. Along with the easy-to-read stories, each book in the series is filled with more than 300 historical photographs.

Readers from around the world are saying Aunt Phil’s Trunk is a “must have” for anyone interested in the Last Frontier.



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The Mitosis Hegemony : Arthur van Kaseman

The Mitosis Hegemony

The Mitosis Hegemony – TechnoPolitics in the 21st Century

A mysterious radio signal is intercepted at an Arizona USAF radar base that sets off SAC and US Space Command alarms, resulting in a Pentagon-ordered mission to the moon for a look-see.

At the same time, a Mexican astronomical observatory makes First Contact with an alien entity via its radio telescope and issues a press release! What follows is a magic carpet ride to the moon and back which changes the human race forever. Since the book is a mystery, nothing further can be revealed.



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