Invisiboy : Elizabeth Hartley
Thursday 1st March started off much like any other day with no reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary would happen. In fact, Thursday’s were 12 year old Archie’s favourite as there was a double games period in the afternoon which often meant playing cricket, rugby or his beloved soccer.
As he sat on the bus that morning chattering to best friends, Daniel and Jack, and munching on his toast, he could never have imagined that today was going to be the day when his life changed forever. Today was also going to be a life changer for Mr. Leak the science teacher. He had no classes on Thursday afternoons from 2.00pm onwards which left him lots of time, undisturbed to devote to his newest project. And this most recent project was exciting, very exciting indeed.
He had toiled long hours testing and retesting his calculations and theories. He was convinced that finally he was close, very, very close to the breakthrough that would mark the pinnacle of his career. Today was going to be the day that his life changed forever. Of that he was certain. How right he was.
For to Mr. Leak’s dismay, Thursday the 1st of March was the day that his and Archie’s paths would unexpectedly cross, with unimaginable consequences which would send the 12 year old boy on an exciting, scary and at times extremely amusing adventure.
Redemption : Andi O’Connor
Huddled in the shadows, Jae watches while one of the Mé’Draak brands his cellmate as a slave before viciously dragging him from the room.
Feeling the weight of the metal collar around his neck, Jae is left alone to contemplate his own fate. Will the afternoon session finally Break him? Will it kill him?
Or will he end up like the boy, a helpless pawn neither living nor dead?
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Lost Journals of Black Gold : Samantha Perkins
Lost Journals of Black Gold : Shadow Reign Chronicles Vol. 1
I have never been out of the country on assignment. This is my chance to prove myself. How far will one journalist go to discover the truth? Find out in the enthralling new novel Lost Journals of Black Gold: Shadow Reign Chronicles Volume One. Aisha Benson has always followed her heart. Her relationship with her boyfriend, biochemistry professor Majid Khan, is evidence of this.
While both were raised in Muslim households, Aisha’s experience growing up as an African-American differed from Majid’s Bengali-American upbringing. Yet they have managed to find both love and success since first meeting on Yale’s campus.
But when Aisha is assigned a temporary relocation to Kolkata, West Bengal, India, for a story, love will have to take a temporary backseat.
Aisha learns that years before, an American journalist was sent to the small Kolkata district of Sonagachi. Looking eerily similar to Aisha herself, this missing journalist was never heard from again.
New evidence emerges indicating that the missing woman may in fact still be alive, and Aisha embarks on an international journey to track down the truth once and for all.
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Unearthly Tales From Space : John Sparks
Unearthly Tales From Space
“To: Authorized Personnel Only
Location: National Aeronautics Research Consortium (N.A.R.C.) Labs
From: Doctor Robert J. Guttenberg, N.A.R.C. Director
Attention, all personnel: Your help is desperately needed in relaying this message to anyone who will listen. One week ago, N.A.R.C. labs received an unearthly signal, emanating from the far side of the moon. The renowned Harvard graduate Dr. Sing Ann Howell can barely hold our computer together. Effective immediately, by Presidential order, a 24-hour work rotation is in effect. Project Blue Star, America’s nuclear rocket, is being pulled from its ashes. Pilot training will be provided by Captain Tom Dangerfield in an effort to beat the Soviet response. Time is of the essence. …”
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Black Bear Lake : Leslie Liautaud
The young adult years can be filled with an overwhelming amount of conflicting emotions: isolation and pain while separating from parents, the discovery of intense, searing and sometimes unrequited love, all along side the seemingly endless view that anything dreamed is possible. These universal teenage sentiments that inevitably, for better or worse, stay with us through the entire course of our adult lives, are captured in Black Bear Lake.
Adam Craig, a forty year-old stock trader in Chicago, finds his marriage teetering on the rocks and his life at a standstill. Taking the advice of a therapist, Adam travels to his childhood family compound on Black Bear Lake with hopes of reconciling with his past. Stepping onto the northern Wisconsin property, he relives the painful memories of the summer of 1983, his last summer at the lake.
Fifteen year-old Adam carries a world of worry on his shoulders as he arrives at Black bear lake for a month long family reunion. Between his mother’s declining health, as she quietly battles quickly spreading Cancer, and his cherished cousin’s depression over her parent’s bitter divorce, Adam is swept up in smothering familial love and heartbreaking adult betrayal. The arrival of a sensual but troublesome babysitter throws the delicate balance of his family into a tailspin. Wedged in the middle of it all, Adam is forced to learn that there’s a fine line between self-preservation and doing what’s right, all the while unaware of the impending tragedy that will ultimately change his life forever.
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Sugar Man’s Daughter : Lucy Crowe
Sugar Man’s Daughter
Nicola writes letters to her dead father. She makes her home lakeside in an ancient house where all the candles in the world can’t push back the night. Her father remains as brilliant and violent in death as he was in life.
Running from a possessive ex-fiancé and in denial over an untimely miscarriage, Nicola is discovering that the people closest to her are also those who wield the most damaging weapons. John Santangelo may be using her as a means to an end even while he is falling in love with her, and trust is a moot point with her new acquaintance, the little half-witch child, Benny Jones.
‘Sugar Man’s Daughter’ is a literary work that offers an unabashed exploration of blind love’s aftermath, exposing the darker side of human nature even while celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit.
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Nobility : Eva Caye
The future Emperor takes responsibility for his authority!
Prince Matthieu Sinclair, the Heir Second, has many duties; he must not only take space duty in the Service, he also establishes the Imperial Protocol Academy to educate the multitude of Imperial youngsters in the basics of their lifestyle, since he will be the Emperor of their generation. Yet to find a lady who could withstand the pressures of being his Empress is a formidable task!
When he returns from an undercover assignment to find disaster, Matthieu subsumes his needs to minimize the stress on his family, for they are more important than anything else. Yet when a diplomatic mission goes wrong and his strongest role model dies, who will help him cope with the tragedy?
Book length: approximately 200,000 words
This science fiction romance is the seventh book of the eight-part To Be Sinclair series. The saga continues with NOBILITY and ends with MORALITY, which detail the romances and political struggles of the future Emperor and the power behind the throne. Several scenes describe sexually explicit behavior.
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The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You : Susanna Eun
The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You
A compelling question-and-answer format book designed to guide anyone to attaining the God/Christ/Buddha Consciousness in a short period of time.
By following the guidelines suggested in the book, readers will manifest their highest version of Self and embark on a fuller, deeper and ultimately happier life. Released in early March, the book is poised to resonate with readers around the world.
The major tenet of the book is: “It’s time for us to evolve into higher beings.” By delving into the question—Who and What are You, the book explores why we humans have been locked up in the world of limitations and confusions for millennia; and how we were led to believe our identities are only made up of our physical bodies, frail minds, and other personal information.
Unlike other spiritual literature that talks about overcoming ego-self or unconditional love without specific guidelines to follow, this book offers concrete steps to transcend the current belief systems, to discover the divine essence within, and to be re-born with a new sense of identity that is eternal, omniscient, and omnipresent.
Original teachings of Buddha and Jesus that emphasize the sacredness of each individual are interwoven throughout the book; the ways to be freed from all man-made dogmas, rules, and regulations are fully explained.
The authors claim that unless our true identities are discovered, experienced, and lived fully right here and now, love and compassion are just words in the world of illusion, while pain and suffering can never be lessened in our realities.
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Time Trap : Richard Smith
Time Trap
Who was the mysterious Hector Lightfoot? What was he up to when he disappeared, and who were the two ghosts once seen in his house? School friends Jamie and Todd are destined to find out when they go to London to spend a weekend with Jamie’s Uncle Simon, who now lives in that very house. Soon after they arrive, Jamie has a frightening encounter with the two ghosts.
Hector, a veteran from the First Afghan War, joined a covert expedition to China, and afterwards worked on a secret Government project in an underground lab at the British Museum. He vanished suddenly, and was never heard from again.
Simon takes the boys to the lab, where they find a strange contraption – which, unknown to any of them, is a time-travel device. When the building is struck by lightning, the device is energised, and sends the boys back in time to the year 1862. There, surrounded by danger and exposed to disease, they are sucked into a life of crime in order to survive.
Only if they can find Hector will they have any chance of getting home again, but he’s gone into hiding. As Jamie and Todd struggle to find him, Jamie becomes convinced that the two ghosts he saw earlier are following them…

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The Buck Pass : T.R. Whittier
The Buck Pass
When an ordinary dollar bill passes through the hands of six strangers, the life of each one takes an extraordinary turn. The psychologically-impoverished heiress, the homeless housewife, the closed-minded artist, the car-hating cab driver, the down-to-earth rising star, and the paternally-challenged stay-at-home dad have nothing in common other than the fact that they are miserable. Their lives are filled with problems, but their heads are void of solutions. It is only after coming in contact with a certain piece of enigmatic currency that they find their way to happiness.
Inspired by the etymology of the phrase “buck passing,” which recounts that an object (known as a “buck”) was passed during early poker games as a means of indicating which player’s turn it was to deal the cards, The Buck Pass is the story of a single dollar bill that acts as an agent of chance and change. Rather than deal the cards, however, the protagonists of The Buck Pass find themselves encouraged to deal inadvertently with their problems – to follow their hearts, leave their mark, and, like the dollar, move on. The Buck Pass – it doesn’t stop here.
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