Achilles : Byrne Fone

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Achilles : Byrne Fone

Achilles : Byrne FoneThe Trojan war–the legendary battle. Achilles–the most fearsome warrior, hero of the Trojan war, and the most beautiful man in the world. Patroclus–handsome and heroic. They loved one another. Antilochus–who comes to the battlefield of Troy to find Achilles, the man he has always loved.

When the tragic death of Patroclus leaves Achilles shattered and alone, it is Antilochus who stands at his side, as friend, companion in battle, and lover.

Achilles: A Love Story, written in the tradition of Mary Renault’s The Persian Boy and Fire from Heaven, is the first modern novel (2010) to re-imagine the “Iliad” as not only a tale of battles and heroism, but as a passionate story of love between men.

Achilles: A Love Story creates the passionate tale of Antilochus and Achilles as it plays out against the legendary battles of the Trojan war in an exciting and moving story told by no other writer.

Utopia Falls and American Revolution: A Gay Novel by Byrne Fone are also on Whizbuzz Books.

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